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Everything posted by fortuntek

  1. I get that. Normally I'd agree. In this case though it was more an issue of communicating that consequence-- tell me he died at least! (Also I'm still not entirely convinced this wasn't a bug-- my recollection was Eder and other crew taking down the last enemy while was character was stuck behind them out of reach and with no ranged weapon to switch to.)
  2. I was certain he survived... now I'm not so sure. Had I realized I would have restarted
  3. Ok solved it, the initial fight tutorial actually matters and who of your crew survives is decided there. You can loose Eder and several other crew members if you are not careful... Do you mean if you save the crate instead of crewmember? Because Eder definitely survived the opening fight, and if it was that damn crate well then the consequences were not communicated to the player whatsoever
  4. Well I'm just about to Neketaka and no sign of Eder...
  5. So I know that Eder normally joins you on the beach at the beginning of the game. My Eder was in the opening sequences but now he's gone?? Is this a bug? He's not dead in my PoE save game. (I'm still at the beginning of the game so please no spoilers past Port Maje, I just want to know if I'm still able to get Eder or if I'm screwed)
  6. I think it's decrypting the download
  7. I find it funny how many people resort to claiming diarrhea or other gross conditions to discourage questions lol I feel like an experienced manager would see right through that... I certainly would Not that it matters as long as you get to play Deadfire :D
  8. Yeah +1 to that My dual-wielding Inquisitor (also a Bleak Walker/Soulblade) was one of the strongest combos I tried in the beta. Even if nerfed in the release version I really don't think you could go wrong, although I haven't tried a firearm version
  9. (Seriously though I actually have two full days off starting launch day, but if I didn't I might be tempted )
  10. Maybe scream into a pillow for a while until your voice is all hoarse? Gotta sell it I may go with "vertigo" ...
  11. I was disappointed that hatchet was nerfed from +5 deflection to +3 (melee only), just out of curiosity does anyone know if it stacks for dual wielding hatchets?
  12. With the delayed release date my time off work was thrown off and now I don't have as much time as I'd like to sink into Deadfire when it releases in the next few days. Yeah, I think I might *cough* be getting sick May have to call in to work. Favourite get out of work excuses aaaaand GO
  13. I also prefer weapon and dagger. I don't think what you lose in deflection (except melee) is anywhere close to as valuable as the offensive benefit of having two weapons, especially on characters with Full Attack abilities That dagger still does a very respectable amount of damage in my testing even with the -25% damage on the modal, plus you can just turn it off.
  14. Yeah my first bet is that the base main game without dlc will be far less than 45 GB, even once unpacked. That number is probably meant as a guess towards the maximum it may be in the future. Not really concerned, just was curious
  15. Wait, 16 GB? You're right... but I wonder why the updated min specs called for 45 GB then
  16. I had to restart Steam but then it became available Downloading now...
  17. Initially I liked that idea, but then who would pick a spell that cost twice as much to cast when there are other options? Spell choice at levelup seems a lot more important this time around without the benefit of copying from grimoires. Also, how could you double the cost of a spell for situations where you only have one spell to cast at that level?
  18. Yup, good job with the videos have been looking forward to them daily to meet the demands of my Deadfire hype haha. As for the Kind Wayfarer I'm at work so I can't do any testing at the moment but I'd be interested in learning if it's functioning as intended
  19. Definitely well thought out, especially mechanically. I'm playing a priest of Wael right now too (didn't go with Orlan because I felt it was a bit redundant with Hiravias being inclined towards Wael too) but this is making me rethink that for Deadfire. I may try it!
  20. What happened to his rapier? It's looking a tad.... shrivelled.
  21. Some of the wallpapers that backers for PoE1 got are even at these resolutions if I'm not mistaken
  22. I didn't before but after reading this thread I think I might try it now.
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