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Everything posted by AlphaShard

  1. I agree a detailed journal will be nice to keep track of stuff.
  2. Or gold and Gems... and weapons.. .lots of Weapons.
  3. You may have missed there a lot if you thought it's out of nowhere. You may want to read this sometime http://lparchive.org...ld-Republic-II/ It's an LP that summarizes pretty well, why some people (like me) like KOTOR 2 so much and have a deep respect for it. It's also an amazing/funny read anyway. I just read the wiki page on her and my opinion is the same. The force is NOT a sentient creature we are people with choices and she choose to use the force to manipulate, kill and grab power in an attempt to shape the universe the way SHE thought was right. It's really not much better then the Sith. I don't want to derail the thread suffice to say I like the BG characters better then the KOTOR ones. Some of them probably could have done with some "let's think outside our narrow box here" kind of thinking (Ie Kheldorn)
  4. Please leave those in the FF games that birthed them. If I wanted to play a card game, I will go play a card game.
  5. I think KOTOR 2's companion strength is mostly due to Kreia, who's more nuanced than the companions of BG. Minsc is endearing and memorable, but not the deepest of characters. For me, I think KOTOR 2 suffered from being a sequel, as I remember the characters from KOTOR much better than those of KOTOR 2. Personally, I find Planescape: Torment's characters to be the most memorable, and the interactions with them to be the example I hope PE follows. For example, the revelation that came from fully unlocking Dak'kon's Unbroken Circle of Zerthimon was mind blowing. I didn't like Kreia, especially when she betrays me out of no where. I just found it obnoxious I guess. I haven't played Planescape Torment though I keep hearing it's good. I guess its different for everyone, you like who you can relate to, I'm one of the few that actually likes Aerie and gets annoyed with Jaheria and Viconia.
  6. this sounds like there will be nothing like charisma.. how so? just a bad gut feeling ... Fallout has always had charisma so if they are modeling it like that I think Charisma would play a BIGGER role then it did in the IE games. Charisma could be overshadowed by your Alignment in the IE games, not that way in the FO games.
  7. Oh, wait, but the companion interaction was superior in PS:T compared to BG... :sweat: Yeah, this, I don't know about modded versions, but the original Baldur's Gate games, while having pretty decent companion interaction, can't compare to the level of detail we got in Torment (that Dak'kon's wisdom-based quest...), heck, Mask of the Betrayer, KOTOR2 and New Vegas did it better too! Can you get into detail about this, Josh? KOTOR2 better then Baldur's Gate? Really? I politely disagree, the BG companions are far more memorable for me then the KOTOR2 ones.
  8. dude he doesn't even do it. but knowing it is there ruins his experience. There are much worse things that people do like spending hours re Rolling and min maxing their character stats. Life is too short to worry about what others are doing with their games. And he still hasn't given an example of what feature of the game has been ruined due to "save scumming". I didn't even know that term until this thread. I thought it was just normal to want MANY saves as possible. Save often and frequently was the Sierra motto you could die at any time.
  9. With less then 3k left to go I'll just call it and say yay we got the pally and chanters.
  10. I liked that we had a variety of race in the NPCs at least in BG games.
  11. There were many halflings namely the rest of jan family, his girl and the halting she married. Then there were a number of halfling NPCs around a few that fight you. The copper coronet and the five flagons inn had many dwarves and halflings. I think the dive flagons was owned by a halfling. As for elves it is hard to say but I don't think all the cowled wizards were human and I'm sure there were some elves around.
  12. Only that he is too weak willed to resist save scum mind.
  13. Well here's to hoping we can hit 3.5
  14. If there was a spell in every spell level that completely outclassed their peers, would you believe its a good design decision to expect players to not make use of that resource? After all, the problem would 'literally go away' if you just don't 'abuse' the system (a word that I don't like to use in these cases, but I fail to avoid anyway). Some do, some don't. Not EVERYONE does Save Scumming.
  15. Only for those players who couldn't control themselves. The choice to not exploit bad design doesn't make it any better. can you give a few examples of game mechanics, ideas or even classes that lost their value in the IE games because save scumming was allowed that can't be ignored by simply not save scumming? As of page 12 I have yet to see a single example. I don't understand the point of the last part of your question. The poster I was responding to seemingly agreed that, if a player abused save scumming, a number of mechanics lose their meaning (and I already discussed this with you, character death is one of the single largest mechanic that loses meaning - other examples are most everything based on randomness, such as healing touches, wizard spell learning and the wild mage kit from BG2 ToB, and so on). Building up on that, I stated that, just because we can pretend that the unbalance isn't there, it doesn't make it go away. And I highly doubt most of us did even that. You can lower difficulty to learn all spells at 100% and max HP rolls.
  16. My weapon has no effect? Maybe I need BIGGER sword?
  17. I miss the days of having eight in the SSI games.
  18. I wonder if people consider Odo from DS9 to be Lawful Good or Lawful Neutral?
  19. I remember when Yuffie stole my materia I wanted her dead. When I inevitably got her back I refused to use her in any battle.
  20. No, i am talking about someone who didn't plan ahead before arriving to the boss fight, and needing to reload just before the fight ten times until he dodge all the fireballs/save all the save-or-dies etc. And, again, it's not about 'caring what someone else does'. It's that i know myself, and i know that if i get to a boss fight not prepared enough, odds are i won't say "i'll come back later", i'll say "i'll try again and again until i do it". Which is destroying half the design of a non-linear game where one of the biggest thing is forcing the player to realize "welp, i can't do this right now, better come back later". See and that is NOT me, if I die a few times to that boss i WILL leave and come back later. I would just rather it NOT be like WOW and re-fight a five hour dungeon just to fight the boss.
  21. When a cheatcode is part of the basic UI and showed as a normal feature of the game, yes, it influence all of the game, as well as ingluence the balance mechanics of the game, and possibly even the contents of the quests. that's bad game design then. design the game to be played normally without the cheatcode ui and nobody is bothered. both starcraft and warcraft series have included very easy to use cheat codes but neither is designed expecting you to cheat. I just remembered in BG you could use Ctrl+K with cheats enabled from the console to kill everything in the game. That's more game breaking and experience ruining then Save Scumming, no one complains about though.
  22. When a cheatcode is part of the basic UI and showed as a normal feature of the game, yes, it influence all of the game, as well as ingluence the balance mechanics of the game, and possibly even the contents of the quests. Only it's not a cheat code, in fact in BG I remember them adding that random monsters would spawn near by if you reloaded in an outside/dungeon location. You can use Motherlode in the Sims all day long but in the end EA didn't make you enter in the code, the choice is yours and yours alone. Same with saving and reloading.
  23. Raise dead is not cheesy, someone has to drag the body to the temple with all the gear he or she can no longer carry. Then you have to have the money for the service and in BG1 I didn't always have the money. I remember they used to give you a hit to Con for doing this as well. I have myself accepted the death of characters on occasion and other times not, what does it matter how someone ELSE plays the game? I don't get this fixation at all. What does it matter to you how I play the game? Some people play it solo, some might want to act like a Neeber and click on characters excessively just to hear their responses, so what? No one is forcing you to do this and I don't want developers having to waste time and act like police trying to keep people from abusing mechanics of a game. If history repeats itself here which I am sure it will, Mods will be made of all sorts of abusive stuff to the game. So I don't see the point in taking my freedom away from being able to save and quit where and when I want just because someone is save/restarting a million times. It's none of mine or your business what they do.
  24. I've played this game and I have no memory of this place...
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