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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Yeah is like that one time on the playground when all the boys where playing football and along comes "Suzie" saying that she wants to join in. As soon as "Suzie" falls to the ground she runs home crying to her mother that someone pushed her and like an unreasonable adult ( "Mum") instead of telling her daughter not to play boy's rough games she starts supervising. Everybody left after that, I mean nobody could kick the ball with impunity or even so much as touch another player. Man, why do girls have to ruin boy's games?
  2. I thought we supported the drug trade and terrorism by paying taxes, you mean I need to pirate to make sure my money is going to terrorist?
  3. Cynical altruism, talk about an oxymoron.
  4. I heard that tune before "Well' evolve away from that as civilization". Society will continue to evolve away from those behaviors, but the underlining base instincts that drive us will continue to express themselves in other venues. Games are only but the most effective way so far for the reptilian brain to express itself. You simply cannot undo over a millennia of evolution set there to keep the species thriving, jerks on the Internet may well be one of the evils that the evolution of society has brought. They can thoughtlessly spout insults because they have no frame of reference on the real world to hold them back.
  5. Sorry but i'm of the opinion that any genuine show of personality and individuality should be crushed by insults so that said person can become as repressed and miserable as the rest of us. Plus, what's the damage?
  6. Alternatingly or with different hands. Clearly you've never heard why camel herders only eat with their right hand. Because they **** with their left and they can't clean it because water in the desert is precious?
  7. Wait a minute....you pick you nose and eat pringles at the same time?
  8. By 'grow up' you mean regulated. ...could also meaning the internet community as a whole growing up enough as to not needing regulation. You tell me which is the most likely outcome. Yeah and next we'll evolve into higher beings made of energy. The internet is the place where you are either exposed to the things you don't know or dislike and grow up. Or you trap yourself in an infinite loop reinforcing your established views and vices. Which is why some people who on RL would ignore an offense or go complain to their social circle makes such a big deal over it on the internet. Their loop has been challenged and they have no support group to cushion their belief. So in the end it comes down to a bunch of people that don't know how to deal with profanity on the web, I doubt that either group will grow up in either case.
  9. Nah, that child doesn't look like he has down syndrome.
  10. Well I for one support gamers against bigotry. People really need to be protected from other people, the solution: bubbles; happy bubbles everywhere. Let the children vicariously massacre hordes while their avatar wear a skimpy outfits, without being exposed to the life fact that other people often suck. Or they could just implement an ignore function on their chats and please all the whiners.
  11. No, but you can get the GemRB which the Infinity Engine for IOS devices. Also it's open source.
  12. That never gets old
  13. It's the United States, we have something called the "Bible Belt" and while not all religious men are fanatically blind to the point of fault, we still contend with quite a large sector that's more "conservative". What they boy scouts are doing doesn't seem rational but fear is often not.
  14. What everyone seems to be missing is that the homosexual community is still a minority and the boy scout face enough homophobia even without allowing homosexuals in. I mean that every joke that has ever been made on the media about the boy scouts as a "gay" experience has painted a picture in the public. So they have to choose between the few parents that aren't homophobic or that are homosexual and the grand majority that believes that gay is a sin. Is just a matter of them securing their customer base.
  15. Takes a bit but usually a prompt appears telling you to press Home after starting the game, or you could try starting the social club first then the game.. If it doesn't then maybe you got a serious problem.
  16. Inside game press "Home" log into your Rockstar Social club account or make one.
  17. If it's frozen at the loading screen its a simple solution, log in to the Rockstar club and if you don't have an account then make one.
  18. Fingers crossed for another Zone of the Enders. Project Ogre is not ZotE, that is being confirmed. MFW
  19. I shall now proceed to point my finger at you and laugh heartily: Ha, Ha, Ha. That is all.
  20. Fingers crossed for another Zone of the Enders.
  21. Sounds like a game journalist all right.
  22. Is it as grating as Vindictus or can you actually play without socializing?
  23. What mechanics? I thought GTA was a racing game.
  24. I'm sorry, but why the hell should Obsidian care if some guy didn't like their game?
  25. I decided to replay NWN2 with all expansions and some modules...my manly parts are tingling.
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