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Everything posted by AlphaShard

  1. I like that you played Trails in the Sky, love that game!
  2. It really did bother me at first, but I can live with it so long as the game is balanced for it and it does seem that way. I know Josh loves to buck tradition anywhere he can.
  3. Even on hard difficulty with a limit of 2 camp site I still found it very easy to camp when ever I wanted to.
  4. There are games that have done this Dragon Quest IV, Star Ocean, and Final Fantasy 9. What you would do was have your combat party as you are traveling to various locations, then when in town you'd have options to RP with the various characters. In DQ4 in particular you had a wagon going, the combat party was outside the wagon while the rest sat inside. In that way they could theoretically interact with each other. Also Suikoden Series had many characters that were Roleplay only and not used for combat at all. That all being said I do find it interesting for unique player experiences like those that completely missed Aloth and Eder, I don't know how such things came to pass but they did and that is interesting.
  5. Wait... what? Oh dear I didn't realize that at all, I thought it wasn't included.
  6. I'm looking forward to not having to depend on Durance as a healer for Deadfire.
  7. I think Eothas drained you of all your little perks and you have to re-train them all.
  8. The scavenger hunt page said everything was in the online game media. So no codes will be in anything physical that we can't see online. I think looking through the tweets for highlights of what to look at may be a good idea which I think most have done already.
  9. Is there "best" choices? Some like the Machine on the Hill there are good and bad results for both. Allow the souls to go to the wheel but it can still be used to make zombies or sacrifice those souls so the machine is permantly broken. Neither seems "best" to me.
  10. I don't know about the rest of you but I was great ful that Berath gave me an excuse to murder the entire blood sands sect, so after I poisoned Simoc I doubt Velas life was in immeadiate danger any more. In fact I feel that leaving her there to eventually take her right place as future leader for the five tribes was the right thing to do. Besides I got this feeling you take that baby anywhere near Thaos and bad things will happen.
  11. Will there be some upgrade pack for for those who have regular edition on GOG already to buy just the upgrade to get the definitive eidition? I would also like to know this as well!
  12. I am very excited for the stretch goals we did make! I can't wait to build my fleet and customize it. Hopefully this leads to a titanic ocean battle with Eothas!
  13. If Owynna is the Soul descendant of Zoltune then how is that soul still in the White Forge?
  14. There are spells to lower defense and spells to increase your accuracy.
  15. When does Niah finally finish the repairs to her Inn? I've been wanting to stay there.
  16. So reading a review at Kotaku I see this: http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--7Dll0FVW--/kituc7s1on9jxktarekz.jpg Don't know if the red head in the party is supposed to be Cadegund or a custom character.
  17. That's exactly what I was planning on doing. Her and Orlan too, I mean really a "halfling psychic detective" what's not to love about that? Maybe I was projecting what I wanted too much into those two, so I think I'll be fine making my own Cadegund and Orlan. I do realize this happens a lot in game development, that things change a lot from the concepts and pitches to more finalized products. I just felt an instant liking to those two characters when I shouldn't have been getting so invested so early in the development process.
  18. So I just found out there is no Cadegund, I was really looking forward to that character, why did they drop her?
  19. To quote myself from this thread: That's a fair point and I agree with you. But I would say there is a difference between something that's iconic and something that's cliche, if that makes any sense. Elves, Dwarves, dragons ect. I would say are fantasy icons, not fantasy cliches. A cliche version would be magicky effeminate elves, drunk bearded dwarves and gold hoarding evil dragons. Not that theirs anything wrong with these cliches (who doesn't love tolkein?) but a more original take on this would be say, tough, barbarian, magick hating elves, magical, beardless, dwarves, and kind giving dragons which sounds pretty dumb to be fair, but it would be an original take on some fantasy icons as opposed to the cliche, which again is fine too, I'm just saying. The east (Asian) Dragons were kind and benevolent creatures that would often help people. So the concept isn't dumb or unheard of. Besides we did have a silver dragon in BG2. So I would like to see more kind Dragons.
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