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Everything posted by Jasede

  1. You guys should try Dark Souls; more spears and maces and spears + shield style than you can shake a stick at. Plus, you can wield every weapon in two hands if you so please, from a lowly dagger to a gigantic club, some of course working better in one style than in the other, others able to function equally well in both.
  2. Don't care about realism. I think two-handed swords, flails, axes, mauls and so on are plain cool and satisfying to use, especially if wielding two-handed weapons applies an extra bonus derived from your strength score.
  3. Your suggestion gave me Bioware-rash.
  4. I want to make some witty, scathing post that mocks those demanding a console version but I can see they're doing a fine job parodying themselves for me.
  5. I, for one, hope there'll be strong homosexual tension between the main character and his long-time best friend that can end only in tragedy.
  6. You don't want to argue 23 pages about boobplate? What are you, a heteronormative bigot?
  7. Yes, and Sephiroth should also be in this game.
  8. Y'all need to get over it and over yourselves. And don't be so gosh-darn passive-aggressive; you are being so infuriatingly goony.
  9. It just seems like a plot device Avellone is very fond of. I don't mind it at all.
  10. This being an Obsidian game I'm 99% certain we'll wake up with amnesia. Again.
  11. Someone isn't agreeing with me! They must be trolling.
  12. Nicely put. See, I love a lot of things that'd make you want to claw your eyes out and bleach your brain but that doesn't mean I want to see them in a video game.
  13. I was sick at home due to a horrible cold and am finally playing MotB for the very first time. After playing NWN 2 it feels like I stepped out from a cold, dark valley into a glorious, sun-caressed city made out of solid gold, with angelic choirs singing sweet songs into my ears.
  14. Furiku, that is disgusting, unrealistic and sexualizes men as sex-objects. We should plead that Obsidian doesn't take suggestions from you! Let's make out.
  15. I admit I haven't been following this discussion. Can you refresh my memory why we need to petition to Obsidian not to include "fetish outfits" and "sex objects / eye candy"? Have they a track record of doing poor in this regard? Is this about that boob-plate sketch - which was redacted shortly because Sawyer felt it didn't suit the game? Or are we merely arguing for the sake of it?
  16. U: No, you insurmountable mound of passive aggression, I'm pointing out the ludicrousness that someone would ask some poster to clarify their arguments, only to then be met with another poster pointing out that they're never going to read them because their mind is already set on the matter.
  17. I shouldn't worry if I were you. It's likely going to be the low-key MotB romance approach which, while still not ideal (no romance) is something most could live with. Well, except for those who are looking for some fade-to-black scene with sampled moaning.
  18. Don't you see? First someone asks him to present and clarify arguments- and he does- and then one of the first replies is "wall of text"? Don't you see how frustrating that is?
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