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Everything posted by fortuntek

  1. It's possible to complete the quest without going to the tavern at all, I haven't done this but maybe it clears out under certain quest resolution conditions?
  2. Haha that's brilliant. So did you get the reputation boost and the armour?
  3. Those sigils of death (the ones that add wounds) are the worst if you don't have one of those Wardstones. I usually draw the fight away then sit there and pelt them from a distance after the fight:P you have to use a scepter though, because they're immune to pierce/slash damage but the scepters range is just barely far enough to stay out of its area of effect
  4. Honestly I was hoping for some reactivity when she runs around naked. I mean random NPC's in Neketaka are always asking if you came in on the Defiant, surely they'd notice a nude Orlan bouncing around the city? I think it'd be funny if they had Concelhaut/Nemnok dialogue triggers for this
  5. I'm wondering if it'll be part of the Beast of Winter DLC. Would fit the theme
  6. You also get a chance to kill Benweth later in the game but I was disappointed that I didn't get his good leather armour. Boo. Guess he dies in a fiery explosion next time
  7. I think Concelhaut piping up at inappropriate times has been reported plenty, but he's even able to intrude after the final ending slides of the game. I've just finished Ukaizo, watched the dramatic slides of how my choices affected Eora, narrator finishes and then fade to black... "YOU HAVE ONLY DELAYED YOUR DEATH." ... Thanks, Concelhaut.
  8. Any chance we can find out how this happened in the first place if it's just being patched out?
  9. To be fair though, I truly had no idea when changing her armour I'd be greeted with naked orlan. I don't think I've been so shocked in a game before hahaha My first thought was "HOLY CRAP somebody's going to get in trouble for letting that through release!" thinking it was a bug or somebody's idea of a prank until I realized, wait a sec, somebody went through the trouble of modeling that and given Deadfire's rating includes nudity... this was intended Still came as a shock though lol
  10. And yet every other time I've checked has been a disappointment
  11. So... How to say this... Mirke isn't wearing any underwear.
  12. I've never noticed this, can someone explain how this is *supposed* to work? I'm playing on PotD but the only place I've seen stat changes is on my own character, and only when on my ship and not in combat (I'm guessing this is a bug due the game treating me as an NPC in those situations)
  13. Vilario's Rest is not a dockable location, you have to sail around the island to Port Maje. I know I did the same thing but in hindsight it makes perfect sense since Vilario's Rest is a beach and having your ship stuck there was the problem in the first place
  14. Josh Sawyer posted a picture of a new menu button for "New Game and Skip Intro" on the main menu, so there's that
  15. In other threads I've seen about it no one has run into Falanroed yet so it may not be possible, but if the name on the chair is changing then that's definitely a bug. How is it changing exactly?
  16. That's sold somewhere else I believe (in Neketaka, though I can't remember exactly where). I can't recall. I know it's really early on, possibly even one of the other Port Maje merchants? I feel like I've had it since before even getting to Neketaka but you may be right
  17. Frankly I haven't used it in any of by builds because other swords were always more tempting. If it's changed to to club will it's stats change? Given that clubs are usually faster with lower damage (do they still get an accuracy bonus too?) Also, while a sword with crush damage is unique a club with slash damage is even more so, given the lack of club alternatives. And if I recall correctly it currently does slash/crush. So I don't see that as a reason for keeping it as a sword
  18. Thank you thank you THANK you. I never would have thought to come back to that quest line (sided with the Principi). Hopefully it's not closed off to me, I'll give it a shot next time
  19. Even with enemy scaling? Well... Yeah. I'm not one of the forum elites here who want a crazy chellenge all the time and I've found the vast majority ii for it to be very easy. Oh you will have challenging encounters from time to time but that seems to mostly be for designed encounters, not scaled ones
  20. Interesting. I had assumed that Principi was rivals with Vailian Trading Company and Huana was rivals with Royal Deadfire. I think I like this more flexible system better (though the fight with my "rival" Furrente at the end was an utter joke! I chunked him and everyone else within seconds, they weren't even geared properly)
  21. Isn't there also a ring that gives +10 accuracy to Fire attacks? I've been using it literally the whole game because--and this is awesome-- it applies the accuracy bonus to Paladin's Flames of Devotion :D which means +20 accuracy total like in the beta
  22. Anybody know how to get Pallegina if you didn't recruit her at the palace? I thought she'd be at the Vailian Trading Company headquarters but she's not there either. I'm pretty late into the game and only wanted to get her to complete the achievement to recruit all characters but she's no where to be found
  23. I ran into a problem like this and it turned out I had read the ingredients on the document but didn't actually pick it up/have it in my inventory. Make sure you didn't leave it on the shelf, THEN talk to the guy in the cage after letting him out and choose the dialogue option asking where your reward is. If you've done all that then it's a bug (and that really sucks)
  24. So I've been wanting to try this armor for the deflection bonus that scales with Intimidate, and on my second playthrough I've done just about everything but I can't find it. Can someone enlighten me?
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