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Everything posted by AlphaShard

  1. Well I hated Fables aging mechanic that made you an Old man just a few hours into the game.
  2. I really don't want to see a fully plate mail dude flinging light bolts across the battle field. This is not supposed to be like Fable. I liked that wizards had some restrictive things it brought balance and kept them from being op. If a wizard can wear full plate and wield a sword then what's the point of a fighter?
  3. Preach it. I'm unspeakably tired of being Jesus, and it's the one and only thing that I would single out as the plague what to be avoided like. I definitely didn't feel Iike Jesus when in BG being a Bhaalspawn.
  4. I don't know that I like this idea of mocking cliches, it for starters feels like going to a place of hostility and not fun. It also feels like breaking the 4th wall of they say made fun of people who use swords. I don't understand the hate for swords, they are real weapons used quite efficiently. I mean I want humors but I want that sort of thig organic to the world like if two characters nag on each about something. I swear some of the threads here feel like they are draining the fun out of this game. And it's barely even begun to be made.
  5. I agree I didn't like how common and generic magic items felt in IWD2 by the end I had a huge collection of Keen Exploding +5 longs swords. It made the game feel cheap compared to the rich history in BG games.
  6. I agree with this I remember in BG2 one of the forest areas you unlock in chapter 6 had nothing in it. Which was a waste of time for all concerned. I'd like something to be there whether its quest hooks, a scripted encounter (ie the BG1 Thayain wizards out in the middle of no where.) I just want to do something not just look at pretty landscape. I think Skyrim did have a good balance of explorations getting to finding and having things to do.
  7. So no one likes the idea of a Generational story where the sequel or expansion your child could be you or an NPC? I liked how Phantasy Star III had a story that literaly went down the generation of a family.
  8. I would think a game like this would be good therapy to face and destroy your fear.
  9. We should restrict ourselves to the way we want to play the game. The Game Devs shouldn't have to babysit or "police" abuses. If someone wants to abuse and break there game that's there prerogative.
  10. I like the idea of this character he seems all about the Role and not the "OMG how much DPS does he do!?". Thank you Obsidian.
  11. How much did it cost to make the BG, IWD and PS:t games ? I think that is the budget we need to compare.
  12. She looks downright pretty in the wallpaper shooting zombies. Opinions I guess. Yeah the concept art still has her in a feminine stance she still seems curvy. I also don't see how you don't see the female face there. Heck her breast plate still looks like its giving room for the presence of breast. She looks like all woman to me.
  13. You do realize that having a female queen once in a while has nothing to do with having a female dominated society? I was making a joke but fine: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazons
  14. No. They could certainly have a city (or tribal village), especially one populated by non-humans, in which females fulfill certain administrative roles. An advanced human matriarchal society would be ridiculous. This hasn't happened once in the history of mankind and there's pretty obvious reasons for that. I am so done Queen Victoria is not amused.
  15. I think we could have different ways to organize the miscellaneous notes, keys and odd objects. You don't have to have a tab that says quest items. You could have a section for notes you find a key section and a misc tab for non useable items. But then I like bags of holding.
  16. Well I think we're off to a good start with Cadegund and Sagani in that they look like realistic women and not oversexulaised.
  17. We're already getting two big cities full of NPCs, quests, lore, etc. This will be an OPTIONAL dungeon.
  18. Really? The game isn't even made yet.
  19. Notes could be put into scroll cases.
  20. So you could buy the cloth map if you wanted to?
  21. I don't know. I personally want a dungeon. No communities. Just old-good dungeon. With intricate puzzles, traps and monsters. Yeah we have the whole rest of the game to be filled with communites, npcs, quests and stories. This place sounds like it's a hack-slash dungeon, though I would like riddles/puzzles that would be great from the sound of Od Nua he probably did have puzzles and traps left behind.
  22. Yes and I wanted to join with another character in that SAME town who wanted to clean out the Thieves Guild but no, no such option exists. What if I wanted to play a Paladin like character that could take up the cause to clean out the town? Denied because someone rather play as Sith. *rolls eyes* At least you can kill the Dark Brotherhood and speaking of which... Wouldn't that stop the entire Dark Brotherhood questline? I agree we should have freedom of choice, there just should be actual consequences if we empty out a town full of people is all. I took great pleasure in killing Commander Maro for being such a crappy person. I just wish that Cicero wasn't unkillable except for that one moment you get but only if you do the Dark Brotherhood questline.
  23. I think Obsidian will make sure that kind of thing doesn't happen. Then again we did have Neeber.
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