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Everything posted by fortuntek

  1. I saw an ad for Deadfire on my Facebook feed that called it the "sequel to one of the highest rated PC games of all time." That surprised me a little... So I did some digging. According to Metacritic, PoE is the 134th highest rated PC title of all time. Now we all know ad campaigns play fast and loose with the facts, and I have nothing but the highest respect for the achievements of the original game (or else why would I be here) but I'm wondering-- is 134th really enough to justify such a claim? Do you think the (presumably Versus Evil marketing team) is maybe a bit out of line on this one?
  2. One quick tip: for finding unique items, most uniques have _U_ somewhere in its ID, example: Head_U_Helm_Itemname, etc I'm at work so I don't remember if that's the exact format but searching _U_ with console commands will return a quick list of uniques No coral sword though
  3. Whatever the timeline for beta patches is, it can accurately be described as "not as soon as I'd like" I check every day
  4. Bahaha this is amazing. Why did I not think of this??
  5. Given the following change announced to Resolve: from Josh's Twitter, it got me thinking... Most cRPG systems use intelligence as the spell damage stat. In PoE it is still very important for AoE and length of effect durations and also leads to things like Int focused Barbarians, etc. Would it not make more sense for these to be switched, given the change? Both stats affect will so that'd stay the same, but it means every high Res spellcaster wikl also pass charisma-like resolve checks in dialogue and high Int Barbarians who pass Intellect checks and are lecturing NPC's on matters of logic etc. Should these not be reversed? Or are the mechanical benefits worth keeping it this way?
  6. Maybe move deflection to Dex?
  7. My two cents: If primary goal is having stats useful for multiple viable builds within same class (as opposed to this "no bad builds" unicorn, and, If this can be achieved while simultaneously not offending players sensibilities about what things stats should "logically" represent (remember the outcry when Might was first described?) then it should be so, but only if it makes sense mechanically as well. So, Resolve as a stat that affects spell damage, I believe, meets both of these criteria well. I like the idea. As others have mentioned though, having it impact the duration of effects is appealing, but it is already affecting too many things (allegedly). What would people think if Resolve affected spell damage, reduced affliction duration, and deflection be moved to a different stat or removed from stats? It would make casters more resistant to afflictions which seems weird, but honestly with the longer spell casting times casters need that advantage to not be utterly useless in short combat situations.
  8. There weren't many times in BG2 where mages had one on one duels... The drow fighting pit comes to mind? In the base game anyway. The idea is cool, that mages can hold their own and have whole new layers of defenses and counters but I don't see this fitting well in a PoE game where the focus is so much more on party balance so I can't see them messing with that. I miss elements of BG2 style gameplay too though.
  9. Geez guys, where's the love?! We're honestly lucky devs go out of their way to provide us helpful tips that they totally don't have to Now I can obsess about how good my various builds are at whacking inanimate objects silly ...
  10. GivePlayerMoney x It's in the first post
  11. Very nice! I knew about using the Tab key to autocomplete entries but Find will come in very handy. Will give it a try
  12. I say leave this bug in I have had time to grow attached to my Bear companion's perpetually confused and lost doppleganger wandering about
  13. So that's why ever since the Unlabored Blade nerf even the fireflies in my area have glowed a little less brightly...
