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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. ....So, yes, you are saying the game should play itself to a certain degree. If you are "repeating a poor strategy" it's your fault for formulating a poor strategy and persisting in its use despite its obvious failure. Generally when engaging in the trial and error method, you make changes to your approach each time it fails until you eventually come to one that works.
  2. ....None of those games came out in 2012....
  3. Time =/= memorability or quality or what have you. I must have played half a dozen MoH games around the turn of the century and honestly couldn't remember a single piece of music until you posted that video. People who never played Final Fantasy 7 can't be expected to know its final boss theme, much less consider it a classic. It hasn't penetrated beyond games, I have yet to see it mentioned outside the context of video games or video game music. Everything is subjective, especially when it comes to music.
  4. Well, aside from the fact that it's not "lore," (lore would be something like the history of a given fighting style or school, not what weapon is good against what type of armor or what element of magic is the rock to an enemy's scissors,) aren't you just suggesting the game play itself to some degree?
  5. But other fantasy games like The Elder Scrolls have already done that. That's why P:E doesn't need orcs. Orcs in TES are the exact same thing, a type of "fallen" or "corrupted" elves. As a general rule, if it has been done or exists in The Elder Scrolls, it should not be done or exist in P:E.
  6. But all backers are "private backer's[punctuation incorrect]". Unless you announce you're a backer. The forum badges will be what gives you a sign of pride, there's not going to be an exclusive secret club for a nonexistent class of "superior" backers. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, or if you are confused by the the adjective placement in Private Backer Forums. He's referring to a private forum for backers, not a forum for private backers. Because as you said, private backers are not a real thing. But backers are. And private forums only accessible by backers could be as well. I didn't know what he meant by "private backers," I initially read it as some form of backer different from regular "backers," rather than referring to a secret clubhouse for backers only. Either way, the rewards for backing the game are all spelled out on Kickstarter, and none of them are a sooper secret clubhouse where dirty pubbers aren't allowed. As a backer, I don't think anyone should be excluded from dicussion/input on the game's design. It reeks of... well, Interplay's cynical attempt to ride Obsidian's coattails by asking people to pay to access their "black isle" forums.
  7. But all backers are "private backer's[punctuation incorrect]". Unless you announce you're a backer. The forum badges will be what gives you a sign of pride, there's not going to be an exclusive secret club for a nonexistent class of "superior" backers.
  8. Just got Arcanum (which Chris Avellone has yet to start playing, to my knowledge,) for $2.99 and Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete since my old 90s CD copies (yes, I have multiple physical copies of HeroesIII, both my dad and I played it so much that the first play disc got scratched and scuffed beyond usability, so we had to buy another copy,) won't run on Windows Vista or 7.
  9. Suggestion: Don't waste your time. Wait, you think DA2 is a, and I quote, "major step in the right direction," but you're complaining about Crysis 2's story? I see you trollin'.
  10. Finally did a High Chaos run in Dishonored, left kind of a bad taste despite being pretty fun. I wish they'd let you increase the carrying capacity for sleep darts. I'm now 3 levels into a ghost(never spotted)/hands clean(never kill anyone) run and have been successful thus far. Windows is pretty bad about backwards compatibility with old games. The older the games, the less likely they are to install, run or not freeze/crash.
  11. Unconscious white people response to hearing something they're not supposed to think about. More to the point: Watched Mad Max 2 on TV. I grew up on that movie and it probably influenced me a bit too much. The ending is one of the few aspects of the film that stays true to the book. I take it you haven't actually read The Hobbit.
  12. The far right/tea partiers in the House will do anything they can to sabotage it. These are people who were voted into government on the promise that they'd destroy the government from the inside, after all.
  13. Tried to take a picture of the most badass street sign in America (it says "WRONG WAY STUPID") made the mistake of using a digital camera whose default function is to not take pictures at all. Also froze my ass off (proverbially.) The worst thing about Portland is that the days it's cold enough for snow are almost always cloudless, sunny days.
  14. Well, here's the bad news: The only place you'll find any trolls in Japan is in media based on/about western fantasy and/or folklore. And just to sound even more like a nit-picking ass, there's no hyphen when romanizing nodachi (which isn't a proper noun once romanized, it would be if it was a named sword, as in Sasaki Kojiro's famed "Clothes-Drying Pole," but naming a nodachi 'nodachi' would be like naming a longsword 'longsword'.) On the plus side (in that it has relevance to the thread,) the nodachi was a silly and ineffective weapon that was more of a status symbol than viable weapon. The more popular/practical/effective choice would be a polearm like a naginata (essentially the Japanese equivalent to a glaive,) or nagamaki (an odd hybrid of polearm and sword, it's an extra long sword with an extra long hilt, usually a 50/50 split.) Kusarigama. Thanks for the video! I've wondered for years how you wielded that. Great weapon, but seems limited in-doors or against multiple opponents (or many single opponents in a row). You need a lot of space for the chain and/or to remove the chain afterwards from around a dead body. You wouldn't plod into the local sword school and challenge the master to a duel indoors if it were your weapon of choice, no. The weapon's ultimate origin is, not surprisingly, in the hands of peasant farmers, and you certainly wouldn't have seen it on true battlefields. When the Tokugawa Shogunate began, war effectively ended in Japan for three centuries, so Samurai were limited to fighting duels. ALSO, at IchigoRXC, since editing time for my original response is up, it's just kama. Nouns in Japanese are both singular and plural. You can have one kama, two kama, a hundred kama, etc. Whether or not it's plural is determined by context.
