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Everything posted by AlphaShard

  1. That's just cruel. Sure, the music was great and there were a few neat ideas in the world background, but nobody should be pushed into such a terrible ruleset against their will. I think it's more he just didn't have the time to play the game, I don't think he'd put that in the goals if he didn't already want to play it.
  2. I thought they answered this already, that they would be in some quests nothing major but that they were more added in for flavor or scenery additions. They will be great fillers for the Big Cities I am sure.
  3. I upped my pledge from 5 to 50, my wife is probably going to kill me but I think it's worth it.
  4. Now that we don't have Raise Dead/Resurrection and limited healing looks like I'll be "save scumming" a lot, all over the place and all of the time.
  5. One day I dream of a game that holds all if the lands in Faerun so no I don't think it can possibly be too big. Ever.
  6. I think it is too early to have a set date and they just gave a rough estimate. If they need more time they can and will take it.
  7. I like how non chalant he was about how so view necromancy. "Please don't do it or I will have to murder you "
  8. Yep, some minor spelling differences make Brit English and American English differ in a lot of ways....and when I say different in a lot of ways, I mean not that much of a different at all. Phrases, how we say things, different cultural experiences, there's quite a difference. Yeah but for the most part I understood British TV shows and books and anything I didn't know I figured out quick enough.
  9. Well if Update 24 is anything to go by looks like the OP is getting what he wants. Healing will NOT be easy so no spaming potions (healing anyways).
  10. Speaking as a new comer to the TES I was not lost playing Skyrim, I gladly dove into the story not knowing any of the background and was not lost. Please don't speak for those you don't know about, I had no trouble figuring out what everything was. I feel that PE is made for those that love Lore and "jargon".
  11. Yeah it should be more meaningful, I remember in BG I used the Stealing/fence exploit money became meaningless very quickly.
  12. But you could get a full party in BG1 by the time you get to friendly arm in. You get Imoen as soon as you start, xan and montranon on the road and then Jaheria and Khalid at the inn your told to go to. It really doesn't take long. You have two thieves a healer two fighters and a Mage.
  13. Well I figure with the Adventure Hall and being able to create characters there, that there would be a way to change portraits in game. I thought BG2 and IWD 2 had this feature.
  14. If it's on it's side it probably will roll.
  15. An Hour glass has two "heads" the sand flows from one to the other when it's standing up, as opposed to on it's side. What doesn't make sense about that?
  16. Yeah save points like in Final Fantasy games can still be too far away for when RL demands your attention RIGHT NOW and not a minute later. The save points would be in the middle or right before a boss battle allowing someone to save scum anyways.
  17. I believe the developers indicated that they were going to use non combat solutions like stealth to encounters.
  18. Wasn't the final battle with Amelissan a multiple part battle that you couldn't rest but could save between each part? I remember that being very challenging.
  19. When I think of warrior monks, I think of something more along the lines of: They look like crazed hobos that happened on some weapons from dead warriors. and Flagellant? The fancy word used for Farts?
  20. Why would a spiritual monk care about his appearance? As for the first two Monk art I am glad Obsidian is going with the Monk they have, the first two look very over the top.
  21. You get to use ships in Dragon Warrior and Final Fantasy games. Also Suikoden Iv and V.
  22. Why do people want to do this? I agree that you should have been able to clear enemy camps but what's the point of killing NPCS that you can get stuff and quests from? It just seems counterproductive. I'm not saying people shouldn't do it I just want to know why they do.
  23. What I'd like to know if she will be able to use other weapons besides the musket rifle there. I'll probably put her in sword in shield if not dual wielding weapons. Or maybe a great two handed sword.
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