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Everything posted by Aedelric

  1. It is very, very important, it is one of the major aspects that make a world believable and come alive. The Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, Divine Divinity, Forgotten Realm games. What makes all these franchises so fantastic and rich is that they have depth beyond gameplay, they have written history, in game novels and tons of favour text. To be faithful to the classics this game really requires such depth, to be a quality product it is an absolute must.
  2. You just can't offer any counter-arguments? No, I am not here to argue, just offer my opinions.
  3. The game is supposed to be isometric, the mounted combat will never be like Neverwinter Nights or Mount & Blade, but perhaps like Ultima Online if implemented at all. I still say no.
  4. I am not convinced by your arguments Luckmann.
  5. To an extent, they have been exposed to a different generation of RPG's and thus their interpretation of what is great is vastly different. I would go with the reasoning that they are the few exceptions, hence the low numbers.
  6. No. I contemplated giving an explanation as to why, but really I do not feel I have to as the reasons why seem obvious enough.
  7. The poll results are not really surprising, the people that played the classic games that inspire Project Eternity were mostly teens when those games were out, thus twenty-five and upwards now. What I would like to understand is why anyone under twenty would support such a project. As they do not have nostalgia to fall back on is it is quite unlikely any of them played such classic games when they were originally released.
  8. If we received no exp from kills we would be constantly avoiding combat. It should be equal with non-combat orientated activities, so players do not feel compelled to play the game in one specific way.
  9. Not every NPC needs full schedules and background but I hope we at least have the illusion of a living world. Basically try to avoid stationary characters, smiths should walk around their smithy making armour, priests should be giving services, customers should be arguing over prices in shops.
  10. I am originally from County Down, Northern Ireland. Currently I am living in Vienna, Austria.
  11. I am not really for Kicking it Forward, all it really does is give more money to the people that run Kickstarter. Anyway, I would rather see excess go towards more Project Eternity.
  12. How about more age options, not a very well made poll. Over 25, how much over shall remain a mystery, because the poll does not cover that.
  13. You misunderstand me, I like companions, I just do not want them cluttering up my home. As for multiplayer, I never mentioned that.
  14. Well, everyone has two of every gene type one from mother one from father, one is always recessive. If elves are inherently recessive to humans then all elf/human children will be entirely human. I think it as being a very tidy way of approaching the subject, also gives the elves the reason for them dying off in almost all fantasy settings.
  15. That is a easy one! The Wyvern ate it... along with the guy who was holding it.
  16. I hope we get a choice to tell our companions to sod off, I am quite anti-social you know. I put my feet up after a hard days adventuring with a group of smelly companions, I do not want an ear full of their obnoxious opinions when I am trying to sort all my luscious loot.
  17. How good can the weapon be? Someone broke the damn thing! I like the concept though, so it has my support.
  18. I want to loot the balls of lint from a dead mans pockets! Wait, did that come of as a bit psychotic? What I mean to say is I want people to carry more than just swords and armour but mundane items too. Vendor trash basically, but it would be nice if we could transmute such trash in useful things. Also, no purses of gold tied around wild wolves and bear necks, just the pelts, tendons, meat and other realistic things please.
  19. Actually quite a well made poll. If Obsidian were to work on anything that is not actual game content, then I would like to see mod tools. They extend the shelf life of a game between sequels and always create great and passionate communities. I think it foolish for Obsidian to not at least include this as a stretch goal.
  20. I am no bandit, I am a currency re-distributor. Everybody knows the largest portion of wealth in the land is carried by adventurers taken mercilessly from the corpses of literally hundreds of people they slay without a second thought, or stolen from unlocked boxes in peoples homes, even looted from long undisturbed tombs, such disrespect! In all honestly, if anyone deserves a name with negative connotations it is all those adventuring types.
  21. Rachni is not a bad example. I would rather loose out on an hour or two of gameplay if it meant my choices carried over. I am sure others feel the same, if I want to play the content I miss out on, I will just use one of my other play-throughs with the according choice. Project Eternity has a chance to be the first franchise to deal with consequences correctly, to give players more control over crafting their own adventure. I wonder how far Obsidian will go with player freedom and consequences, or will they opt out for the easy and more traditional "the canon ending is..." and forsake player choice. More clarification on Obsidians stance on this subject would be nice.
  22. It is a god send for such games, to play without such an feature would be excruciating. That said, I am not keen on a button that reveals everything on screen, even if your characters do not have line of sight. I much prefer the idea of a sight/search skill that reveals things within a characters vicinity, which perhaps can be improved upon with experience, it seems less like cheating that way.
  23. I do not mind if we carry over the actual character, but important choices made in each game should be reflected in sequels. Being isometric text, and not cinematic voiced it should not be as hard to do such a thing. I want my choices to have real consequences and actually matter in subsequent games, not Bioware type "consequences", if you know what I mean.
  24. Do we have to throw Multiplayer at every game? No multiplayer, no taking resources away from creating singleplayer content!
  25. Yes Teodex! They have to add The Black Hound, as some sort of mythical beast. The Obsidian Order would be a great addition too, such easter eggs are always nice. The special new class could be an Obsidian Knight.
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