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Everything posted by Jaesun

  1. Do we have any marshmallows for this camp-out?
  2. Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines was Leonard Boyarsky project IIRC. Temple of Elemental Evil was Tim's.
  3. That kinda went for every sidequest in BG2 though. Very true. I wish they were integrated a bit more organically.
  4. Meh. No interest really in a Stronghold. We already got our house. The one in NWN2 was cool how they integrated it into the main plot though. And the ones you got in BGII were neat, but made no sense considering your first main objective is to find your half-sister. Not running around gaining and building up a stronghold.
  5. You are aware the technology of PE is around 1400's so there would not be much for an engineer to do.
  6. I think we have more than enough right now.
  7. That actually make me laugh (Remembering the old 80?) song with the same name.
  8. I have missed that too Gorth. I always felt it was a neat system/idea.
  9. You are fabulous Fionavar! Thank you for the updates!
  10. The DRM was removed, that was added in the last patch IIRC.
  11. Actually that game seems to be quite a rarity these days, because rights went back to Hasbro and since then it has been unavailable through all digital distributors. Few online shops still have retail copies, but prices are outrageous for 6 year-old game. It's not on Steam anymore? I bought whole NWN2 package from Steam like a year ago because I was missing SoZ. It is no longer on STEAM sadly
  12. It is one of the BEST Roleplaying games in perhaps the last 10 years. Yes. It is THAT good.
  13. In order to help defend against the horrible Troll Sugraef, the kerfluffle hoarding, paladin hater of the damned , could you change my title to: Fabulous Paladin of the Obsidian Order
  14. I'd give it a 1/5. I am being a bit generous on the 1 though.
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