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Everything posted by Grotesque

  1. I would to see in the game armours that are designed for particular races. A human could not wear armour made for orcs or dwarves because the body shape is completely different. Finding a banded mail for your orc only would be more rewarding
  2. Everyone just already posted everything they could in Update 29 thread about the issue, it was like a rush into holy Mecca of armor-fans. Ah! well... we can let this thread die in peace then
  3. Great! This thread need more trolls like him to spice things up!
  4. ok, its official. this thread should be renamed: chain mail vs arrow
  5. A straw dummy or a chunk of pork meat behaves exactly as a real body when shooting an arrow at it. Of course an arrow can glace off chain mail shirts in some rare instances but this is not an argument to consider it a viable protection against combat arrows. Combat arrow heads are needle like and were completely different from hunting arrow heads. Shooting this kind of arrowhead at chain mail and it penetrates it easily. I could begin and start talking about all the physics behind this mechanical process but I am not gonna do that because this thread is about something else. Why not everybody wore full plate mail? Because it was very labor intensive to produce it and expensive and every suit of plate was designed around a specific body type. There are some instances in which even arrows or bolts shot close range penetrated plate armor so you can imagine the force and the energy an arrow carried. To talk it further, an indepth discussion about it would have to take account the type of bow that launched the arrow and the weight of the arrow. But then again, this thread should not turn into a ballistics university faculty. Edit: I would love to see some ideas shaping a strong game armour mechanics and not a discussion about plate vs chainmail because plate was better in the end and it would not have appeared if chain mail offered a great protection. In the past if you had money, you had the best protection. And that's a fact. And this arrowhead is blunt compared to others
  6. Please delete this thread as I posted it elsewhere
  7. All this "lets make the chain mail as viable as plate mail" is illogical. Plate mail is practically the best defense you can get and thats that. Chain mail is pretty useless against arrows but good against slashes (not great because there's still some energy transfer from sword impact) and would be pretty useless against estocs and rapiers -thrust damage. mail is useless against energy transfer weapons as mauls and flails. Plate mail should be great against thrusts and slashes and arrows too and not so great against energy transfer weapons, especially warhammers that were designed to pierce plate. Orcs wanting to look kool in raw hide armour? Then they deserve to go extinct if they did not realize by now that plate gives the best protection So logically, plate would be always a better protection than mail or leather. What the player should do is to choose between tradeoffs between these armour tiers, and these tradeoffs should be dictated by the skill mechanics. Any class should be able to wear ANY kind of armour and use ANY weapon. And that should be written in stone. thats what a real RPG is all about The problem should be how your character is efficient with that armour and weapon, and how efficient the character is also governed by skills and stats I choose to invest in. Why not having a thief wearing a cuirass and chain hood? Or a wizard in full plate wielding a hallebarde? Does his hands have to be free to cast a spell? So in a sense, all the talk about armor is pretty useless and out of context as long as the other mechanics are not in place. Tradeoff: metal is very hard to imbue with magic I know what people will say, that the majority will never choose those kind of builds because they are not practical, but the flavor in an RPG is how to bring an exotic build to be practical, and sometimes those are the most practical in the game. Wearing plate all over should suck the stamina out of you, so long fights would be a problem for a warrior in full plate because he would be tired much quicker and become less effective at killing. And full plate could have a very high cost and be rare. What would be great to have in the game is the localized damage mechanic (head neck torso gut limbs) and an overlapping armour system where I can equip a cuirass over a hauberk or chain over a gambeson, metal helmet over chain hood etc Armour tiers and progression could depend on - manufacturer : certain degrees of craftsmanship - weight reduction - innovation: angled surfaces, accessories for better joint protection - materials - the ability to sustain damage until repairing and ease/cost of repair, maintenance - armour age - more often and higher cost of maintenance for older in service pieces of armour - any other ideas please insert so, combining all those variables and making quality plate prohibitive and designing a skill system also around the armour tiers in the game, easily chain armour could be better than some plate armour, and innovative new FULL plate armours made from desest materials would be greatly sought after (and expensive like in reality ) by players and equipping all the characters with such valued armour would be impossible. What I would love to have is armours like in Fallout that they just did that, protect you and not giving you bonuses to speech or protect you from poison or making you a better haggler. I know this will be a fantasy game but what I would like to see is at least some logical armour bonuses.
