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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. The more like Baldur's Gate 1 the better. I do like the Icewind Dale portraits, but I think the BG1 portraits, paperdolls and avatars (UI, area art) are my favourite art styles of all the IE games.
  2. Oh yeah entering buildings was always a problem. If the highest in party order character didn't stand in the doorway when you were trying to enter they just pooled around the door haha.
  3. The only items where you wouldnt have a magic item in every slot would be belts (3 uncursed) and *maybe* rings or boots, depending on how thorough you were. And of course armor, there was magic armor for everyone but as previously mentioned - Full Plate with a ring/cloak of protection was better.
  4. I found the project by doing a video game search on Kickstarter on September 15 I believe I was in the first 2000 backers.
  5. It depends on the system they develop for the game. One would expect that it would go up to either level 30 or 40 and be planned over multiple installments. With the ability to mod in your own content, you're probably going to want no level cap, or people will just mod it out anyway.
  6. I've never actually used the non-readily accessible storage given to me in any game except ARPGs like Diablo and Titan Quest.
  7. I don't really care about what the stats are I just hope that they're fairly static throughout the game.
  8. I was more talking about questing with some help from your quest-giver. I'm hoping for stuff like this Captain of the Guards wants to employ you indepdently to solve a murder mystery in Big Big City, and he puts one of his men in your charge. This adds a cool story element because then you can have interactions with this NPC, you can use him in combat and he will witness your actions while doing the quest. You can get him killed, kill him yourself, or show him that you are a capable individual and gain influence with the faction. You know like when you have someone following you in other games (Neverwinter Nights, The Witcher, Mass Effect) but you gain temporary control over them. To prevent abuse, there would have to be some restrictions on when you are given control of the follower and where you can take the follower as well I would assume. Otherwise you could be tacking on a follower that's given to you for X quest and using him to help you beat Y quest etc. etc etc Stuff like that. I think it will probably take place more in main storyline events but it would be cool here and there to have it in sidequests as well.
  9. It will be fun with the faction reputation system I think.
  10. Oh don't forget, there will be Followers as well (which makes up for the lack of a secondary cast).
  11. One thing that I am really interested in is the follower mechanic in PE. The devs have said that you can have 6 party members and followers. I think this will be really cool and will hopefully make questing and combat really awesome, being able to quest with your quest giver or one of their associates (if they're capable) etc etc, and will allow you to interact with secondary characters in the world really well. This is something that I always did as a Dungeon Master in D&D so my players could have cooler battles. I'm looking forward to massive IE-style (or larger) battles where crucial management of your followers is also paramount to winning a fight. This will be awesome with summons and animal companions (for Rangers and Druids) as well. Hopefully the control mechanisms are very RTS like.
  12. I'm happy with 8, but that probably does mean that I will play a class that isn't taken by one of the characters when I play the game.
  13. Sure, in a linear level that makes sense, as I've been saying in all of my posts. Although in an open-world sandbox game with open wilderness areas you are railroaded to specific paths. I'm all for rewards for non-combat use, I'm all for non-combat being hard and challenging. But quest and objective based experience takes the free roam out of the game.
  14. No. It might be easy to get confused by one part of such a long post but I said that if you can use non-combat to avoid combat, then you should use it (and maybe even be rewarded more XP) but you shouldn't take away the XP from killing a mob. If Project Eternity is going to be an open world sandbox kind of game like they have said, this seriously railroads quests and the level design and will probably make doing things way more linear, which isn't what I want to see as a player. There seems to be a lot of people here who don't want it to be like Baldur's Gate. I don't know about you but I've played Baldur's Gate between 50-100 times since 1998 and after a while I stopped reading the dialogue, I don't care about the story after that point, but I still play it because of the combat and exploration. Those were the best things about the Infinity Engine games, not the story, and not the characters. The prospect of a game that *finally* harkens back to that Baldur's Gate feeling where you can just wander around the world map at your own pleasure is what I am most excited about, but it is my fear that objective-based XP distribution will force the devs to make maps (wilderness areas especially) more linear like Icewind Dale (and to some extent BG2). In an open-world style game, objective-based XP for quests and objectives for exloration is a far clunkier solution to the XP system in which the Infinity Engine games already used. I'm ok with that being the case, but it still promotes 'degenerate' gaming that the dev's seem to be worried about. If you put better loot on enemies that you can sneak around or talk out of combat, you'll still probably kill them to get the items instead. The only way to dissuade this would be to use NPC reactions and the reputation system that penalize you for doing it, or doing some dodgy thing like making the item disappear if you already beat the encounter via other means (stupid).
  15. The game doesnt need origin stories. There'll be some background trait you get or something
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