  14. *Does a double-take looking at the date of post* Unless Josh somehow has acquired the ability to tweet from the future I'm guessing you live very very far from me
  15. Agreed. But those afflictions were so much more clear in their effect. Maybe this will all get tuned and my concerns will go away, who knows
  16. Yeah? Such as, what are... Oh, and may I just say: the new Armor designs look freakin' fantastic aesthetically. Really a huge step up (especially Padded Armor haha)
  17. Thought I'd make a post for any interesting stuff you folks find. Here's a few things: Press ~ to open Console Command Iroll20s (you must enter this command to enable other commands) FindGameData Example_Search (ie. Sabre, Armor, Aloth, NPC) GivePlayerMoney x (where x is amount of money you want) GiveItem x (where x is an item found using FindGameData, ie. Great_Sword_Exceptional) When searching data using FindGameData pay attention to the tags in brackets after the search results, for example inventory items will be followed by (EquippableGameData) Item code structure: Robe_Armor Robe_Armor_Fine Robe_Armor_Exeptional ... Plate_Armor Plate_Armor_Fine Plate_Armor_Exceptional ... Sabre Sabre_Fine Sabre_Exceptional etc. Items stronger than exceptional are missing but there are some variations like Leather_Armor_Principi or Leather_Armor_Huana - For a look at the new fire weapon effect, check out: Great_Sword_Firebrand - Head_Helm_Huana_Guard -- looks like a metal headband Most items have no texture and info missing but it's pretty cool to see how a lot of the stuff works. Be careful for spoilers in the game data, I'm told that's all been cut from the backer beta but there's always the possibility something was missed. Go nuts
  18. Some good points on either side here. Using this system as a means of organizing which effects stack is very useful to players, but probably even more useful to devs just in terms of organization and balancing. There just has to be a better way to communicate this to the player, and one suggestion I heard was to have a table listing statuses and which ones counter which, or is a stronger version of, etc. Also, listing counters in ability/spell descriptions could be a good partial solution as well. On the other hand, I don't think making the effects and their counters more transparent will make the current system any more fun to use. It might make it less frustrating? But even if I can tell at a glance what different status effects do or even memorize all of them (ugh), they just need to have a more noticeable individual effect. Blind used to be awesome on it's own. Now? Meh. Confusion and stunning effects? Same. And so on, and so on. Go through almost any spell and read it over. They all seem like less cool versions of their PoE1 versions
  19. In the backer beta I noticed two trends that concern me: Firstly, the overuse of statuses for groups of stat changes (Aware, Intuitive, etc.) and the tendency for spells and abilities to rely more on these and ability score changes where they didn't before (Blindness causes PER -5 and Accuracy -10 for example). I'm sure many of these will be tuned in upcoming updates and that's fine, but it's the overall design trend which I don't agree with and how changes focus. Affliction/Inspitation choosing process: See an ability in ability tree. See what it does by clicking on effects it adds. Click on those effects to see what they do. If you're a novice, click on the defenses/stats/etc they affect to see what *they* do. Ultimately be unable to accurately judge how effective it will be. Try it anyway. What happens afterwards varies but in many cases it's hard to tell how much of an impact on the battle it had, even for experienced players. This is also true for my second gripe: I've often found spells and abilities that impact abilities scores like Intellect and Resolve etc. to be so much less appealing, and there is *so* much more of that now. Perhaps someone here can explain why better than I can. What I'm saying is, this doesn't feel good. I love complexity in games but this doesn't seem clearly structured, seems like what "things" do could be accomplished without the unnecessary obfuscation. Thoughts?
  20. This was all as expected, until: ...wait, what?
  21. Heh. This is a good idea to try after having worn out all of my first choices. I asked Josh what his fav multiclass combo is currently and (after going on at length about Ghost Lodge rangers) said he really liked Street fighter/Barb I think it was? Makes me wonder if carnage will synergize with it, but I forget what Street fighter does. So I feel like theory crafters will have their dreams fulfilled for years to come with builds.
  22. Actually they said during the stream that you can indeed import the hidden ".complete" savegames to the Backer Beta! I'm a little torn about this. Equal parts excited, but I also am attached to a couple of those characters and want to import them only after the game is complete so I get the full experience. I was pretty disappointed after playing the PoE Beta originally and it killed my enthusiasm for the game initially. It was many updates later until I replayed it and about 3.0 by the time I REALLY got into it. Now I have thousands of hours logged playtime.
  23. That was me with PoE1's Backer Beta lol. I think I got that out of my system this time watching Ellohime's hour on stream going through the character creator though
  24. First character you will make/made in the backer beta, aaaaand GO! .. I'm at work and just waiting to go home and download I'm thinking keeping it basic as possible, Fighter sword and board type. But once I get my hands on that sweet sweet multiclass character creator all bets are off
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