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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. That one is legitimately a good watercolor version. This is just an edit of an existing in game portrait, but it is darker with a different tone. It will work nicely for anyone who wants to use it.
  2. I was thinking Eternity 1 for some reason, but yeah you are right, no need to use a text edit this time.
  3. There is a difference between a gameplay element that gives you +2 all stats cause you earned a bunch of achievements, and a console command cheat that makes you unable to die, can max all your stats, give you infinite money, etc etc, and requires being enabled through text file editing.
  4. I don't see why not? They don't affect any of the current achievements. I wouldn't be surprised if those achievements specify not using (positive) Berath's Blessings. I would be surprised. I have never seen a game developer spend time to build a gameplay element, and then penalize the player for using said element. That is the definition of bad design. Also just to be honest, other than the skill bonus, and stat bonus perks, there is nothing these perks do or give you can't already get in game anyway.
  5. Well that sucks, and I agree many of the quests work in a very odd manner. I myself have had conversations with Furrante at the request of other npc's about issues I have already talked to Furrante about, and had to sit through him acting like we hadn't already had the conversation. But the quest still worked after that. Heck I went to a certain island before visiting anywhere in Neketaka other than queens berth, and yes, it lead to some really WEIRD conversations, like npcs telling me they would offer me work, only to immediately say they have no work go talk to xyz instead. I assume their work involved that island. That's really funky, but not broken. I define broken as "it be broke, you can't do it". To keep this Obsidian focused a great example of a broken game component I encountered once was in Fallout New Vegas. After screwing around for hours on end and doing craptons other than main story, I finally rolled into New Vegas. I was promptly greeted by the sheriff robot who for some reason was severely damaged and about to explode even though the last time I saw him he was fine. He immediately calls me a traitor to Mr House for destroying him ??? (I never so much as gave him a dirty look), he proceeds to explode, and I am now hostile KOS to Mr. House's faction. That was weird, and it was broke. However I didn't go insane about it on forums or reviews because I knew that had to be some perfect storm of nonsense I somehow did that I would never be able to figure out, and likely effected very few people. So it sucks those quests are broke for you, I wouldn't assume that means they are broken for most people, or even a large percentage. It sounds like you know you did things in an unintended way, and I know doing stuff in an unintended way on a crpg that has just released tends to break things. That doesn't make it okay, but at least you can still beat the game without having an ending choice blocked off because some robot got mauled by a deathclaw or something and decided to blame you. As for whoever managed to completely block off even talking to Onezaka, be real, you know that is some insane one in a million bug that is not effecting hardly anyone. It really sucks it happened to you, I really do feel your pain, you have every right to be pissed, report it to Obsidian, but also be logical. The odds of that happening on anyone's playthrough is tiny, you probably don't even know how to reproduce it, or if it even can be re produced. You can restart, I understand why you might not want to, you can wait for patches, you can even demand a refund and if I was Obsidian I would give it to you. Just don't act like this massive storm of your game going to heck is normal, it clearly isn't because people are beating the game left and right, and no review outlet reported any bug even remotely that bad. Even the negative ones.
  6. I admit it, I laughed. I think the last patch enhanced the AI. I have no run into "light fast" ships that don't even try shooting at me anymore and just go for a ram every time, because they know gun to gun they can't beat me.
  7. What broken quests in Neketaka? I literally haven't found one, I have found some strange ones that work a little odd, but they weren't broke. Also those heinous import bugs were fixed in a patch that was available by the time you made this post? Yes people have a right to be upset, yes you have a right to call out and report bugs, there is nothing wrong with that. Just please stop calling the game broken, it is not broken. You can boot it up, you can play it, you can complete it. Could it be better? Yes. Does it need a difficulty balancing? Sure does. Are there some bugs? Yes, there are bugs. None of that means the game is "broken and unplayable" though.
  8. Lol persona 5 takes about 50 hours, but it is a linear traditional jrpg too where once you have seen the story, you saw the story. There is no inherent replay value aside from being a boss in new game +. I will agree though, the critical path of Deadfire needed to be longer. When I heard in a stream a QA had beaten it in less than 1.5 hours, I knew it wasn't a significant crit path. Which is probably why I have tried very hard to totally ignore it.
