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  1. A white haired man appears at the top of the next sand dune... ...he waves at you and your adventuring party, in a half bouncing, running motion he bounds towards you. You and your party look at each other, eyebrows raised. The man is wearing an oversized backpack, nearly twice his height, the bag is overloaded with swords, bows, poles, staves, and various other weapons. All sticking out from various pockets at odd angles. A flails head swings precariously close to the man's head. As the man reaches your party, in a single swift motion, he swings the bag round and it unfolds into a large blanket with all the weapons laid out perfectly. He spreads his arm wide and gives a big grin. "What can I do you for?" Your party all step closer cautiously, wary of a lone traveller in this dangerous part of the world, was this a ruse of some sort? After a few moments you determine he is genuine. All questions directed at him regarding his travelling are answered with winks and nose taps. "This is a fine sword you have here, but I'm after a named variant, The Biting Ishktar of Fellowmane, have you heard of it?" Asks one of your party members. The rest of your team is genuinely impressed with the goods on offer and some of them are testing the weapons for weight and balance. "Heard of it? I own one of the last three, it's in my shop" Said the white haired man, thumbing over his shoulder as if his shop was right behind him. "Where is your shop merchant? There is nothing for hundreds of miles around!" Replied your party member, equal measures of eagerness and bitterness in his reply. The white haired man reached into his pocket and brought out a huge zipper. Attached it to the air itself just above the sandy ground and pulled up. The fabric of this realm unzipped, revealing an opening to a new plane of existence. Like a tent flap, the white haired man stepped in. A few seconds later he poked his head out of the flap. "Well, are you coming to shop or not?" You and party members enter an 'Aladdin's cave' of treasure. Weapons, armour, magical trinkets and even a few cages holding exotic animals. You wander around with your mouth open. "Take your time! Browse!" The white haired man sat down and put his feet up on a counter, at the far end of the overly filled room. An intricate wooden sign hung above him - Elkay's Weapon Emporium. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- TL;DR Hello! This is a light hearted thread with two purposes. Remember our favourite magical items, be it from books, pen and paper games or video games. What magical item would you like to find in Elkay's Weapon Emporium? Or in Project Eternity? (Create your own magical item!) I love creating new magical items, not just the interesting properties, but the story behind it's creation and how it ended up in the current owners hands. I really hope Obsidian take great care in their items, randomized weapons can be fun in games like Diablo 3, but it really breaks immersion for me if there is no 'named items' with a good back story. -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- So here we go... One of my favourite, most rememberable items would be the famous Girdle of Femininity/Masculinity from Baldur's gate. I must've been about thirteen or fourteen when I first played and I remember genuinely being upset that I turned my male warrior to a female. I'd love to see a bag of monster holding, similar to a wand of monster summoning from various D&D settings. The key difference would be that there would be a lot charges and potentially could pull out huge monsters, such as red dragons, beholders or giant trolls! Gist of the story would be a family of leather workers fall on hard times.Their son being creative and a bit mischievous with magic creates a bag of holding, the family shoot to great fame and wealth. The son continues to better his bags and eventually creates a bag which can hold, frozen in time, living things. The story would play out with the son getting trapped in the bag. Hey, maybe he could be pulled out as a part of an event and he could join your party? -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Lots of love, LK
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