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Everything posted by dunehunter

  1. Which one do you prefer? I personally like POE 1 version just because the effect is more generic. Now this talent only serve spells/abilities with keywords fire. Any lash or other fire damage things like firebrand is not affected.
  2. I turned smart camera off but still feel that camera moving is a bit laggy.
  3. Oh that's a shame, I was hoping to see what their final form would be. Ditto! Stun/knock down chain dragon is a main strategy for dragons in POE 1, which is not fun to me. I like this Resolve change.
  4. I hope all beast keyword spell can be used by shifter, it makes sense here.
  5. Same feel here. Totally true. Few "lines" are awful for few classes. Line 3 or 4 in Fighter tree (I don't remember exactly but this is level 9 in Fighter multiclass). Difficult to pick up a good thing which is not "garbage" like you said : p Give the impression to... water down few lines. It is strange. Aren’t fighter got Charge at PL 4 now?
  6. So now every devoted get not one but two devoted weapon set? One is the weapon set you pick from level 1, another is fist??
  7. +1 on the thread
  8. Or Bleakwalker/Streetfighter +100% sneak attack + 150% backstabing + 100% crit from On the edge + FoD.
  9. One thing good in new Beta is the new Empower UI, super fancy!
  10. Just checked a Monk/Streetfighter and its even better.
  11. New beta, monk/streetfighter, dual blunderbuss + dual dagger. Swift furry + Confounding Blind + Dual Blunderbuss = reduce max enemy defense + trigger extra attacks with blunderbuss + trigger Streetfighter heat up. Then switch to dual dagger for super fast recovery time(0.9 second without armor), brutal.
  12. Not sure if something is changed here but I have a feeling the screen edge scrolling in beta4 is a little bit laggy, I mean the camera doesn't move instantly when I move the mouse to the edge. Not sure if this is the same as previous betas, but it feels pretty obvious to me now.
  13. So I'm dualing wielding blunderbuss as a streetfighter/ranger, picked Gunner, Two weapon style and Blunderbuss weapon proficiency. Triggered Streetfighter heat up with blunderbuss modal and I'm able to reach 2.4 second reloading time with two blunderbusses lol. Faster than lots of melee weapons...
  14. Gimme gimme!
  15. Strongly disagree. There is a ruleset. game should follow its own rules. Except we already have a world where some creatures have abilities and effects PCs don't. Some creatures have resistances and immunities we don't. So the ruleset already has exceptions. That's what adds variety to each encounter. There is no reason to think a low level Xaurip would have empower or Dragon's breath. Joe A Fury can spiritshift into a Blight form and get electric immune too, some creature has resistance and immunities, that is their race feature, which is also in the ruleset.
  16. So if we keep a weak enemy from dying in combat, we can refill our empower pool to full every combat and don’t need to rest? @maxquest have u think about this issue ?
  17. I can imagine how powerful it is to alpha the battle with 5 assassinate fireball. Bu I find nothing wrong with it. Like u can play 5 Dragon Trashed Chanter in PoE 1, isn’t it even more boring ? It’s jusr ones play style that’s all.
  18. But they can make it work as an additive as the duration bonus of INT. So for example an enemy cast a CC on you that last 10 second. And the enemy has 11 INT and you have 11 Res. If the reduce affliction duration bonus is calculated as an additive. The CC would last 10 X (1 + 0.05 - 0.05) = 10 second. Means Res bonus encounter enemy INT bonus. So if the INT is high, affliction duration wouldn’t be too bad. If as Josh said, the Res works as a multiplier then no matter how high the caster’s INT. As long as I have high resolve, I can reduce affliction duration to a very short period of time. Which I agree make no sense and make other defense stats useless.
  19. the laying on of hands is self targetable and results in significant buffs in their upgraded state. at the very least , is not "all." even so, does seem like many paladin powers exclude the paladin herself from benefits. HA! Good Fun! Never a fan of this type of abilities. Chanter/Priest can support teammate while their abilities can also affect/support themself, while paladins can only support others? Also these exhortations are totally useless when soloing.
  20. Errr so Liberation Exhortation is not self targetable anymore in DF? Wonder if the devs wanna turn all paladin buff to like that
  21. PL actually raise your attack abilities’ basic damage.
  22. It's a crit system you cannot defend. With high deflection you can prevent enemy crit you, Res? No
  23. But if they wanna go back to PoE 1 style of Might/Res, chance based interruption like the system I describled is pretty close to their PoE 1 interrupt system. Unless they want to roll totally back to PoE 1 one. To your question 1), some ability now causes multiple interruption, which makes concentration meaningless. Shattered Pillar with Rooting Pain can cause 3-4 interrupt at once. What is the meaning of Concentration if you get 3 interruption in a row? Unless u have 3 layer of Concentration on, it is impossible to resist interruption. To your question 2), this won't have no benefit for non-casters for the reason I explained below: Interruption does affect non-casters, actually interruption reset your recovery time like it did in PoE 1. So if you have 4 second recovery time, and somebody interrupt you before u finish your recovery. You will need to recover again, aka waste 4 second. So if enemies chain interrupt abilities to your character, I'm pretty sure he won't be able to reaction because interruption keeps reset his recovery time. It is same as the mechanism in PoE 1, but since the recovery time in DF is much longer, this is more important. To your question 3), as I said in question 1), if you really wanna interrupt enemies, there are multiple ways, and the best way to do this is dual wielding fast weapon, or use a blunderbuss.
  24. Did some small test: Mith Fyr doesn't stack as Boeroer mentioned. Shared Flame doesn't stack either. But Mith Fyr does provide 25% lash not 20% lash.
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