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Everything posted by Grotesque

  1. Well, so far we've only got this : source : http://forums.obsidi...60#entry1237009 They're still in the process of pre-production, so there's a chance they might announce it later on. somebody should underline that there are still people like me that still wait a response regarding Justin Sweet!?
  2. http://www.pegasomodels.com/productdetails_en.asp?id=106 this miniature producer always had accurate historical armor representation in their models check out all the eras on the site being passionate about gladiator armors, their representation of those types of armor in relation to the types of gladiators, are very accurate so I conclude the others representations must be also
  3. If he doesn't appreciate the Arcanum newspaper and the articles that reflect his actions, Tim will be a sad panda for sure! And I need video to see how he reacts to the ****ty combat mechanics! )
  4. You'd think a guy with your profile picture would have respect for the pursuit of the "Holly Buck." "Time is money. Chit-chat is not money. You here about the job or what?" The only thing in common is the baldness
  5. of course you can buy a boxed copy in the future but expect to be at a a higher price I hope that they will not make any more Collector's Editions at launch, to preserve their value. Blizzard took a huge dump on their Collector's Editions by making them trivial, pouring unlimited quantities and only for the Holly Buck
  6. There's nothing scary about an isometric overhead view and combat results determined by random number generators. Yeah, tell that to Diablo 1 players too
  7. as a civil engineer, all I can say is that the doors and windows on the house are a little too big, disproportionate.
  8. an official response regarding this subject would be really appreciated
  9. in my mind, magic is a more like a burst of power and only suited for combat wizards only tap this power and their role is to act like a conduit to the magical forces only for a very limited time. doing otherwise would mean the destruction of the conduit - human body so keeping furnaces alive with "magical" fire would be totally impractical and a gross waste of a wizard's abilities
  10. Well thank you for that information, Captain Obvious. You're quite welcome. Now do you actually have anything constructive to say on the topic? Thus far it appears not. Well thank you for that information, Captain Oblivious
  11. Oh God. Not again... Some people here would really appreciate a substantial project update
  12. As far as I know, the snake biting its tail is an ancient symbol, so no trademark issue here And yes **** Beth$. Not only for New Vegas shenanigans, but also for a game like Oblivion that for me ruined the The Elder Scrolls series. EDIT: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ouroboros
  13. Oakeshott recognized this problematic mixture of ignorance and prejudice more than three decades ago, writing in his influential, Sword in the Age of Chivalry, he noted: "Add to this the work of romantic writers in the past, who, seeking to give to their heroes a touch of the Superman, caused them to wield enormous and weighty weapons far beyond the powers of modern man, and complete the picture with the scorn poured upon these swords by lovers of the elegance of the 18th century and it becomes easier to see why so plain a weapon can be accounted crude, ponderous, and inefficient. In fact the average weight of these swords is between 2 lbs. and 3 lbs., and they were balanced (according to their purpose) with the same care and skill in the making as a tennis racket or a fishing rod. The old belief that they are unwieldable is as absurd and out-dated, and dies as hard, as the myth that armored knights had to be hoisted into their saddles with a crane." (Oakeshott, Sword in the Age of Chivalry, p. 12). Source: http://www.thearma.org/essays/weights.htm
  14. wheres the third option in this ****ty poll what would be like "kill it with fire" ?
  15. To talk about armor mechanics I think there should be first devised a weapon damage mechanics first. First, I think enemies should not always be able to hit the player. A sword fight is mainly composed of parrying with own weapon(s)/shield, volts and grabbing. Some nice combat animations could be made When a strike lands is either : critical (critical strikes land at - body areas not covered with armor - lower tiers armor have many open areas OR - areas at the joints of the high grade armor ) normal (hit lands upon armor and the damage is absorbed by it to a certain degree ) Enemies/players could also critically miss (eg: they swallow a fly while striking or suffer a mini heart attack when landing a hit with that ultra heavy great sword or the timing of the strike was awfully misjudged) => automatically the chance to a critical strike from opponent # a player with high dexterity could trigger more critically misses from enemies but that does not mean that he can always capitalize it with a critical strike against them. # being more proficient with a light weapon gives the player the ability to react more quickly and successfully land a critical strike, increasing this chance # a player with a heavy weapon (more damage per weapon pound) is more susceptible to critical fail against an enemy but when this weapon lands on enemy, it strikes HARD. #being more proficient with such massive weapons closes the gap and reduces the chance to critically fail Critical strikes damage go directly to HEALTH Normal weapon damage that lands on armor goes to STAMINA better armor = better damage reduction because of higher armor damage threshold armor damage threshold: strikes on armor that do not have enough force behind them and do not pass the armors damage threshold =no damage to stamina Second type of armor damage threshold: critical strikes (possibly triggered by opponent's critical fail) => critical strike to a critical armor area critical armor area : - body areas not covered by armor - lower tiers - areas at the joints of the the higher grade armor #body areas not covered by armor => 0% critical damage reduction => all critical strike damage goes to health #areas at the joints of the the higher grade armor => 30% - 75% critical strike damage reduction => decreased damage to health weapon damage type and how efficient an armor is dissipating that kind of type of damage ; there's no armor "immune" to a specific type of physical damage. damage type : composed of three variables: #cutting - lacerations of the soft tissues produced by sharp edges, sectioning arteries and muscle. #energy transfer - trauma caused by heavy blunt objects transferring their kinetic energy, resulting in crushing the soft tissues and lesions to bone, organ ruptures #penetration - wound caused by a massive force concentrated in a very small area resulting in skin, muscle and bone piercing.
  16. kind sir, I shall direct you to this excellent motion picture explaining why you can in fact move quite freely in full plate and why mounting a horse does not require a crane, or any other kind of help. Arrows shot from a composite bow would not pierce plate armour, unless it was a magical bow, of course. Plate armour was also quite frequently used by infantry soldiers, no doubt very stupid ones who were not told it's useless unless you're a cavalryman. Who knew. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqC_squo6X4 Some of you also seem to misunderstand what all this realistic armour discussion means. Nobody is suggesting to limit PE to historical armour only, nor is understanding of real armour irrelevant due to inclusion of fantasy elements. If we understand how the real stuff works, figuring out how these magical materials or unreal constructions would work is easier and has a feel of believability. edit: the video also neatly shows how small the links of very high quality mail were and how tightly it was woven. (around 9:20) As the guy says "You can't even prick it with a needle.". Very much unlike all the crappy "replicas" one sees today, with massive rings. Offtopic: I really liked the movie you posted but the jousting reenacment in it was wrong. Horsemen rode having the fence on their right side and not the left. Thats why now in England, cars ride on the left side of the street. Because horseman also used the left side to freely charge with the lance and not over the horse head. Also, with mail that is so tight that a needle does not pierce it, that doen's mean that is impenetrable to arrown. With thick padding underneath it, thats entirely another story and its the realm of energy dissipation . But still not 100% arrow proof
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