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Everything posted by fortuntek

  1. OP: you actually can increase font size from the options menu, it's a slider too I use it myself a lot since I sometimes play on a 4k tv in my livingroom (with wireless mouse and keyboard) and when sitting more than a few feet away it really helps to make the font a little bigger
  2. THANK YOU. I'll try picking this up next playthrough (will probably wait for the July patch) No seriously, thanks though. The forum search function completely failed me and I had to resort to google to actually find an answer for this The official wiki doesn't even have it yet
  3. If yes, then it's gonna get hella awkward for players who skipped recruiting him "Saw you in the flames, Watcher..."
  4. I was surprised my Fighter had the dialogue choice of asking if he could join the Circle of Archmagi Um, what? So of course I pick it. I found it disappointing not that I was rejected, but that the reason for my rejection was generic and had nothing to do with the fact I wasn't even playing a Wizard! Instead Arkymyr chokingly mentions how you broke into his manor, which you have to do in order to progress to that point. Sigh I think they took trying to not leave anyone out too far
  5. If you enter the area from the overworld map instead of Port Maje Harbour you will start at the bottom of the map, which makes it really easy to sneak over to talk to the quest elf guy wjats-his-name, which you can solve peacefully if you like. Then backtracking to the main area with the well there's enough distance between you and the ranged attackers to pull the melee guys in first, then focus on the ranged guys once they finally slog through slow zone to catch you
  6. Early on, yeah. Once in a while I'll check across all characters to see who has empty slots and they're all decked out except for being barefoot must be rather uncomfortable. Also to the people requesting content additions, these are more likely to be included with DLC updates, whereas bug fixes/feature upgrades (i.e. access to the skill tree outside of level up) is the sort of thing we should temper our expectations towards. That said, if we do get another sidekick at some point I hope they're a Priest Xoti was fine for the first 2-3 playthroughs but I'm starting to want other options, and making a custom adventurer always makes me feel like I'm missing out on a "real" character
  7. Great explanation guys. I keep wondering about this, but this is the first time I've seen a clear answer. It seems players with questions are forced to sweep the forums until they stumble on an answer, as it's far beyond the scope of any external website explanation of mechanics that I've seen. For that reason I hope they simply clarify the in-game tooltips (i.e. in recovery tooltip: "-25% [from +33% action speed (DEX)]", maybe with hyperlinks to action speed and recovery speed as separate concepts.) Also, please add a total for the overall effect of multiple percentage multipliers while you're at it I.e., Base 10 (+25%, +10%, -15%) = x% Net TOTAL effect = y total (remember, these effects are often multiplicative not additive, meaning they have diminishing returns). Deadfire has this sort of thing everywhere. The combat log I think is the exception if I recall correctly, but not sure without going back to check
  8. I don't think "hardest enemy" is a fair question because there's no single enemies which are really very hard, at this point anyway. For me, the hardest encounter by far was the Fampyr Cave where you get the Giftbearer cloak (forget the name) I wouldn't say it's objectively the hardest, but for me, over multiple playthroughs, it's the one I struggled with the most
  9. I don't know if this was brought up before, but I was surprised to hear the female soloist version of the shanties in-game for the first time (which I had only heard from the soundtrack) and I realized-- which one plays depends on whether you have mostly male or mostly female crew
  10. Silly Wael, why you prank Eora by stealing all dem clothes.
  11. Hm, weird. I think unstealthing is intended, because the activation of an attack SHOULD unstealth the character attacking. However that thing with throwing the bomb is probably a bug. I'm not sure it's a good idea to allow characters to remain stealthed after reverse-pickpocketing
  12. You're not mistaken, there WAS an option in the menu to disable it before. And they removed it (it wasn't working)
  13. Thanks guys, that's exactly what I wanted to know. And actually I think it's an alright system, but I agree that it should be documented better for the player (much like other effects sometimes are... emphasis on the "sometimes" Aaaaaand I'm not too worried about the documentation error for what counts as a graze/hit/crit roll seeing as it's only off by 1 though I'm sure someone here can/will throw a tantrum about it
  14. Patch 1.1 Can anyone explain how this works? For example, the upgraded version of Exalted Charge gives 10% chance to convert Hits to Grazes. My understanding was that: From the in-game combat tips: Less than or equal to 30 = Miss 31 - 50 = Graze 51 - 100 = Hit Greater than 100 = Crit So my question is, should 10% conversion of hit to graze make the roll 31-60 for graze? Or is it a separate 10% chance calculated after every hit and if 'successful,' downgraded? I was doing some testing to see if Kaz (the dog pet which gives 5% hit to graze) would stack with Exalted Charge. Interestingly, the in-game combat tip is wrong, first of all. A roll of 30 is a graze (not a Miss), a roll of 50 is a hit (not a Graze), and -- I'm guessing -- a roll of 100 is a Crit. Minor thing, but thought I'd point it out. The reason this is posted in General and not Technical Support is because I suspect I was wrong about 'shifting' the roll calculation. Can anyone confirm this? Because I've seen rolls in the 70-90 range get converted to grazes with the [Exalted Charge] indicator next to it. Note: All testing was done with attacks where the accuracy was exactly matching deflection, and with characters who don't have abilities that affect attack resolution (no Confident Aim, etc)
  15. Thank you- this happened to me too on very first time exiting game after updating to 1.1 from 1.1 beta
  16. I don't think I've ever been drunk enough to switch species, but then again there's a lot of my 20's I don't remember...