  15. You seem to be assuming everyone is the same age, played the same games and had the same reaction to the music in said games as you. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EjazC45Qkww http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fA9FhBwRtoc
  16. What, quadruple post? Also, music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ6ABV_Q9qU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-p_Dj4Tp79A
  17. Kusarigama. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPSm_Sf3F94 You just found some kind of "random ludicrous RPG class/race/weapon" generator, didn't you? Trolls can't be Japanese, silly.
  18. There are no Pagan priests (every people and culture deemed "pagan" by early Christians had their own religions, beliefs, ceremonies and so on; not a united single religion with a single pantheon and a single set of rituals as New Age ignoramuses believe,) and Neopaganism is an ignorant New Age sham. I can't believe how much I have to tell people on the internet that "pagan" is derived from the Latin "paganus," meaning "country-dweller," specifically used in early Roman Christendom to refer to the bumpkins who have yet to convert to the One True Religion. Mostly those Neopagan dimwits. Also Stonehenge (and, in fact, all the henges of Britain,) were built millennia before the druids even came into being. What you're writing about sounds more like Taoism than whatever gods were worshiped by the druids, who were a priestly class of a human culture that no doubt prayed to gods of men for the sake of men. It's popular New Age ignorance that the fantasy/D&D druid is based on, rather than the historically accurate version. Taoism is about balance in all things, especially with respect to the individual relationship to the natural world. That's why the Taiji (the yin-yang symbol for the less informed,) is geometrically symmetrical but the colors are contrasting. It represents a balanced whole which consists of the interplay between inter-dependent yet separate components. But it's not about petty vegan nonsense like avenging the death of a cow by murdering a man. Modern ecological science can tell you about how the Earth's ecosystems were self-regulating before the advent of humanity. Predatory carnivores regulated the population of herbivores that ate plants. Without that population control, the herbivores would (and have) over-consumed the available plant life, leading to more deaths of more animals than the taking of a lesser number by predators (this is a phenomenon scientists observed in places like Yellowstone National Park with the reintroduction of wolves, for instance.) It's about deeper philosophical, spiritual and universal/cosmological co-dependencies. Too much sun leads to drought, too much rain leads to floods. Too much food makes you fat, too little makes you starve. Etc.
  19. Because I am a professional software designer with 25 years experience at it. Duh. And let me guess, you implement level scaling in your softwares which makes your points regarding level scaling (and how everyone's wrong about it) somehow more relevant? There are several things to note here. Designing a game is not the same thing as designing, for instance, Windows. Some people lie [about their profession]. Some people are simply bad developers. In conclusion, you're still a nobody. So Bill Gates and Steve Wozniak are nobodies because they aren't game designers, and all game designers are celebrities? That's good to know. I'll be sure to pick up a copy of People magazine to find out what Chris Avellone had for lunch last Tuesday. On a more serious note, an ad hominem attack is little more than evidence of how feeble your argument is. At the same time, addressing the other side of the debate, it's not a rule that all gamers would make terrible game designers by virtue of their being gamers. Most game designers got into game design because they loved playing games. It logically follows that most, if not all, game designers were once gamers themselves (and most likely still are to some degree.) Plenty of popular indie games were put out by people with no formal education in game design, just like how plenty of entrepreneurs start successful businesses without formal education in business. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs never earned any college degrees. Ambition and talent trump formal training more often than not.
  20. You want a class based on Reimu Hakurei?
  21. Your point? SMT still spawned from it. Megami Tensei already had demons, summoning and so on. Persona, Devil Survivor, Devil Kids, Devil Summoner have just as much connection to the SMT series. (And except SMT I&II the mainline SMT series doesn't even have much of a connection. Apart from gameplay and themes of course) *wiseass*Also Persona isn't a SMT spinoff title anyway. *wiseass* And the 45 entries thing was meant to be *random information*. Trivia. Did not have anything in mind there Then maybe you should fix the SMT wiki since you're the expert: http://megamitensei....ersona_(series) Anyway, my point was that your implication that SMT and Persona contain tentacle rape is disingenuous and misleading.
  22. There are no seasons in Tamriel! And yes, that rocket did hit its mark right after the kill/freezecam ended.
  23. Mass Effect =/= "games". Anyone who's not cynical about Bioware at this point is probably wondering about the chemical composition and flavor of Tali's urine on the Bioware Social Network forums. I shouldn't have to link this article so often. http://www.something...cial-forums.php The screenshots of this stuff and the ensuing influx of 4chan trolls is what caused them to specifically state things like "This forum is for positive and friendly discussion on the upcoming Dragon Age III Inquisition game."... Well, it might also have been the "END OF RINE" posts.
  24. Cerberus was just a minor sub-quest enemy, (an alliance black ops group gone rogue,) in ME1, but the guy who was head writer of ME1 bailed and the guy who came up with Cerberus was made the new head writer for ME2. HENCE THE FALL. None of those plot details were explained because they were busy throwing the Reapers onto the back burner so they could make Cerberus from an appetizer into the main dish.
  25. Gorth if there is anything you don't understand about the ME plot or universe please ask and I'll gladly explain. For many people the concepts of ME can be a little daunting What's to explain? The entire codex for the ME series is so deliberately vague and full of weasel-words that it has effectively no value, frequently contradicts itself (even in the same installments,) betrays a total lack of even basic high school knowledge of biology on the part of its writers while ME2 and 3 show just how little thought they put into it all. Whereas ME's fans put way too much thought into all of it. It doesn't need explanation if there was nothing worth explaining in the first place. I can't decide which is worse, the entry on Biotics ("it's space magic, not a living component of a community!") or Asari, who are repeatedly described as "CULTURAL" without any of that culture ever being defined beyond their expletives being "oh my GODDESS *wink wink nudge nudge* get it, guys?" and their culture demands they pork every animal in the universe aside from their own species.
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