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Everything posted by rjshae

  1. Plus your individual party members are going to adjust to the darkness at different rates, depending on where they are situated and their movement. Would you adjust it to the character with the best sight, the worst, or take an average? It's probably much easier just to track the vision effects on the individual character portraits instead of in the area panel, and easier to play that way as well.
  2. It does drag on a bit in places; somewhat the same way that the Lord of the Rings trilogy got a bit tiresome.
  3. I hope that assembly involves glue and lots of tooth picks. Otherwise you should probably go visit a doctor.
  4. In TV news, the BBC apparent plans to make a 6 episode mini-series of Suzanne Clark's award winning fantasy novel, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell. Could be good...
  5. Yes, how they implement the hide skill versus lighting and shadows could be interesting. Perhaps at night it will just depend on the brightness of point light sources and the distance to the light? I'm not sure if they will factor in the effect of obstacles.
  6. Waiting for the announcement that this world will have neither dogs nor cats, but instead....
  7. All of which takes processing power and development time to implement. They're operating under a limited budget and targeting a wide array of PC capabilities. Such capabilities as you mention will only have a limited impact on the game, so I think a little pragmatism is needed.
  8. The movement speed seemed pretty normal to me. You don't want it to stray too far from reality or it will look cartoonish.
  9. I'm feeling good that Kickstarters have been able to find success the second time around by retooling their message. Telepath Tactics is doing pretty well this time, for example.
  10. It's a decent idea. However, I think the nature of each faction may tend to restrict the nature of their response. Thus a business may focus more heavily on the practical aspects while a religious creed or political faction would put more weight on the emotional elements.
  11. The 2012 market for video games was US$67 billion. By comparison, Kickstarter earned $119 million in its third year. That's the combined total for everything, including games. It's about 0.2% of the video game market, so people are using a really small shovel. Maybe a trowel?
  12. I don't know why, but this reminds me of reading some people's forum comments. Will need to contemplate the reasons over a little wine and cheese...
  13. The one sound-based puzzle I've seen recently was the "Tranquility Lane" quest in Fallout 3. It was ingenious, appropriately placed, and ... tedious. I didn't find that it broke the immersion factor.
  14. It might be interesting if priests and druids always magically interacted through intermediaries. When they "cast a spell", what they're doing is asking some spirit to perform a task for them. That could have several effects: first, there is less of a range penalty since the intermediary will be implementing the effect at the corresponding location; second, the completion of the task would depend on the willingness of the intermediary to perform it; and the third is that the effect would appear to emanate from a semi-random point in space rather than from the priest or druid. The last may allow the character to hide more effectively and reduce their vulnerability. It would also eliminate many of the casting obstacles faced by wizards, since all a priest or druid needs to do is transmit their request to the intermediary, rather than channeling the power. The effectiveness of their soul is what determines the type of intermediary they can call upon.
  15. Found a few more: Atlantis, the Second Age RPG -- at $5,155/$6,000 The Shadowlands Campaign Setting Guidebook for Pathfinder -- at $15,224/$5,500 Necropunk Pathfinder Campaign Setting -- at $2,695/$2,000
  16. It's a really nice idea. Unfortunately I know several people who are hearing impaired and may have a problem with such a puzzle.
  17. At work we call those awards "attaboys". Slave away for an extra 100 hours to make some nob happy; get a coupon for free golf lessons.
  18. I've found that the bristles on the old-style typewriter eraser pencils work spectacularly well for cleaning out any loose gunk in your keyboard. As for gluing the bits back into your head... sorry, haven't a clue.
  19. Not exactly a video game story, although it's associated with the Fallout series: Fan Made Fallout monopoly replaces Boradwalk with Megaton
  20. Urge to donate screeches to a halt: there's no Paypal option for the boxed copy. Not good. Hurray they fixed it!
  21. I had that impression as well. But using a particle-based mist generator might be too processor intensive. Perhaps they just need to blend it a little better? It's a WiP, after all. I think what would improve the waterfall spume/mist, is if they'd remove the gray taint and make it clean and white, so it looks like water not smoke: Yes. Perhaps even with a rainbow tinge. However, it might depend on the lighting conditions: what works in daylight lighting may not look good when they switch to a night scene. I'm not sure if the mist is an overlay or an effect, but they may need to make the mist tintable and vary the tint. I'm sure they'll work it out.
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