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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. There will of course be numbers under the hood, and you'll probably have the ability to turn them on and off. They'll be off in expert mode.
  2. I really liked a lot of the quests in The Witcher involving removing curses. The thing is because I've played a lot of the games so many times, I can't remember which ones I thought were awesome on the first playthrough. A lot of things can make a quest good. The initial objectives might be simple but you might be affected by the atmosphere of the environment you're travelling through while on the quest, or something else that happens along the way. Thus often, the journey is more important than the actual quest itself (This may not be the case for everyone) I really loved just wandering around in the Swamp Forest in The Witcher during the daytime. I enjoyed rescuing Dynaheir from the Gnoll Fortress, but my favourite parts of that quest were going through all the individual wilderness areas along the way. From Icewind Dale I loved journeying through The Vale of Shadows, Dragon's Eye and The Shattered Hand Fortress to the main objective for those. Cloakwood was also a lot of fun. In Baldur's Gate 2 I found the standalone stuff more fun. The Guarded Compound, The Twisted Rune, etc.
  3. Oh it is 2 weeks? Cool, so hopefully the update will be today then.
  4. During the Kickstarter it was between 1:30 and 4:00am my time so still at least 4 hours to go. I usually read them when I wake up. However now that the Kickstarter is over and there's no rush, I would assume later in the day.
  5. Yes but, in order to avoid too many sub-objectives this may restrict the level design. Previous Infinity Engine games didn't suffer from this problem. Whereas if this design choice is chosen in Project Eternity they may streamline the design of levels. I prefer it to be a bit more chaotic because it feels less staged.
  6. I seriously doubt we'll have much model interaction. Feargus already said Grappling is out, but Adam did mention something about pathfinding
  7. I have the sneaking suspicion that the update that Josh Sawyer was doing mentioned by Adam Brennecke in his recent Sorcerers Place interview will come out today. Either that or tomorrow I guess. I'm not sure whether it was a week or two weeks for backers to sort out their credit card info ? Don't remember. If it's a week then the update will probably be tomorrow. Their format seems to be Adam / Feargus - Metagame info / Project Info Josh - Fluff Tim - Mechanics Since Josh is doing the update according to Adam, any thoughts about what it might be? Additional Race Info / Class Info? Introduction of one of the new NPCs? Updated Dungeon art?
  8. D&D 3E tried to sort this out with a bonus to hit creatures equipped with a ranged weapon in melee combat. Personally I don't care too much. I prefer awesome to realism.
  9. Swords were pretty much always the best option in Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale 1 as well because of the Speed Factor mechanic. The Flail of Ages +5 had a Speed Factor of 1 though I think. Hopefully other weapons make a comeback. Sword and Board was probably the best combo in Dragon Age too, at least it was when I played it (version 1.0)
  10. Encounter based works the best for me. Objective-based XP still has the problem of making side-encounters in quests almost pointless unless they're given an objective themselves or special loot.
  11. I power game so it really depends on the game in BG1 I go sword and board because the speed factor of two handed weapons is too high Bows is also pretty OP because of the extra attack per round in BG2 I use Two Weapon Fighting, because any tough unit will be able to hit you no matter what your AC is when you get to the tough fights (and a lot of the damage is magic) in Star Wars KotOR 2 I use single lightsaber because that with critical strike or flurry of blows and the feats that go with it are the best Hopefully there's more balanced combat options in Project Eternity. I'd love to be able to do a few different ones.
  12. It was well explained but that doesn't make it any less boring. Well if you think about it. With the contracts there weren't actually many times where you actually had to go out of your way to get the items. They were within the paths of doing other quests. The only one I remember that was specifically out of the way was when the Nymph asked you to get a wolf pelt for her to prove your manliness. The other ones was stuff I got along the way doing other stuff. There were a few like 'A Most Uncommon Wine' and ones like that which were fetch quests though. I don't mind that they're there as long as there isn't too many of them. They've already expressed pretty much exactly that. They're fine as long as there's a balance.
  13. I'm a power gamer. I like games I can play multiple times, play it to experience the story the first few times after that it's about the gameplay, tactical challenge and atmosphere I guess. I have a playstyle though, I can't say I ever abused rest spam in the IE games
  14. well in The Witcher the fetch quests were well-implemented, they were contracts. An Alchemist needs 5 vials of ghoul blood for X experiment, obviously can't get it himself etc etc Gotta earn money somehow ;P
  15. Cool. Nice to see something different for a change. Some interesting mature themes could come out of this
  16. That was one of the questions I asked about in my interview which I never got back (still prodding them via email), whether the classes would use homogenous systems. That may still be the case, we don't know.
  17. To be honest i'm hoping it's closer to Baldur's Gate than Icewind Dale level of VO, but we'll see how we go.
  18. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/61301-some-issues-with-the-timed-lockout-spell-casting-system/ I stated my issues here in this thread
  19. From my understanding you'll only get timed-lockouts on 2nd and 3rd level spells once you're zooming past BG1 experience level territory It's hard to say really but if you think about it, a level 12 mage in D&D doesn't have that many spells per day.
  20. I think they mentioned they were going to make the character generation a bit more interactive.
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