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Everything posted by alphyna

  1. What about making a complete game and then perhaps a sequel, without chunks of material inbetween?
  2. I don't really care for the first two questions, but being able to influence your companions is crucial for me.
  3. And I don't like it. There's only so many emotions you can express like that, and because of it they look cartoonish and unrealistic. When the portrait is static, you simply don't mind it; when it's dynamic, it should be perfectly dynamic. But I doubt that can be done, so it's probably wiser to go with static.
  4. Well, that's not an easy task, but it definitely can be done.
  5. I am probably a very boring person, but the most fun I get when creating a character is from reading ALL THE DESCRIPTIONS of ALL THE OBSCURE TRAITS!11 So, the more of those, the better the process. And the game.
  6. I disagree. I like to have contol over the creation of my character, and answering questions is unpredictable.
  7. There are 7 possible companions in PS:T. Every time I play I have to toss a coin. It just hurts me to exclude anyone from the party — they are all too interesting. If there were 10+, I'd just go nuts.
  8. Absolutely yes. I want the joyrnal to be good reading material, not just technical documentation.
  9. Vancian system makes me neurotic, and so my mages cast nothing at all, 'cause HEY THERE CAN BE A BOSS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. So: mana. Or cooldown. Or anything not Vancian.
  10. clear good and evil mostly one big save-the-world plot [with a few side-missions] main character is "the chosen one", better than his party companions & npcs with personalities mostly just for feel; easy to recruit and deal with Would anyone really chose these? balance the races Would anyone really NOT choose this?
  11. When I think of Dwarfs I think of short strong humanoids with beards, essentially small Scottish people. Who would you rather see given the Scottish accent then? Is not having Scottish accent not an option? Basically, I'm with Piccolo here. I would also like my dwarfs to be less small Scottish people and more, you know, a unique race with unusual culture from an original imaginary world, but that's just crazy talk. You're right that is crazy, but what accent do you see them having? Just seems to fit them having a Scottish accent, I totally hated the American accent on DA. Crazy Talk Strikes Back: you know that accents can be constructed, just like slang, jargon, mannerisms or culture, right? You don't have to copy real world when you create your own. The developers boast making a brand new world. I think it's details like this they should turn their eyes upon.
  12. Eastern European accents are fine by me, as long as they'ne not thick. Thick real-world accents are simply annoying. (Just tried D3's she-monk today. Shudder.)
  13. I'd love this, but only if I can discriminate him somehow for being lefthanded. Obvoiusly. Imagine the puns and not allowing him to the right of your formation! (Just to be clear: the latter shouldn't be an in-game restriction, but you can always, you know, roleplay.)
  14. When I think of Dwarfs I think of short strong humanoids with beards, essentially small Scottish people. Who would you rather see given the Scottish accent then? Is not having Scottish accent not an option? Basically, I'm with Piccolo here. I would also like my dwarfs to be less small Scottish people and more, you know, a unique race with unusual culture from an original imaginary world, but that's just crazy talk.
  15. It would be really nice if a companion was left-handed. They would always have this trait, so no need for additional animation; it wouldn't be very noticeable, true, probably only when equipping weapons, but that's actually a good thing. It's the small details that create personality, and it's personality that we love in companions.
  16. PLEASE NO SCOTTISH DWARFS You can't get more cliche than this, really.
  17. What I want from a faction? The chance to have a meaningful and interesting discussion with its leader about their ideology. Everything else is arbitrary.
  18. And the answer is no. There's one thing that voiceover forbids: side notes. I really like the idea of, say, descriptions of how the character's face changes when he talks to you. It was executed brilliantly in PS:T, where Ravel's weird speech patterns (all those not/knots) poisoned the way TNO thought of her. And that was wonderful, it gave the player insight into the character's thought process without directly describing it. That can't be voiced. On the other hand, good voice acting can be really wonderful. So my answer is the secong: partially — yes.
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