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Everything posted by fortuntek

  1. I have the four songs as a playlist on my iPhone. Can you believe they put the option to turn off shanties in the sound menu because they weren't sure if people would like them?? The only options they should have is "Shanties" and "More Shanties"
  2. With my girlfriend it's more like "did you leave your game on again? I hear shanties "
  3. Randomize Boroer's forum name! That way players won't be able to know which builds break the game
  4. Yeah, that's too far Although the more extreme randomization options I think would still be popular with Twitch streamers. I would definitely watch that
  5. We've had Berath's Blessings, Magran's Fires, now get ready for... Wael's Mysteries! Let Wael royally f@#$ with your game! Randomize which dungeons are on which island on the map! Better yet, randomize the position of where islands actually are! Are you too familiar with what potions heal you and which are poison?? Scramble em up! Is it just me or would this be awesome.
  6. I know this is a bit out of the blue, but how long was your first playthrough? For Deadfire? About 60 hours. That's with taking my time and doing close to everything (but skipping most faction quests other than the one I chose) If you mean Tyranny, sorry I don't recall. That game was like a flash in the pan, was great while it lasted then immediately forgotten lol
  7. Put it this way... I thoroughly, immensely enjoyed Tyranny. Twice. To see outcomes on either side. I can't seem to go back and replay it again without immediately losing interest PoE2 on the other hand I'm on my third playthrough in the two weeks since release and I don't see myself slowing down, and there hasn't even been a major patch or dlc yet I'm pretty sure this is going to land in my top games all time once all is said and done
  8. I thought Two Whoops and a Holler was Konstanten at first based on his obnoxiously loud battlecry then I saw Masseur and realized le olde southern belle Xoti was the whoop and holler heh I mean if it wasn't for that one annoying laughing battlecry I would actually like Konstanten
  9. I wish I had the patience to wait until the first patch or two before playing like some people, but between the beta and my third playthrough already I am like an addict here (I've put 150 hours or so in since release and that's balanced around a 9-5 job and family life, sooo...)
  10. Rauatai not particularly nearby, not near enough to be affected by the storms at Ukaizo anyhow. Their interest in Ukaizo, when playing for Royal Deadfire Company,is that their may be a possible link to the storms that regularly thrash their homeland. The idea is that they could come across some knowledge would could help.
  11. I would imagine all-time peak is most likely to jump after the biggest sale discount
  12. Sounds like the files were left in for the modders to find. Pubic hair and non pubic hair options? While I won't be making use of them I can appreciate Obsidian's thoughtfulness for those who will
  13. Weapon description states: Storm Blade: Deals +10 Shock damage to Target on Critical Hit +15% Damage as Shock Errors: - First of all it's unclear from the description whether the 15% is applied only on critical hits or all hits. In testing though the 15% is applied to graze/hit/crit. I think this is intended, just written in unclear language - As of current build ( the +10 Shock damage is not being applied on Crits -------- This is a great weapon but would be greater if it worked as intended Apologies if this has been brought up before but a forum search of the weapon name didn't bring up any reports although I'm sure others have noticed this
  14. I originally went for Furrente's Breatplate and it was a HUGE letdown. It doesn't even look any different from a stock Exceptional Breastplate. It's really not bad once upgraded but as a DPS focused character deflection would have been preferable to taking damage for other characters in a tank-like role.
  15. I found myself in the same position. Casita Semalia's Legacy is your best bet. There are multiple ways of resolving that quest. I was playing a Bleak Walker though and found that Atello is alone if you wait until nighttime and if you kill him it doesn't alert anyone or have any consequences But if that feels too out of character for you try exploring diplomatic resolutions, who knows, maybe things will get out of hand... It's worth it though. The Intimidate bonus to deflection can get quite high.
  16. This is a fringe case, and an acceptable one in my opinion. It gives a bonus but not one that's overwhelmingly better. It's just meant as a shout out to Sagani-type characters. I like it. It helps cement a PoE spin on a familiar archetype. But I wouldn't expect to see a lot of other race restricted items. Maybe none.
  17. A lot of options could be improved all at once by the ability to enter our own values where called for. For example, instead of multiple "Engagers > 0" and "Engagers > 1" and so on, let us choose the value and the ">," <," or "=" option. Same thing with focus. Maybe stick a "max" option as a choosable value? See I think this would be the best case scenario to drastically improve AI options across the board, but I think the problem right now is how many programming man-hours it would take to implement is probably a lot higher than other patch fixes that would "do the job."
  18. If anything, things were a little *cough* wild than you'd expect
  19. What's his sword? Duskfall, it has -15% Recovery time and several enchants that give things like extra accuracy/dmg on first attack of fight or extra deflection for first 15 sec of fight, etc. Makes a great Rogue weapon, especially for Assassin subclass
  20. ...I like the sudden turn this thread has taken. Have you guys been taking notes from Aarik?
  21. Thanks for the explanation, that's all I wanted to know and I am not disappointed! This has all been pretty hilarious. Hopefully there wasn't too much facepalming around the ol' water cooler at the office. "How are things on your end? Get most of the B list bugs squashed?" "Oh well, we're getting there. Bob left a drunk naked orlan model in though. Forums blew up overnight" ".. figures. Sigh. F@#king Bob."
  22. As funny as the random mayhem of this thread is, I for one am still interested in knowing the how/why of how this happened and why it's being removed. Was it intended to ship this way? Was it modelled and then vetoed? Really curious.
  23. According to the game data, actually priest of Magran by FAR gets the most unique interactions. Not just of priests, but of any subclass
  24. Totally doing that next time. Though I still think we should get the armour after killing him in the fight against Furrente later, if you sided with Aelys (like I did)
  25. Tekehu can leave even without blowing the powder house-- his "I'm leaving" dialogue just popped up randomly when I entered Dunnage one time. Mind you I had been doing *a lot* to piss off the Huana lol, but I didn't take any quests to blow the powder house. I was working for the Principi
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