  8. All this "lets make the chain mail as viable as plate mail" is illogical. Plate mail is practically the best defense you can get and thats that. Chain mail is pretty useless against arrows but good against slashes (not great because there's still some energy transfer from sword impact) and would be pretty useless against estocs and rapiers -thrust damage. mail is useless against energy transfer weapons as mauls and flails. Plate mail should be great against thrusts and slashes and arrows too and not so great against energy transfer weapons, especially warhammers that were designed to pierce plate. Orcs wanting to look kool in raw hide armour? Then they deserve to go extinct if they did not realize by now that plate gives the best protection So logically, plate would be always a better protection than mail or leather. What the player should do is to choose between tradeoffs between these armour tiers, and these tradeoffs should be dictated by the skill mechanics. Any class should be able to wear ANY kind of armour and use ANY weapon. And that should be written in stone. thats what a real RPG is all about The problem should be how your character is efficient with that armour and weapon, and how efficient the character is also governed by skills and stats I choose to invest in. Why not having a thief wearing a cuirass and chain hood? Or a wizard in full plate wielding a hallebarde? Does his hands have to be free to cast a spell? So in a sense, all the talk about armor is pretty useless and out of context as long as the other mechanics are not in place. Tradeoff: metal is very hard to imbue with magic I know what people will say, that the majority will never choose those kind of builds because they are not practical, but the flavor in an RPG is how to bring an exotic build to be practical, and sometimes those are the most practical in the game. Wearing plate all over should suck the stamina out of you, so long fights would be a problem for a warrior in full plate because he would be tired much quicker and become less effective at killing. And full plate could have a very high cost and be rare. What would be great to have in the game is the localized damage mechanic (head neck torso gut limbs) and an overlapping armour system where I can equip a cuirass over a hauberk or chain over a gambeson, metal helmet over chain hood etc Armour tiers and progression could depend on - manufacturer : certain degrees of craftsmanship - weight reduction - innovation: angled surfaces, accessories for better joint protection - materials - the ability to sustain damage until repairing and ease/cost of repair, maintenance - armour age - more often and higher cost of maintenance for older in service pieces of armour - any other ideas please insert so, combining all those variables and making quality plate prohibitive and designing a skill system also around the armour tiers in the game, easily chain armour could be better than some plate armour, and innovative new FULL plate armours made from desest materials would be greatly sought after (and expensive like in reality ) by players and equipping all the characters with such valued armour would be impossible. What I would love to have is armours like in Fallout that they just did that, protect you and not giving you bonuses to speech or protect you from poison or making you a better haggler. I know this will be a fantasy game but what I would like to see is at least some logical armour bonuses.
  9. I think all the artwork will be done by the same person that made the character portraits in the updates, inhouse Even if those received "great feedback", I don't like them at all. I think that they are bland and lack originality Of course Justin Sweet will be a dream come true to be hired but sadly that's not gonna happen if you don't chain yourself to Obsidian's gates and declare hunger strike. And that excluding more hardcore choices I had in mind
  10. You completely missed the point right there. But doesn't matter, in your world, Fallout has better exploration. Ahem!
  11. The amount of crybabies per thread area is concerning The problem these days is that too much publishers care for the instant gratification of gamers. "Whaaa... It was tedious to explore that area and nothing super mega awesome happened as much as my soul needed!"
  12. its not ironman, it set on EASY. This feature should NOT be in easy mode. You can start the game on easy and select ironman mode. ironman=save&exit ONLY Let me guess, you couldn't decipher how to start a new game and someone else configured it for you. I don't even.... Emotionally drained you said? Excuse me, but I am glad PE its not forced to cater your needs as a gamer.
