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Everything posted by Suen

  1. Baldur's Gate portraits with the little icons of buffs/curses outside the image, like in NWN2. But I don't dislike what they did in NWN2, so I'll be happy either way.
  2. Who robs kegfish of their sight?We do, We do...
  3. Hi! I'm all the italians too. Obsidian owns me nothing. Not even an answer. No one forced me to donate, I decided on my own, well knowing Obsidian never committed to an italian translation. And I'm not going to attempt to guilt-trip the developers into adding a feature I want. ... But if that could work... cats. I'd like cats, no, I DEMAND CATS, as I'm a BACKER and I say so. And don't you dare ignore me, Obsidian! I want ATTENTION. I expect your answer, Obsidian. Cats.
  4. Love the idea. If they will make it: an option to turn on/off the heroes/monsters names over their head. Or mouse over. And an option to pause. I've seen the "record demo" in action in a mmorpg, and if you can't read the names, or at least a symbol, it's just a confuse brawl.
  5. I want a polished game, but I really hope they will complete it in time. Obsidian is a mid size studio. All those people must be paid. A long delay could mean breaking the budget.
  6. $20 - early bird. I knew the main site was going down, so I was looking at the Obsidian kickstarter profile page, hoping for a rpg announcement. I was so excited, I clicked the pledge before actually watching the video. $50 - after the Lore, Almanac and the wow!-screenshot update. I expected the graphic to be way less detailed and more cartoonish. I was going to up my pledge anyway, but with that update I had to. I wish I could have given more, but life happened screwing my plans.
  7. I'm fine with whatever Obsidian will decide.
  8. Eternity. Whatever the developers decide.
  9. A tutorial at the start of the game (mandatory). Optional. +Tooltips. NWN2 style.
  10. Most of the items should reveal their properties by simply being used. A great scholar should be able to identify the properties of almost any object, through testing. High level cursed items shouldn't necessarily make you feel cursed.
  11. All the characters should be voiced by Stephen Russell. He is amazing: Fun Tribute To Stephen Russell
  12. Yay. Just not the token-buying friendship/romance/loyalty. A gift should be a sign of interest, or care, but shouldn't be the only reason a companion change opinion on you. Let's the companions fall for what I do, not for who I am, nor for the gifts. And not just in love. My character could be loathed, admired, dreaded, respected, begrudged...
  13. A simple system where the skill checks are hidden? The player can see if a dialogue option is linked to a skill, but cannot know if it's a success or a failure. For example, you could have: -"Another beer, please" -"(very stupid thing to say)" [diplomacy] (hidden: diplomacy 10 - intoxication (=beers-constitution bonus) 5 vs 20 = diplomacy failure) -[sPOT] The two shady guys at the table in the corner are now talking while looking at the guy behind you. (hidden: spot 25 - intoxication 5 vs 15 = spot success || just a little extra info) And not in the list: -"(charming answer)" [diplomacy] (diplomacy success) -[sPOT] The two shady guys at the table in the corner are now talking while looking at you. (spot critical failure) This way the "skill option" is not the automatically right answer anymore.
  14. I was really, really set on killing Zhjaeve in NWN2... however my vote is "Yes, but only during specific conflict-driven scenes as part of the narrative. " because it's more interesting (see NWN2: MotB). still looking for a way to kill Zhjaeve. And Wheatley (yes, yes, wrong game).
  15. Justin Bell did a really good job with the trailer. For an external composer, my vote is for Alexander Brandon, the soundtrack of NWN2: Mask of the Betrayer is amazing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4V1ZB1rWsS4
  16. As much as I appreciate the idea of in theory, I hate it when I'm playing. So no perma-dead for me, and I'm favorable to auto res at the end of a fight. Everything to avoid the tedious save, weak companion dies in 1 sec, reload, repeat the boring fight with the cobolds 10 times. I welcome instead penalties, decreased abilities, and injuries getting worse if you don't find a doctor.
  17. More or less I agree with the OP, even if I like my numbers not in plain sight. This, a thousand times. So please... -no auto-scrolling descriptions because the box is 1/300 the screen (and all around the screen is empty) -icons! not yellow pages lists -mouse point and click, not scrolling (oh, the horror) -readable, re-sizable fonts where possible -traditional keyboard shortcuts. Don't ask me to press Tab to open the main menu. -a minor change in video options shouldn't require leaving/restarting the game
  18. fredgiblet - @OE Do you think they honestly thought is was a good deal for you or do you think they were hoping you were dumb? Obsidian - @fredgiblet I think they were trying, honestly, to be able to do something with us and they felt that was the easiest way to do it. They would then not need to go get budget approved and deal with the challenge of that. What I don't think they did was to think about our side of it and what they were really asking.
  19. Yes please, give me (dwarves with) guns and heavy artilley. A fireball can't overheat a metal armor, in the fantasy worlds they probably use special alloys. And the guns could be shooting something different than regular bullets. Who knows? Edit: Ah, I missed J.E. Sawyer post xD.
  20. Or a creepy dude claiming he got himself fixed... However... this is a fantasy world, where magic is widespread, preventing or fixing a little inconvenience could be even more easy than in the real world. Magic condoms! Infertility inducing curses! Special slimes! Poison! Soul Eaters!
  21. A kid, mmh... Will I be ablt to kill it with fire? Or abort it? Or sacrifice him to a fake dark god? Or drain his soul to feed mine? If the answer is no, I'm not interested.
  22. Traditional. Because I dread the imagine of a whole race of slim, tall dwarves, without beard and moderate drinkers. Give me the traditional dwarves, and I'll be happy even if they wear space suits and use laser weapons. I like the idea of "elf" and "dwarf". But it's a malleable idea, and the universe where they live is what must forge them. I don't care for subversion when it's done just for the sake of making something different, in the end it's like swapping a clich
  23. No, Eternity must be Obsidian's baby. I'm not against a collaboration between the two studios, but not for this.
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