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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. IIRC the cooldowns won't be that long, 30sec to 1 minute or so I would say (will probably differentiate per tier), so the need to wait spam won't really be there. There won't really be healing spells either. The health and stamina thing sort of makes it a bit easier to do multiple fights without being in danger of dying (theoretically). You didn't even really need magic in Baldur's Gate 1. At most, Magic Missile to quickly get rid of a Mirror Image spell. Remove Fear to get rid of Fear. Dispel Magic to get rid of Dire Charm. Remove Paralysis to get rid of Hold. And of course healing spells. You never really needed to cast remove poison because there was always enough antidote potions. Unless the character was poisoned and held. Over the course of a quest you didn't really need to use these more than once each over quite a while. Most of the time I still had quite enough spells to keep adventuring, but my party got tired instead. In early Baldur's Gate 2, I found that basically those same low level spells, Breach and Restoration (for level drain) got you by. Breach you'd generally only need to use against a powerful mage (there were a lot of easy mages in BG2), a Lich or a Dragon. Generally you wouldn't be fighting multiples of those at once either, and you could have 2-3 breach spells ready to go. So unless you weren't very good at the game, there wasn't a huge need to Rest spam (obviously if you add a tactics mod in, this may change). P:E is supposed to encompass the lower level play of a series. I think Feargus said up to ~ level 12 in D&D area of power. I don't really think it's the solution that matters it's how well implemented it is. This could be a really good system, or they could muck it up pretty bad. But I guess that's what patches are for.
  2. We don't really know where we're being dropped into the game. But I do believe they mentioned that we will get starting gear. I think a gold value and then you just select what you want off a list is fine, and keep the remaining gold.
  3. I actually didn't mind 4E's solution of a +2 to any attribute you like. Humans as a more sandbox race is an interesting idea, get less overall bonuses than other races but get to put them anywhere you like etc
  4. I can't say I'm a fan of your solution as the mechanics sort of lean towards a more ARPG style of play. If you didn't already know, Josh Sawyer's proposed solution is a mix of Vancian and Metrics-based solutions Spells are handled similar to a Sorcerer in D&D, Spells are learned similar to a Wizard. Lowest level spells do not require a Grimoire (probably solely level 1 at least in P:E1 ) Rest of the spells require a Grimoire (magical implement) to be able to cast them Higher level spells require rest to replenish (Vancian in application at least) Lower level spells are on a tiered cooldown (like when you run out of a level of Sorcerer spells in D&D) and are generally aimed to be a per-encounter resource Which levels are per-encounter resources changes as you level up. A level 12 character may have access to 5th level spells, but only levels 1-3 are per-encounter. A Grimoire can only hold a certain amount of spells, you can interchange Grimoires during combat but there will be a cooldown on it's useability However we do not know whether the level lockout is based on the Grimoire or the Character, but I assume it's the character Aloth has a Rapier in his concept art, meaning that Wizards may actually use weapons as well (which I am a fan of).
  5. At first I was like oh god, not firearms. Now I'm actually looking forward to it. IF (unlikely) they code projectile weapons to potentially cause damage to a target if it passes through the unit (such as firing at something, missing, and it going to the right and hitting someone else) that would make it really good fun.
  6. Always Summer Days Eternity makes sense due to the souls thing, I guess it depends on the story they develop.
  7. Not in the wallpaper I'm unsure yet. But yeah either Sagani or Cadegund I guess.
  8. They already said your Player House will have access to special merchants or something, so I assume same goes for Player Stronghold
  9. It's just really stale, it feels really slow, the character movement is clunky. A more RTS feel is a lot more lively. I don't know but Baldur's Gate and BG2 felt smoother than the Icewind Dales as well. Smoother combat movement like Warcraft 3 or something is what I would be looking for, not a really clunky system.
  10. I wouldn't mind a bit more RTS style combat. I do not want MMO/Dragon Age style combat
  11. He doesn't seem like the tragically romantic type to me.
  12. I'm going to guess Godlike Rogue and Aumaua Barbarian, but I hope I am completely wrong.
  13. Hey if you're lucky you'll end up coming out next to the New Jersey Turnpike
  14. I think the Priest fits into the Hospitaller Knight kind of style (except with guns), which is fine with me.
  15. I always used the one like this _ - _ - _ - , because it fit best in corridors
  16. Aumaua Barbarian probably makes more sense to me, but you never know. I'm all for awfully odd archetypes.
  17. The Baldur's Gate 1 resting mechanic wasn't too bad. When you didn't sleep in an Inn you healed what? 1-3 HP and used your healing spells. In Baldur's Gate 2 (or Icewind Dale 1 can't remember which), the introduction of "Rest until fully healed" fixed people spamming mulitple rests, but people spamming rest after each encounter (lol so bad). Project Eternity will not have healing spells as such. I also wouldn't be surprised if there's a campfire mechanic or something that controls where you can rest. So that brings it a bit more back in line, the only thing now is whether you can rest to full health at a campfire in one setting, or if you can't, are you locked out of resting for a period of time? The people that will not go out and adventure again until they're on full health will just idle the campsite until it's unlocked again. I don't believe there's any way to prevent people from playing like this. If there's also a random chance that people will be attacked while trying to rest in a dangerous area, people will still keep waiting or just save/load until it doesn't trigger an enemy. So what's the trade off? If you want to be full health / per-rest abilities before each battle, you have to go back and find a campsite?
  18. They want to become a publisher as well, at least for their own content (I assume), like Interplay did back in the day. Makes sense, create your own ****, license it to others to distribute.
  19. I like the ARPG way, stuff drops on the ground, mouse over or hold alt to see what item it is
  20. Oh, as far as you are aware are those 6 all confirmed companions or just characters? some people seem to think they're not all going to be recruitable NPCs
  21. Yes, this is the only good argument against per-objective XP. Although it's really more of an argument about what such a system implies about the game's design in its totality. I think that Obsidian was not planning to make a BG1-ish open world game, but that the larger-than-expected budget they received may make that feasible. So you may have reason for hope. From the recent SP interview. Kind of sounds like they want to streamline things a bit more. I don't know whether to take that positively or negatively. I suppose some of the BG wilderness areas only had 3 quests and a bunch of random encounters in them. Project Eternity will have larger areas than BG I think, so they might be able to fit a few BG wilderness areas worth of content into one area.
  22. Sure they added in a bunch of mechanics. But I still thought that the gameplay was boring. More boring than KotOR 1. The story was a lot better though.
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