  13. You talk like someone put a gun to your head and forced you to play Ironman mode. After that you felt "emotionally" drained. wow... Are you serious? That's why fans must fund games like PE nowadays and games are dumbed down. Because too many people feel emotionally & intellectually (I bet) drained
  14. Patrick Stewart compromised himself forever with Oblivion and Lance Henriksen is too high profile. something like this guy in the video is enough I like how this should be an old school RPG but people want some features of AAA++ popamole "RPGs" like voice acting made by Hollywood stars
  15. "feeling of actually traveling in BG1" well said
  16. Now that I had a look at this link. http://mikesrpgcente...bgate/maps.html and saw different areas in Baldur's Gate and the points of interest, now I think that BG1 content per wilderness map was pretty high after all. So I don't agree with Josh's opinion that those areas lacked content or that it was too low. This content density is perfect!
  17. From the last update: "The original Baldur's Gate had a number of wilderness areas, but low density of content in many of those areas. Baldur's Gate II had much greater content density, but fewer wilderness/pure exploration areas. We'd like to make sure we have pure exploration areas while still maintaining good content density." The reaction to this was that people wanted a more like BG1 ratio of content per number of areas but a poll on this would be more revealing "Like many others have already stated: I am also very fond of the low-density areas of Baldur's Gate 1 (that I've reinstalled a few days ago, by the way ^^): it really gives a feeling of exploration, and I just love these open areas." - Alexandre "Just adding my voice to the mass! Low density of content makes exploration so much more rewarding and adds to a feeling of realism. Baldur's Gate 1 was better in this than 2 imho. Also finding permanent stat boosts in otherwise unremarkable places is awesome!" - Bjorn Van de Sand "Regarding the world structure: please please PLEASE include a decent amount of 'unimportant' wilderness and exploration areas in the game. For me, the journeys between towns, and from towns to dungeons (e.g. Nashkel->Gnoll Stronghold) was always one of the best things about Baldur's Gate 1. It just makes the world so much more real, alive, and immersive." - Cam "I agree with comments about low density content in some of the exploration areas. That's one of the things I hate in Skyrim and other Elder Scrolls games. In the wilderness there is something every few steps, bandits, house, giants, travelers, etc. I would like to feel like Hobbits with Aragorn, wandering through uncharted areas, old ruins, forests, meadows, but without meeting an NPC in every five minutes" - Michal "As a few ppl have already stated. I don't mind if there is a LOT of areas with low density of content. Makes the exploration part of the game so much more rewarding" - Fredrik Sivertsson "Low density of content in many of exploration areas in BG was, for me, part of the charm of this game. EP's world doesn't have to be packed with quests and npcs to be fascinating to explore" - Pavel
  18. I hope Project Eternity would be like Baldurs Gate in regards of world map travel/exploration in which the world map was composed of homogeneous adjacent areas that you could explore. That gives a great sense of continuity and scale and greatly enhances the exploration thrill within the game. Not all areas would be mandatory to be explored to complete the game and once a region is entered you then could fast travel to it (same as in BG1). For those who dont want to lose time exploring by foot different areas that compose the world map, between the major/important areas within a game, a wagon system could be implemented. This way, the party would be instantly brought to the destination. This is a great way to spread sidequests all over the worldmap, because sidequests should not be encountered only in towns. Finding hidden abandoned dungeons and unexplored caves would be a great way to reward players that invested time and effort in thoroughly exploring the world map. Reentering an area by foot that was in the wagon's path to a destination, the area map would be explored only along the road. I was disappointed that Baldurs Gate 2 abandoned BG1's style but now that Project Eternity gathered more that 4 million dollars, this system would greatly enhance the overall feeling of the game.
  19. Fallout 1 because even Arcanum had a more interesting combat system than Planescape: Torment.
  20. "I think Obsidian and Bethesda have a good relationship" Oh, really...
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