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Everything posted by Grotesque

  1. Please no tool-tip weapons comparing. It has too much of a MMO vibe. And I think my brain can handle the stress of memorizing 3 values and comparing them.
  2. Then maybe they should outsourse some of the 2D staff, or even better hire another 2D artist on site, or bring Brian Menze on this project to help. So far the area Obsidian seems lacking is art, not in quality but in quantity, and this game stakes a lot in it's art. 2 artists are very limited manpower for this kind of project, more so since so much *art things* Area Paint overs, Portraits, 2D icons, UI reworks remaining. I thought Brian Menze is already assigned on the project. This drawing is made by him. As I remember it is for Pillars of Eternity
  3. I don't think that cramming the 3D character model on either side with bigger windows will be visually appealing. What space that you consider wasted has its role in keeping good proportions between different elements of the screen as a whole and giving it an airy feel. Making functionality override aesthetics its another kind of pitfall. Maybe a bit larger windows but in no way as big as you traced them in red.
  4. I remember playing Baldurs Gate back in the day and being "confused" by the item drawings in the inventory. But in time I've come to love them and I can't imagine a spiritual successor of Baldur's Gate without this. This way of visually representing items is iconic.
  5. Maybe the sketches could be outsourced? I think different drawing styles would benefit the game in this department if the sketches will comply with a high degree of quality needed for this game
  6. I hope you are right but I do not think to be a placeholder because the item description window is sized not to handle the bigger drawings needed. Anyway, I think the item description and the UI windows in general should be larger than is now.
  7. I really miss the simple pencil drawings of items & weapons in their description windows. It would greatly increase the feel of a Infinity Engine RPG game. Those drawings gave items personality because the artist was introducing graphical elements and details to the item that was impossible to reproduce in the engine. Maybe items would not have the extensive lore backgrounds they have in the past games but at least Pillars of Eternity would preserve this exquisite and simple pencil presentation of them. EDIT: If you agree and feel the same in this regard, please like this post to send the message across to anyone from the dev team that maybe is reading it. Thank you.
  8. There is a bug with the nice arbalest reloading animation. When attacking friendlies (other companions or people in town) the reloading animation does not play out. It only appears when attacking already hostile targets (with red circle). The same thing using the arquebus. Also using a bow and switching to arquebus in the inventory, the character uses the bow animation but with the arquebus in one hand. It would be nice that the bow animation would feature the bow flexing when drawing it and more important the string bending.
  9. I don't know about you, but when I read I generally prefer to keep the amount of audiovisual distractions at a minimum. Yes but pausing the game is a little too much I think. Just bringing the audio to a lower level will suffice. But flames flickering in the scene or characters wandering/having idle animation is not such a big distraction. Maybe opting for pausing the game is because monsters could attack you while speaking with companions or other characters. Not being able to initiate dialogue while hostile characters are around could resolve this.
  10. What bothers me is that during dialogue, the game pauses and the flames from the fire are static. Characters are frozen into place, there is no movement whatsoever . It gives a synthetic look. If I have a dialogue in a bursting marketplace, I would like to see some movement, people walking around, dogs licking their butts/balls around me, rats crawling out of a sewer, smoke rising out of a chimney etc
  11. one of the best in the recent history of games industry.
  12. Hey, dude, they are far - far away from the something we can call final vision, aestetics or mood. This will be the role of the artists to hone all things up and to improve the mood... patience, my friend If you are right, imagine the cost to edit already made maps. Do you really think they will change this? All they can do is to downgrade them to bushes and move on and hopefully somebody there would draw some more realistically trees. This is not about painting over some effects. Its about the structure of an already implemented art element. I also hope the proportions of the buildings would see a more in depth look. What I loved at the Infinity engine games was the photorealistic environment with a slight twist. What I saw in the outdoors screenshots and some of the buildings is something more cartoonish with a disregard for proper proportions (Stronghold screenshots are the worst) Character art implementations is very good on the other side. They are not the lame Blizzard to afford to reiterate things to death. 3.9 millions for such a project!? Not nearly enough is they want to uphold all the promises. I think Mr. Urquhart begins to regret starting this game because he knows that this project will not fill the coffers to an already bloated Obsidian. So no, remaking maps is out of the question.
  13. I don't believe this! I put 150+ U.S.D. in a game that is unable to get some frackin' trees right. This screenshot is dedicated to the entire art department because I see you clearly struggle with proportions and believable structures
  14. I don't like the stronghold. Its too childish Also those towers need some trapdoors
  15. You can skip to 5:45 and enoy: I just wonder if we'll have the same cool incantations like in Baldur's Gate and if Latin will be used also. (I prefer Latin because is stylish and superior to any mumbo jumbo invented language)
  16. I want my massive update for this grand celebration!
  17. Obsidian will come to invest their own money into this project to finalize it. And we will never hear about it officially. 4,16 millions after you strip the fees and such is not enough for such an ambitious project. So if I get my polished Baldur's Gate clone done just right I can live without any stronghold upgrade animation.
  18. This is not a console game. Baldur's Gate had 5 CDs. I don't mind if Project Eternity will have 10 DVDs.
  19. When I saw the portraits in Baldur's Gate I thought to myself "Thant's some quality **** right there!" No game since then managed to equal that exquisite style and presentation. I those portraits were based on actual real faces, that's insanely for the better.
  20. developer : I want more money
  21. I hope the UI will have some graphical elements like in these screenshots ( in upper right, lower left corners). Hope this will serve for some inspiration.
  22. the UI needs less straight angles and more of a roundish/asymmetric design - a more natural/organic feel... ...AND MORE embroidering &
  23. I am more impressed by character models than the animated scenery! I bet Obsidian can gather $ 500 k more just because of this video Say what? Tim Cain and Avellone work on this project on top of that? A dream come true
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