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Everything posted by AlphaShard

  1. Don't remember the last time a game released bug free, it's not a "this company" thing, but just how things nowadays are in general. Bug free is a bit different from not releasing a game which will be unplayable for some players and knowing it. Good one them for taking my money and ruining 2 days at least. Ye and don't expect me 2 actually bother 2 argue with funboys. Also nice 2 know major bugs a now apparently normal. Awful Your argument would hold more water if your grammar was better. It's ironic that you are complaining about a game company's quality control and you can't be bothered to make a legible post.
  2. I've been looking for Aloth myself, does that mean maybe he got killed on the ship?
  3. The sound levels could use some improvement, at least when the companions like Eder are talking it's a little to low.
  4. Well this game is going to be my personal Game of the Year, I love what they've done and I'm only a couple hours in!
  5. I was trying to exit the Port town of Maje, when the game crashed and a pop up advised me to send the crash report to Obsidian. I'm not sure if this is the right way to send it to them. I had Eder and Xoti in the party with me, for some reason her portrait was also off screen. I've attached a zip file of the crash report and a dxdiag file as well. 2018-05-08_181346.zip
  6. Nice to see someone is l33t I guess, I lost count of how many times my main rogue died. They are fragile those rogues, can't take a hit at all even with plate mail on.
  7. The Coles own the world that Quest for Glory takes place in, including the characters therein. They just can't make a Quest for Glory game itself because they don't own the IP. That's ****ed up, like Margret Wiess and Tracy Hickman own Soth but they can't write about him in Kyrnn.
  8. You mean Obsidian did research and used information about culture accurately? Respect for Obsidian +1
  9. I think if you look at it the way it happens in Faerun, you can be a follower of a Deity but still do a favor for another god. Like being a follower of Tyr but doing a mission for Torm or Helm. Since there was this conspiracy to take down Eothas to begin with it doesn't surprise me that the God of Death makes sure that Eothas will return to the Cycle no matter who you worship or if you worship at all. The fact that they were made by an ancient race is largely irrelevant now. Course there may come an option where you don't fight Eothas, we just don't know yet. As an aside I do find some grim satisfaction as I had roleplayed my Paladin character as a champion of Berath without knowing this little twist to the story. I did notice that when you go to create a priest character there are certain deities you cannot select. I think each of them had a hand in bringing down Eothas but only one controls Death and so you become indebted to Berath to do this. That doesn't mean you won't be able to go back on this promise.
  10. I think it probably is placeholder animations for the beta. There were certainly some in there. I haven't seen the spell used on Cohh's stream, but I did see a lightning strike from weather that was very nice and I'm hopeful that it'll be the same animation as Relentless/Returning Storm. I thought Relentless storm looked better as the crackling energy would show you the field of affect.
  11. Yeah I got the email about the beta version, I'm wanting to play the final version myself. I saw they had the wallpaper collection, kind of surprised to see Mordavia there, I didn't think they were going to be allowed to use QFG places.
  12. It's implied that Cosmo watches the ship for you while your onshore doing dungeon stuff. Yea maby a ship pet (that only walks around the ship) abit more intresting..but donĀ“t think i will be that mutch on the ship =D Stinky Pete is the ship's pet.
  13. I live in south Florida and currently we're having a development boom, which means that a bunch of liberals are going to develop the area and displace the indigents. Also every company seems very keen on paying way less than the national average. My advice for rednecks is: Hold on to your guns and be ready to use them if someone wants to "develop" your county. I live in sarasota, I heard there will be more jobs because of the tech companies. Not for you and definitely not high paying jobs, why waste money on an entrance level job that could be easily outsourced to a 3d world country. The irony of it all is that ultimately they end up going with freelancers based on the States because they speak the language (shorter development times) and can do the job. Still, get ready for your home to rise up in price because its on a desirable location and some rich **** needs a tenth home. Honestly, I don't think it's going to hit you guys since most of the development centers around south florida, you might see me and a bunch of other hispanics soon if things keep going the way they are down here. What the **** are you talking about? I'm in south Florida and I'm having the most stable tech job I've had in years. South Florida has been backwards and behind the rest of the country for way too long now. It's about time we catch up.
  14. I loved the Suikoden series, yes collecting the 108 stars requires a guide alright. Unlike many of JRPGs out there the World of Suikoden is a lot more full and complex. Usually you have a hand full of cities in the entire map ala most Final Fantasy games. In Suikoden you have many nations full of cities. Each game taking place in a different place, and time progresses between the first 3 games. So a child in the 1st game is an adult in the 3rd. Good and Evil is replaced with Order versus Chaos, and war that conflict brings. Suikoden II is awesome, I liked 3 and 5 game of that series as well. I'd also like to add Shadow Hearts because it had a unique combat system using ring timing attacks. I also think Trails in the Sky was also an awesome JRPG as well.
  15. When they put Final Unity up I'll be sure to buy that one.
  16. I knew of the Black Gyser and Pathfinder games but not the rest, thanks for making this list! I think while Bard's Tale IV is a first person perspective it still has that same spirit of exploration that these other games have.
  17. Here is my ever so humble steam library collection of 251 games. This doesn't include the games I have on GoG. Some of these were presents from others, some were free, some were part of bundles, and some were just impulse buys.
  18. Speaking of unique weapons I hope if we get soul bound ones they are earlier in the game and not near the end when you don't need them or already have other weapons. It would feel more satisfying plot wise to have had a weapon travel with you from near the beginning of the game than getting what feels like an after thought or foot note weapon. By the time I got Ydwin's redeemer I already had the The Flames of Fair Rhian and the sword of Endless paths. Since a soul bound weapon needs to be built up it would be easier to do near the beginning. There wasn't much game left to level the Ydwin's redeemer or other soul bound weapons in the White Marsh. Poor Maneha was stuck in a quest because I literally had nothing left to do other than jump down the Sun in Shadow pit.
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