  17. I think you mean that troll you find in fire, not Nemnok. right, I meant Grog. anyone play regularly with Grog? Who the heck is Grog? Is there a troll crewmate I haven't heard of?
  18. I have a 1080 Ti too and it's the same with me, gameplay is smooth mostly but with major hitches especially after long gaming sessions. And FPS is in general FAR lower than you'd expect. It'll be improved with patches but don't expect too much, the Unity engine is known for these types of issues and Obsidian released during a timeframe where they had to focus on gamebreaking issues first and fix the rest post-launch. Sucks, but hey. I'd rather play the game since it's still a more amazing experience than anything else I've played this year
  19. Yeah when I killed Master Kua the only quest that was failed was Tip of the Spear
  20. My poor death godlike got really cranky at poor Pallegina in the first game... so much so that she flat out refused to join her in Deadfire lol. In her opinion it went like this; PC: death godlike covered I blistering scale things all over her face. Durance: he’s well... Durance. Ugliest mug that was never born godlike. Hiravias; Orlan with the highest libido this side of the Deadfire, but is an outcast with a forbidden spirit form, and had half his face ripped off... And poor poor Pallegina, pretty feathers, flawless skin, stable job, relatively well respected by most people in town... the ability to leave the idiots that were picking on her and walk into any military outfit she likes... Yes, poor Pallegina... Don't forget Pallegina's prettiness is all due to Giacolo's severing of her bell thingy. Before he did that, she had a lot more feathers and a more beaklike nose. She was depressed enough about it (suicidal at 12!) to basically undergo a procedure that might have killed her. Also, she's only in her particular paladin order because they don't recognize her as having any gender at all - the paladin order usually only accepts men. Sure it's not as bad as some others now, but I still say it's awful enough. Z72. Doesn't Hiravias at one point ask Pallegina if that means she has a cloaca?? I seem to recall seeing that banter while wandering Defiance Bay and just about spitting my drink all over the screen
  21. I've had this event happen twice across all my playthroughs thus far, and both times it was a crew member with an impulsive personality, although not the same one.I think i had it once with a Drunkard crew mate. Might've been Eld Engrim or whatshisname Yeah mine was Eld Engrim. I nearly lost it Second time was a male Orlan, forget which one. Decided to let my Watcher get freaky the whole crew cheered when we came out. Morale was raised a good deal that day. I wonder if there's any interactivity between companions if you have an ongoing relationship? I can't imagine Xoti taking kindly to that
  22. 'Bug/spider perso' is probably Big Mouth who is a Vithrack surgeon (that is pretty much useless due to the fact that he cannot participate in any ship event that requires a surgeon) that can be recruited in Dunnage, i think. Ac, but can he appear in that event where a crew member tries to hop into the Watcher's bed? Asking for a friend. Also, we can hire a Deathead in Crookspur. Nope, as far as i know, none of the 'weird' crewmates EVER participate in ANY event. Which is really dumb and lame and ****. Which really ruins my open door policy concerning Birta
  23. True. I have just a problem now : if you have a zealous aura or stance of fighter. The true bonus is only of 5 pt. Not 10. +10 is really perfect, IF there are no stacking rules. 15 accuracy was perhaps a better choice, with actual situation of stacking rules and at 4.5s of casting time. Now you have two choices : 1) TAKE Devotion for one of your priest. But need 4.5s at the start of battle. And you don't pick aura or conquerer stance for your fighters/Paladins. 2) DON'T TAKE Devotion. You are free to use something else with a priest, or even don't pick a priest. And you take a free and permanent aura but you are only at 5 and not 10. Or Fighter at 10 with his stance. A lot of thing which are supressed each others. Boring. Personnally, With only a true gap of 5 accuracy. 3s is now a better casting time. 4.5s is too much for the difference. I am a fervent defender of full stacking rule since the very beginning with two rules to limit haxx : 1) Containers (inspirations / Afflictions) don't stack. (Tenacious + Strong) 2) Same nominative spells don't stack (Devotion for the faithful from one priest + Devotion of the faithful from an other priest) All the rest = stack. From a personnal perspective, I found that far more interresting. EVEN with again few nerfs (not a problem for me) !... I prefer full customization, always. Even with less powerful passives abilities. Because with that you have a better feel of choice and assembly. Oh yes, that is true. I have also been kind of bummed about only getting +5 from it when playing Paladin or bringing Pallegina. The funny thing is though, I'm actually using other Paladin auras now. Before, I never chose anything other than the accuracy bonus. It has actually encouraged me to rotate auras and fighter stances I wouldn't normally use. I think I prefer it this way. It doesn't make me feel like I have to ALWAYS have the same party makeup to get the same, or similar, accuracy bonus. But I totally get where you're coming from.
  24. Yeah, for sure. But take the Titan fight at Poko Kohara for instance- near the end of the beta they beefed up the difficulty tremendously, then lowered it again for release. IIRC, the balancing workflow tends to be to make things too hard first, then tune down from there. Hopefully, they keep PoTD very challenging, but evening out some of the more extreme difficulty spikes wouldn't be unwelcome
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