  9. This wasn't a Wyrmtongue. It did only 2 less max and min damage than a Heavy Bronzer, which is considerably harder hitting than a Wyrmtongue. I have only seen it on enemy ships though, specifically enemy ships in a certain area I won't name cause this is the non spoiler forum. Also seriously, once you have expert or better cannoneers, all double bronzers, and a junk so 5 guns per side, it really only takes two salvos and it is over. Ship combat is very very easy once you have the money to fund the best ship components.
  10. 29% of the people, on this niche forum, of diehard fans of real time with pause isometric rpg's. I can't imagine that Obsidian doesn't do some data gathering from player data, which means they will have data on how players well played Eternity 1. If they felt the PotD balancing was critical for say just 20% of the playerbase, I can't imagine them saying "nah bug fixes first we can launch with something 1/5th of our players will hate!" Just take forum polls, especially those in highly niche forums, with a grain of salt. That's all I am saying.
  11. Monk, because for reasons I have mentioned on these forums many times, I hate martiat arts themed Monks in RPG's taking place in fantasy Europe or a derivative there of. Also Cipher is BA, you just gotta know how to use em! That high level mass charm for example is evil.
  12. Fair enough, I prefer the Double Bronzers cause I can sink any ship in the game in 2-3 volleys whether I cause a special effect or not. I actually found one ship (I think it is a Magran worshiper one) that had what I feel may be the best gun in the game. Some sort of fire cannon that only did two less damage than a double bronzer, but reloaded in 4 rounds. It also had an optimum range of 0-400, meaning your enemy can never be so close you are out of optimum range. I don't know if you can actually get one for yourself though :/. There is one gun arguably better though, good old Haefric's Nose. 200-600 meter range, equal damage to a double, 4 round reload. That's a gun!
  13. I will let my Aloth with 7 different grimoires that destroys crap constantly in my game know he sucks and his class is gimped.
  14. I find it hilarious when people say this. Does no one leave crit path? Does no one explore? I found a three eoten fight when I was level 5, I had only one exceptional weapon, and most of my armor was "fine" level, trust me, I didn't win.Also OP, all these difficulty complainers are specifically saying the hardest difficulty setting in the game needs to be harder. Something the lead Dev admitted before the game was even released. It is a non issue, if you care about playing on the hardest setting (most people dont), wait at least until that gets patched which will probably be soon. It’s ridiculous that people are complaining about the level scaling option not working? It works, just not as well as it should. Also there is a huge difference between "this game is a cake walk and wayyy to easy" and "level scaling doesn't work". Anyone saying you "can't die" in this game is purely full of crap.
  15. I find it hilarious when people say this. Does no one leave crit path? Does no one explore? I found a three eoten fight when I was level 5, I had only one exceptional weapon, and most of my armor was "fine" level, trust me, I didn't win. Also OP, all these difficulty complainers are specifically saying the hardest difficulty setting in the game needs to be harder. Something the lead Dev admitted before the game was even released. It is a non issue, if you care about playing on the hardest setting (most people dont), wait at least until that gets patched which will probably be soon.
