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Everything posted by Lysen

  1. Good point. Knowing Obsidian, I am sure they will do this right.
  2. FIGS should be enough, it seems that it is already decided (minus Italian for some reason).
  3. I wouldn't mind to see ratmen too. Or maybe goblins and kobolds, who live in the big, crowded human-dominated cities and treated as second-class citizens or worse.
  4. Give me some smug bastard like Walton Simons from Deus Ex.
  5. A Loremaster class, like in Age of Decadence RPG by Iron Tower - the concept sounds really interesting. I am not against generic classes though and will most certainly choose a thief for my first playthrough.
  6. I don't really have a preference, though BG-style UI certainly looks better. I wouldn't mind a bigger font on a widescreen monitor too, because my eyes ain't so good as they used to be.
  7. Damn, I feel so old and I am only 26. Fallout, Arcanum, Planescape: Torment, KOTOR 2.
  8. Voted for the first option. Leaving companions at player's home seems too convenient, and Dragon's Age system is even worse.
  9. I am also a bit confused about this, but otherwise it's a great update. Perhaps "you should spend different points to get each one" is the key here? Not sure how it will work though. I am more used to Arcanum and Fallout system where you are forced to choose between combat and non-combat skills.
  10. I would have preferred Arcanum-style crafting, but it won't make much sense in PE world.
  11. "You are a power to be reckoned with. Unfortunately, so is everyone else". Probably, PS:T was the only game that did it right.
  12. I don't think this is a very good idea. Going solo should be hardcore option for the players who want maximum challenge. So there should be no benefits at all.
  13. I have a feeling that I am the only Russian here.
  14. And I was hoping they will use a modified Onyx Engine, because DS3 looked really great. Still, I am no programmer and it was probably the best choice.
  15. You could get most XP for completing the quest (killing the NPC, for example) and come crappy XP for eliminating low-level guards. If you didn't kill everyone in the castle, you could supposedly receive some XP for using the disguise, if successful (could be based on your skill). But sure, it is probably hard to implement, so most developers just force the player to slaughter everyone.
  16. Maybe you can murder a servant from the castle where your target lives, put on his/her clothes and then infiltrate the castle, poison some food or set the whole place on fire. Would be awesome.
  17. I don't care that much about the rewards to be honest, I just wanted to donate and donated as much as I could afford. Maybe I even buy the game again after it will be released. It sounds a bit silly, but someone has to buy it lol.
  18. Maybe, but I didn't steal much in Fallout. On the other hand, when I tried to rob a house in Baldur's Gate, bumped into some other thieves and they actually recognized me as a member of the guild, it was kinda awesome.
  19. No. It was a chore, and even beer doesn't help much. Music was also boring and repetitive, especially in Baldur's Gate. I prefer Arcanum or Fallout style.
  20. Sounds a bit like Dishonoured. Also, the world reminds me of Arcanum before steam engine were stolen from the dwarves.
  21. Some really scary, horrible, outlandish monsters would be nice. And please, no rats. I like rats, I don't want to slaughter them.
  22. Traps are tied to the existence of a thief/rogue class and its specific skills. If there are rogues in PE, there will be traps.
  23. It wasn't implemented in IE games, I think. But I agree, thieves can have more class-specific abilities than disarming traps or backstabbing, and it will balance Open spell.
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