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Everything posted by Sensuki

  1. I don't think the paypal numbers go that fast, maybe another $1K or so, but I'm not going to add guesstimate amounts.
  2. When did you send away your interview Shadeheart? I sent mine a few days ago, haven't got it back yet.
  3. no idea, probably not? Only hardcore fans like us would know his name probably.
  4. Sorry I pressed the wrong calculator button, I'd been adding the totals together every hour or so to see where we were at. Still 9,000 away
  5. or spending hours trying to win, and then winning and going YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS
  6. Hehe remember those wall traps in the underlevels of the Asylum
  7. Well the environmental artist who did the work on that screeny before did an excellent job in capturing the Baldur's Gate 2 feel. Especially with the elven masonry.
  8. You should send one of them a PM (Adam Brennecke maybe) and get them to see if they can sort that out for you.
  9. I don't think they'll be getting an external portrait artist now. I'm pretty sure they'll use one of the people currently in their employ.
  10. One of the above posters was suggesting that it was a politically correct move. Whereas I think it's more an exploration of something from history that hasn't been explored in a game very much or at all before.
  11. The only thing I am worried about is that so many people backed during the first few days that there mightn't be as big of an explosion of new pledges. I'll be very happy to be proved wrong though.
  12. Sure I don't like the Tetris inventory, but I like how it includes the stat screen with tabs. Smart design. It's meant to be a Diablo-style inventory, but improved. One of the things that I wouldn't be surprised if Obsidian did was combine screens that were single screens in the Infinity Engine game UI.
  13. North Africans were bloody slavers, especially in this period. Nigerian pirates and whatnot used to sail all the way up to the coasts of England and Ireland and abduct people, particularly women. Sounds pretty historically correct to me, just not history that everybody knows I guess. edit: Wikipedia quote
  14. Baldur's Gate 1 is my favourite style Inventory screen Titan Quest would be my second, it just doesn't have the same feel, but it's a great design Make a schweet Papierdoll and we're all good.
  15. I like stats to be fairly concrete once you've created your character, although I didn't mind D&D 3E/4E stat gain. And gear can boost your stats. As for what stat system they use. I have a feeling it might be a mix of D&D and Fallout ?
  16. 500K is more to hire the people they need to make the content. Thats a whole bunch of programmers, level designers, 2D environment artists, etc etc
  17. They will have already planned an update for tomorrow. If he does a video they can just whack the youtube link in and away she goes.
  18. Oh yeah, like when you accidentally press the wrong key / misclick the dialogue and hear the same conversation over and over haha.
  19. Nah man just get some dodgy place in Central America to make it, you know how it goes. Plenty of ways around this stuff
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