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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Then it seems that they actually failed to adapt to their new projections under EA and should definitively quit while they're ahead. I'm not even sure what conclusion you're drawing here. With every console generation there's a lot of studios that go out of business because of new technology and failure to adapt to changing currents, E.G: Troika. It seems that BW is good at what made them famous; doing WRPGs, but this new current of Action/Hybrids is pulling them down. I don't really know if BW will survive much longer, but in the state that the industry is in, everything is in the air.
  2. Why? Ok, I guess that he/she can have a chance to put his/her point across and get the player to sympathize with him/her...and then it eats a baby.
  3. I'm definitively for owning slaves, although if it offends anyone they can be renamed to interns.
  4. Great, then you'll volunteer as a subject then! You're missing the point. That some people have a big enough ego to think that they can play with human life. I've heard the same argument before under it's previous guise of "let's use the homeless for something useful". It is the same elitist bullcrap belief that life should be measured differently by birth rather than actions, because that justifies the fact that the elite are born into wealth without really deserving it. It's self satisfaction at its worst.
  5. Then it seems that they actually failed to adapt to their new projections under EA and should definitively quit while they're ahead.
  6. Because having an universe that treats women as equals might be unrealistic? Not trying to be offensive but women and men aren't equal, that doesn't mean that they can both enjoy a game in different ways. So rather than tailoring a politically correct and safe experience that won't offend women, devs should really be asking: "What do women want out of their games?"
  7. Great, then you'll volunteer as a subject then!
  8. Has anyone considered that skimpy outfits may indeed have higher armor ratings? I mean, who's going to try and kill a half naked woman? And on another note: Feminism vs. Women, or how focusing on fictional archetypes is more important than creating real role models that actually impact the real world. Just another 15 minutes of fame in the disposable cult of celebrity.
  9. I don't think that they actually had oversight on those last three projects; or at least I hope they didn't. I don't remember seeing much of them when promoting the game, it feels as if they were just a name attached to those projects while other people were the face and leader.
  10. I'd be nice if I get to "console" Reginald's wife I seriously don't need bandits to have depth, at least not that personally. If is done in a more generational manner, like let's say... the economy of a certain locations is bad and it shows through desperate men that turned to banditry. In that case I might be for it, since it paints a more realistic atmosphere for the in game universe rather than trying to make me show altruism for a pixelated piece of AI that was programmed to kill me. Also, banditry is bad.
  11. Romances done by BW drain resources, because of their formulaic sidequests to develop relationships. Romances done by Obsidian are integrated into the story and have an impact on decision making. So far I've been ok with they way Obs treats romances in their games.
  12. I remember that one time when I set a snotty bard on fire, I want more of that Obsidian.
  13. Concept art means they have an artist onboard that they are paying, can't do that without money. I don't think that they have the official concepts for the game but at the very least I would like to see their high concept document.
  14. I would prefer it if the mod tools supported a variety of formats that would make it easier to work with different programs. I can't tell you how much I hate having to convert OBJs to NIFs just so I can get a sword into Skyrim. I know studios focus on working with the programs they own the licenses to, but for at least the mod tool I would like it if I didn't have to extra steps just to get assets into the game.
  15. How the **** should I know?! Go ask someone at Obsidian.
  16. First one: That's just poor writing, on the average good game you would have at least 3 quests that you could do to pass that time. So if they are going to implement passage of time then they should take that into account when writing the quests. Plus we're just speculating on how they are going to implement it, they could only make enemies dependent on the time of day while leaving NPCs unaffected. Simple quest clock or a mention of "This quest must be completed in 2 days time" should suffice. I only want lighting if they shoot lava coming out of a tornado, otherwise i'm not interested.
  17. I'm certain that them leaving will have little effect, since their presence in projects has been diminished in the projects since the EA acquisition. My guess is that they were bogged down in the politics ever since then and were just biding their time as figureheads until they could retire. This is pure speculation, though.
  18. >Assuming that anyone working in the game industry still has a soul.
  19. Yes because I can already see a fantasy world Fox News reporting on "Homosexuals and how they summon dragons to kidnap your children" This on the other hand is harmful, just because it breaks immersion by taking what would be a fully developed NPC and turning them into a token. Plus, I really hate it when people are really open about their sexuality. It's just awkward when that adventurer you just met keeps going on about he really likes dwarves.
  20. In the same manner that any plot device affects BW's plot...it didn't. You romance her, you get one extra sentence when she ask you for a child. You don't romance her, she still ask you for a child. And the world kept on turning. Seriously if they are doing romances they better do them PS:T style.
  21. And other obscure communities too! So, Bronies?
  22. Great post, you should make a game with said stats. Me, I don't really care as long as is not game breaking, overpowered and makes sense.
  23. The dentist. Seriously?
  24. Seems a likely candidate since they seem to be doing pairs of words organized by the first vowel(aa, ee, ii, and so forth). After Infinity it will probably be Obesity.
  25. Btw, can we get offensive posts to be considered as a form of libel?
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