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Everything posted by Jasede

  1. There are people that didn't turn this off? I pity you. Edit: Maybe as an option if some intern can copy&paste the Baldur's Gate screen shaking code in five minutes while he is making coffee with his other hand.
  2. Something like RoA or Darklands or Daggerfall. In a pinch, something like NWN 2 is vaguely acceptable. Just none of this streamlined modern garbage that chokes me in tutorials and helpful hints. I can read the manual, thank you.
  3. Yes, in that "generic" sort of epic way that you now have to endure every single movie trailer. You know, the generic blaring trumpets and that "heroic" violin. Loathsome.
  4. 320x200 / 320x240 resolution was the greatest generation of graphics. Magnificent. Lands of Lore or Doom will never look bad.
  5. FF 7 is ugly as a sin when it comes to the models and the combat graphics but the pre-rendered backgrounds are very good, even to me. And I can't stand that game.
  6. Why does this thread even exist? The Kickstarter pitch said "isometric, party-based RPG". What are you going to do next, post a "Please don't make the game party-based." or a "Please don't make PE an RPG." thread? This is what I keep saying: the RPG player of today can't read because the games that come out train you not to and are designed for ages 8 and 80. Edit: I do get what the OP/TC is saying but that's just like TOEE and we'd probably all consider that pretty much isometric.
  7. I hope we won't see a lack of quests, paths and factions that exclude other ones. Else you end up with that ridiculous situation where you are the Master Thief, the Archwizard, the leader of the Ninja Assassins and the Ultimate Leader of the Fighter's Guild- all at once. I despise the modern RPG player.
  8. 2-Handed Flails 2-Handed Axes 2-Handed Mauls 2-Handed Clubs (spiked and not-spiked) I have a problem.
  9. Why the heck would the Codex want to sabotage their own last, best hope for a proper RPG in years? There hasn't been one since Knights of the Chalice.
  10. Killed me. ...but, to answer your question - in one of the updates I believe it have been said, that you will be able to get through the game even without some, or any, party members. So your easy would't probably be less easy than regular Infinity Easy. Unless they completely FUBAR things up, it will probably be significantly easier, as a large part of the difficulty was poor control schemes and the fact that 2nd ed did not translate to computer well at all. Also, I continue to maintain THAC0 should die in a fire. I've heard this before but I still don't get it. What makes 3rd edition more computer friendly? Most of my favorite cRPGs were 2nd ed. based. Also what alternative is there to some kind of thac0? Just hitting every time? They don't realize that 3.5/3rd Ed AB/AC system is just Thac0 in disguise, maybe? Not sure.
  11. what concessions are being made? Easy mode was in the oldschool RPGs this is a tribute to. In general; we already know there'll be an easy mode. Whatever. I don't have to like it.
  12. Then what did we even pledge for? If they want to reach that "big large audience" they could just have gone for Fallout 4: The Elder Scrollsening. We pledged because we thought they are reaching out to us- the oldschool RPG fans. The more concessions are made to this "new generation" of gamers the worse the game will be. Period.
  13. While I see no harm in adding an opt-out option for what I shall code-name "busy people" I would welcome it if the game was designed and balanced around mechanics Shevek describes. In truth I'd rather there be no concessions made in regards of accessibility and difficulty and convenience for the masses but I realize that that'd be impractical. Unfortunate.
  14. I felt like spell-casters in BG 2 were so much fun that every encounter with a lich felt like one. We definitely need to see that kind of scripting and encounter design. But on-topic, not every fight should be avoidable- that's why you bring the big guy with his huge sword along, after all. But if many situations can be resolved with the correct skill or words that's more than fine; that's a good thing.
  15. There really ought to be an update talking about the lore and characters for a bit. Give a hint that we'll get quality characters like Kreia and Dak'kon and the money shall flow, hopefully.
  16. ...once apon a time, BIOweenia promised that yer SoA/ToB character was gonna be importable ta NeverWorkin'Right...dunna believe the hype... ...WHO LUVS YA, BABY!!... I actually remember that as well. I was much younger then. I imagined NWN would be this never-ending grand adventure where I could import my characters from module to module, experiencing all sorts of wonders. Well, that was a bust.
  17. I finished them all except IWD 2 and ToB; ToB because the combat got a tad dull and IWD 2 because the game felt a little soulless and shallow, despite the additional combat options. The Targos Docks theme, though... ooh baby... my eyes are watering.
  18. No thank you; incentives are not required for picking difficulties, especially not if they do anything to swing the odds in my favor. Challenge is its own reward. And no to achievements.
  19. Yes to good and interesting and varied random encounters in the vein of Fallout, no to boring wolves, bandits and spiders unless used sparsely and sensibly.
  20. It's because I believe combat and playing an RPG are one and the same thing, or at the very least closely interconnected. I feel as if a lack of challenge makes for an unsatisfying experience. To me, if you're good at RPGs you're good at the combat in them as it stems from building effective characters and making sound tactical decisions. Like I said before, since there'll be an easy mode, apparently, there's really no reason for further debate. That said I'll still judge you as I please because I feel we're both old enough to live with people being blunt and lacking tact.
  21. I am partial to monstrous races but only if they come with in-game consequences. Closed quests, plot changes, attacked on-sight, and so on.
  22. I voted *Something Else*. A) No player housing at all Failing that B) A customizable stronghold in the vein of NWN 2 or BG 2. Preferably BG 2, with how the strongholds differed for every character class.
  23. Hyperbole or not, in what video game do you need more than five weapons at any given time? Precisely, not one. The poll options are extremely slanted towards one outcome, as well.
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