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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. They'll need to work very hard on a lot of things, especially every single encounter in the game if they use an objective-based XP system.
  2. I'm okay with manually walking back up through each level to get to the surface. I probably won't complain if there's shortcut exits, or a portal that takes you back to level 1 once you've killed the megaboss. I was hoping for more a cross between Durlag's Tower and Dragon's Eye.
  3. It was polish and live music, actually I'll take those over Crafting, Strongholds, Big Big City 2 and superfluous amounts of classes any day.
  4. The last stretch goal wasn't filler, it was probably one of the most important ones.
  5. Definitely going with Expert and Hard first. I am going to die so not much point putting Trial of Iron on until I'm confident I can win the game without dying. Path of the Damned ... well if it's anything like Icewind Dale 1's HoF mode then you won't even be able to damage the first monster at level 1. I think IWD2 was different.
  6. It's not really changes. It's different mechanics that have been used by other games before, thrown into one pot. At the moment I'm a bit ... worried by the amount of changes to the IE formula, it's very ambitious to say the least. If not done correctly it could alienate many people who backed this project hoping for a game that harkens back to the specific games they campaigned on. That said I payed more for this game than any other game I've bought before hoping to make it great. Fingers crossed. I think I'm at a danger of becoming too invested to the point where I will just be disappointed.
  7. Only thing is after Kickstarter and Amazon take their cut we'll be down to 3.6 Million again. Don't know if that will be taken into account.
  8. Odd that people don't seem to grasp 'enhance the whole game' Pretty much means More assets, more levels, more quests, more NPCs, more unique item art, more VO (maybe), wider variety of animations, etc etc You know just general game depth. Not necessarily content-wise. That was the perfect final stretch goal for me (including the music). I recommended stuff like more assets and models in the what should the next stretch goal be thread. Oh and more VO isn't necessarily a bad thing. I'm pretty sure they're going to do all the writing first without considering VO limits at all, and then voice what they can afford to.
  9. If the level design is anything like Rob's drawing, then it looks like you'll be able to go inside Od Nua's statue haha.
  10. Who cares about balance in a singleplayer. If you don't want to do the dungeon don't do it And I believe the main storyline will be level scaled to some extent, so that makes it 'less' of a problem for you. It does raise the issue of the experience table though. They will need a logarithmic or exponential system so that you feel like you're getting rewarded for completing the dungeon but it doesn't make you go up sheet loads of levels. You could still go do the mega dungeon near the start of the game, somehow complete it and be say level 7 or 8 haha, but then you'd level up the rest of the game very slowly. Hopefully they get the level cap guesstimate correct like Tales of the Sword Coast did. If this is how I want to play the game, why should I be penalized for it?
  11. So far I haven't seen a problem. Feargus said they'll probably use the order and the total number of members as a reference in the game, someone made a thread about thanking Faradan or whatever by using that name too. It was just a suggestion afaik.
  12. They've specifically asked for stretch goal ideas on Twitter last night Regarding dlux: personally I don't like high-profile rage quits, i see it as emotional blackmail. That's more than enough said on the subject. I sent him a PM, I can understand the rage over the change to the way experience is gained as it is dangerous, but if handled like I mentioned in my post it should be fine.
  13. I don't think Rats will be the first quest, it could be if there is a prologue before you experience the supernatural event. But I have a feeling that might be the whole prologue.
  14. I am fine with objective-based experience as long as ... They pay EXTREME DETAIL to the area and quest design They need to in order to make sure that everything in the level has a purpose. For instance, let's use the Beregost Temple Area in Baldur's Gate 1 for an example. This area contained some random encounters with War Dogs at certain points on the map. A wandering band of Hobgoblins to the Southeast and a Wolf Pack to the Northeast that contained some Vampiric Wolves. If you run into a hostile bunch of enemies and they try to kill you, you should be rewarded for killing them (or defending yourself rather). The War Dogs either needs to be turned into a quest or a one-time encounter for which you are rewarded experience for defeating them. Having them just as a random encounter for which you are not rewarded will just make you avoid that spot on the map when travelling through it (annoyance). The Hobgoblins were already not hostile when you encountered them, there was a few dialogue options with their leader, he wants to rob you. In Project Eternity, experience would need to be rewarded for convincing the Hobgoblins to leave you alone provided you passed the social skills check, and their kill experience needs to be turned into an objective (Insert ripple actions here). The Wolf Pack in the north east needs to be turned into an objective as well, there are two ways of doing this - making it a quest which you get from the Temple or Beregost, where someone asks you to rid them of the Wolf Pack, or make it a hidden objective as a bonus for exploring the map, where you simply just get objective experience for killing the wolf pack once you've found them. They may not have been a problem for the town of Beregost but nonetheless you should be rewarded for taking them out (Insert ripple actions here). What I do not want to see is every encounter like this being linked to a quest where someone asks you to go and kill a bunch of monsters in the forest. Or simply not mattering at all. I sincerely hope this is what Josh Sawyer means when he's talking about Objective-based experience.
  15. Voice Acting and Music would be my choice of the next stretch goal. I feel like the game has enough content.
  16. Cool idea, although we could supply a fantasy name each if they're ever in need of other NPC names.
  17. I was fine with the IE melee combat as well. And I though melee combat in DA:O was terrible.
  18. For me the game probably already has too much stuff. I don't really care about Crafting & Enchating, Adventurer's Guilds, or a second big city really as that just makes it harder to keep the amount of content on the same level of quality. There's also probably a couple too many classes. There are also probably a few too many differences to the IE games, trying to fix things that they don't like but perhaps not necessarily the best way. At this point I can only really think of voice acting and music budget. All elements need to be of good quality, not just the amount of choice/consequences and lines of dialogue.
  19. If this isn't handled correctly it could introduce a lot of problems in the game. Now every single encounter in the game has to be involved in a quest or some sort. I think that takes a little bit away from the immersion of the world. I do understand the reasoning for the decision but I do agree that it's not the exact best way to handle it.
  20. It is to say the least, ambitious to have two cities with the amount of content in them as Athkatla. Am I worried that it will introduce scope creep into the game? Yes. Baldur's Gate probably didn't have quite as much content as Athkatla did even though it felt bigger geographically. The quests were quite simple/short in most cases, even though there was a lot of them. But with the lack of XP rewards for kills, they're probably going to have to borrow some leaves from other games books, like The Witcher (which I don't think many of them have played). I also haven't played New Vegas so I have no idea what they did there.
  21. If any one of my character die in Baldur's Gate or Icewind Dale I simply load my last save.
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