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Everything posted by Jasede

  1. Give it a few more games and we'll get there, with that kind of fanbase.
  2. There is a game with achievements for the romances? I hope you're making this up. I'm losing faith in mankind by the minute here. I can just see it now: Achievement Unlocked: Gotta **** 'em All Achievement Unlocked: Booty Bounty Achievement Unlocked: Scissor me Xerxes! Edit: Achievement Unlocked: Donkey Desires Achievement Unlocked: You Can Do WHAT With Your Tongue!?!
  3. No to virtual masturbation, yes to quality writing. Biodrones go home.
  4. Here comes the laundry-list of tasteless Bioware romances.
  5. With such attitude, dear friend, I recommend you to logout from this forum and delete your account. After all, it's their game, and you shouldn't discuss it. Regarding topic. I want romances. But I'm against 'DA' style romances. All NPCs should have prereqs to be romanceable! And they should be hard as stone. No more 'I will love you no matter if you are male or female or elf of dwarf'. I didn't say we shouldn't discuss the game and give ideas but I've seen so many messages in these forums where people are basicly demanding that devs do what they want. By large fans don't know what they want and if they give to everyone's demands the game will be a mess. We can give them ideas, our opionions and feedback, but that should be it. The devs knows much better than any of the fans what the game needs and how it should be done. I don't know why this is so complicated to understand? People generally ask for 2 types of relationships ,straight and gay. Please explain all these other types of relationship combinations I am unaware of that people are demanding. Let's see... straight romances male -> female, female -> male, gay romances male -> male and female -> female so that's four companions out of the eight unless you want two companions both bi-sexual but then people would complain and demand that they want unique romances for all of those possibilities. Okay I see where you get your number from, I agree. We should have ( the first part is always the main character) 2 x Straight relationships: Male - Female and Female - Male 2 x Gay relationships : Male-Male and Female-Female Thats not too hard to implement I hope ? Other games have done it successfully -> the point -> your head Don't you realize how insipid it'd be to write romances based on a check-list of people's desires? How tasteless and infuriating? Let MCA do his thing. He knows how to write and he knows how to write maturely. Let the man do his job and stop clamoring for this nonsense.
  6. Absolutely agree! Romance lines for these characters perfectly show the development of this characters and are really really deep. Maturing of Aerie, changing of Viconia... Mmmm... oh, those dramas, banters and stuff... I hope that is sarcasm because I can't tell so well over the internet. This thread is exactly 12 pages too long.
  7. I'd recommend hugging a stuffed animal if you're scared.
  8. What, marrying a homunculus abomination that desperately wants to mimic being a real person isn't tragic to you? Edit: I'm being tongue-in-cheek, I didn't consider Safiya because MCA didn't write her.
  9. Yep, they did. There is definitely romance in them but it's not the romance we're raging about. It's just MCA creating his world and characters and sometimes, love is a part of them. But it's that MCA kind of love: the ideal, along with all the tragedy. It's perfect and inoffensive because it's part of the world and the narrative, and written well to boot.
  10. Problem is that the two Black Isle/Obsidian games with famously deep characterizations had romance, although the form and style differed from Bioware's. The reason being because romance can add another layer of depth to a relationship. What games? Probably MotB and PS:T. They're Avellone "romances" though. So they're really tragedies that aren't offensive. They were written to pretty much punish those looking for virtual love/sex because our good Lord and savior Avellone famously hates the romances we all loathe.
  11. Huh? What're you smoking? Name one IE, Black Isle, Troika or Obsidian game where it was true? You should have phrased that better. Bloodlines. And it worked out great, may I add.
  12. Perhaps there could also be a collectible sex card so you can remember your exploits. And an achievement for catching them all. STDs, that is.
  13. I thought you meant we'd go outside in front of the bar and duke it out.
  14. You started out so well but you lost me at "tasteful sex options". Is that you, Volourn?
  15. If you love grinding so much why don't you play WoW and leave this game to us, the RPG fans?
  16. Message to Chris Avellone If people keep asking for romances even though there's a moratorium on romance threads, please do what you do best: make those tragic romances that punish the player. I know how much you hate those sissy happy romances, so I, as a humble fan of your work, implore you to either not give in to the lonely masses, or better yet, to punish them for their ridiculous desire with more tragic or twisted romances as you have in the past. They'll probably be thankful for whatever you come up with, even if you're mocking them as you do it.
  17. Bloodlines-style XP system confirmed. I'm very happy. Also everyone complaining about it is giving me succulent sustenance with their tears of anguish. Guess it must be odd to be faced with an actual RPG for a change and not that hideous monstrosity that the genre has become in the last decade. Oh what fun, let me grind encounters until I'm the max level! Oh, I get more XP if I kill the questgiver after turning the quest in? DIE!!!
  18. I would agree it's a personal preference but I'm with OP: if there is German voice-acting in the German version (and I highly doubt that'll be the case) I'd also prefer all unique names (such as Casavir or Faerun) to be pronounced as if read by a German. There's an unhappy dissonance when you mix English phonemes with German ones.
  19. @Anaeme: While I don't doubt they could pull it off it's the opposite to me. I'm so tired of PCs wanting to become gods because I played a lot of NWN online and the stereotypical new-to-RP player's character goal is one of these: 1) Become a Lich or 2) Become a God
  20. If this game ends up being successful there is no limit to the possibilities. Obsidian could make a spiritual sequel to Torment or explore some of the themes KOTOR 2 touched on, or they could even go hog wild and make some old-school turn-based RPG. That's why it's so important we support them now. Edit: ARCANUM DEUX: THE SEQUEL. WE KNOW YOU WANT TO.
  21. George is a story based stretch goal, and probably one of the best things ever if you are a story guy. He is by far one of the best story guys that I've ever worked with. And, oh yeah, we aren't done yet. We're counting on you!
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