  16. I like actually I changed my mind I like "Roll Berath's Wheel" the best, but they are all great. I wish they had done a Deadfire version of "Lowlands". It is kind of sad for the games theme though I guess. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIBy2u81az0
  17. I am not a fanboy. I spend time here, and I love their games, but I will never hesitate to call a spade a spade. That said, just like with Eternity 1, anyone saying this game is a bug ridden mess that is unplayable is talking out their rear. I have suffered 4 CTD's, they always happen in world map to city/dungeon map transitions so now I just save to be safe, hardly game breaking just kind of annoying. Twice my manual saves inexplicably got deleted, good thing there are backup cloud saved I restored from. Annoying, but not game breaking, also it was only my manual saves the autosaves were fine so even without the cloud all was not lost. There are some import bugs, guess what? All of them are fixed by the already available beta patch. Annoying not game breaking. I have encountered a bug playing Deadfire where my screen would lock up, the game would continue playing though. I simply could not see anything happening as my screen was totally frozen. It happened constantly too, it was game breaking and REALLY annoying. Funny story though... it started after I updated to the newest Nvidia drivers for my graphics card, when I rolled back to the old drivers it went away. So the only truly game breaking bug I have found, was with Nvidia's drivers, not Obsidians game. This game is a massive improvement over Eternity 1, the graphics, more variety to BGM's, combat is smoother and more fun, tons less trash encounters, full VO, prompts for important words in dialog so you can see what everything is about without having to consult a wiki, the water color look works and is cool, the factions are INSANELY improved, you have an actual motivation his time (I am going crazy "maybe", I guess I should hunt that guy I saw?) versus (Eothas killed my citizens, destroyed my castle, and stole my soul, I am going to hunt him down and get my soul back and some answers!). Seriously, it isn't a comparison. So yes, the game is not bug free (my shock is palpable), but it is not broken and it is hella fun. The one real flaw with the plot, is the same mistake Obsidian always makes. To be fair it is a mistake Bethesda, Bioware, and just about everyone else making mostly open world RPG's does too. Even the sacred cow of CD Projekt Red. They created this clear threat, made it imminent, told you that you had to do something or the world was going to pot. Then they immediately make it clear to you that there is no timer on this, and if you want to take two in game years to deal with it, all good. Irenicus anyone? He sure was in no hurry at that Elven town. We were going to go insane in Eternity 1 at some point.... right?
  18. I don't know, I still haven't found one sidekick in game, but I found the others, and frankly I am extremely disappointed. One of them was actually involved in a real quest prior to me recruiting them, I won't say which. I felt like I earned it and it made some kind of sense when they joined up, that sidekick was great, kudo's on that one Obsidian. The other two? Not so much. It was another round of one of the things I hated about planescape torment. I went up to them, had a nice chat, said "Hey why don't you abandon your current job, lifestyle, and whole existence and join my party instead? I mean I just made a great speech so you should be happy upending your life for me with no real motivation to do so otherwise?" They off course said yes despite having no real reason to do so. Well other than "I am kind of bored..." It was a serious problem in Eternity 1, and it wouldn't bother me that much if it weren't for Sawyer saying a quest would be involved to recruit them. Talking to them and throwing out some high school sophistry is not a quest, and at least two of the sidekicks are recruited this way. Jesus the mercenaries you hire at the inn have better motivation. At least they got paid.
  19. It is actually OP as heck. It should by all rights be more like 10 points, certainly more than 3. Not exactly a penalty. I am pretty sure I can handle not having the bonus 5k copper, just saying . Can you post a screenshot of it? Like was mentioned before you should just be able to unclick the highlighted blessing. So yeah, it may be a bug. But yes, for those who asked, your points are not "used up" when you actually pick one. You can use your current point freely on every new game you play.
  20. Also uh long term once you have a crew of expert or better cannoners/gunners, and a lot of money... Get yourself a junk and a full compliment of Double Bronzers. You thought ship combat was slow? With that ship, my gunners, and those cannons I typically win every ship encounter in 5-6 moves. I just close to "near" 350, 400-450 is close enough. Do my turn to port or starboard if needed, do a hold order, fire all guns with normal cannonballs once, jibe, hold when done, fire all guns on the opposite side with normal cannonballs again. I probably just won right there. I fought one galleon with 135 HP once and I had to use a third salvo, but that was the only time. Two would have been enough but two shots hit the sails :/.
  21. Honestly I think the bug is that it doesn't work as the tool tip states. As a singe class you would get +10 total skill points from this perk, think about it. If you really got +2 from each skill you would be getting +20 skill points. OP much? Edit: Yeah confirmed in game, sleight of hand is coming from rogue. Also it is 5 skills per class I was being dumb.
  22. Yeah this is true, looks like master is the top rank for regular crew, and they can only have one set skill or they wont even get that. I desperately need a new gunner, cause of their mishmash they are stuck at seasoned.
  23. Difficulty setting shouldn't have any bearing on your ability to earn achievements, other than achievements based on the difficulty. Which right now... I don't think there are any.
  24. It is on the ship menu, the weird icon under your portrait. No stars is unskilled, one star is novice, two stars is journeyman, three stars is expert, four stars is master, four stars with a large center star is legendary, and at least for captains there is a sixth rank that is a large blue star with five small green stars. Let's call it Legendary Master Captain for now .
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