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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Spoiler alert, Lucifel is the devil.
  2. No is the Bible and it's now moe.
  3. See if this helps http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/12801
  4. Nice. But I don't really see anything there that UE3 couldn't do. At least they updated the toolset significantly. I really like the Maya-like Hypershade Editor. I don't know if you have used UDK but the current version didn't do a lot of what was advertised like all the realtime. So i'm not holding my breath until I get a chance to test it.
  5. Bit of retraction, apparently the director from Cloverfield isn't the same as the one from Chronicle. I still think that SOC deserves better than a shaky cam director who only has one film to his account and the writer from Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li. I don't know if boycott this movie or just straight out threaten Hollywood.
  6. He's on the black list of people I should kill, not because of Cloverfield (which is bad) but because somehow some Hollywood **** decided it would be a good idea to make him the director of the "Shadow of the Colossus" movie.
  7. I show enough initiative in my own work, I don't have to show it in others'. Which is why I'm no longer working on said event. But you don't have candy, do you?
  8. I don't doubt that what you say its true; in fact, Nintendo's plan relies on the fact that they still retain a niche segment of the market that own's a Wii. Problem is that they had a very long hiatus with the Wii and third party developers putting them behind their competition. In fact, a lot of their games are just making up for the fact that people who only own a Wii have completely missed the last 3 years of gaming. So Nintendo may be overstating their fanbase; most people own Wii as a secondary console, so they probably won't jump at the chance of playing a game that they already own for their PS3/Xbox just because now they can play it with a miniscreen. Nintendo has backed itself into a corner by continuing their philosophy, now it seems that they want to branch out but it may be a little too late. They are launching a console without any exclusive AAA game to back it up, aside from the fact that their product only appeals to a niche clientele. I'm afraid that this will be Nintendo's Dreamcast.
  9. The whole fight since the docks or just inside the Ebon Hawk?
  10. Seems we are about to witness the fall of another console; sad though, I've been with Nintendo since Iv'e started gaming. But with the economic situation and as it is 2013 may be the worst year of gaming in recent history.
  11. And this is why smart people with morals will never be successful, a less scrupulous man would see this as a business opportunity.
  12. Maybe I'm easily impressed or influenced; that may have something to do with me retaking the drinking habit, but i've been playing Max Payne 3 and I've suddenly began narrating my own life with his voice in my head. Normally I would just sweep it under the rug with all the crazy **** I do, but I know myself and all that means its that I've enjoyed the game. Probably my GOTY.
  13. Because if you show initiative the boss may give you candy, maybe?
  14. Don't worry, since current gen consoles won't support Unreal 4 next year will be even more scarce. Looks like victory is impending for the PC master race.
  15. Those are some bad looking character models, and I mean bad.
  16. Of Master Chief or Halo? Anyways looks like the South Park game is going to bode better than expected. Fingers crossed.
  17. I feel for you, good luck and the best of pain meds to you. I think I got away with it, must have been a tiny one but I think I felt it pass, I appreciate the sentiment though, a few years ago I had my first stone and it was the worst pain of my life. Lucky that it was a small one, although perhaps a change of diet it's in order. I got mine because I chose to drink sodas instead of water, to this day I hate corn syrup with a passion. Maybe something similar its the cause of yours.
  18. I actually figure that her revolution will be filled with men trying to topple a government just to score with her.
  19. I feel for you, good luck and the best of pain meds to you.
  20. If you liked Silent Assassin, you really should try Blood Money. I too loved SA but BM is the best Hitman game to date. Looking forward for Absolution, it first seemed like some shooter but that E3 walkthrough made it pretty clear it's still the Hitman I like. I like the hits from Contracts the best, the level design from SA, but Blood Money feels like the most well rounded. Although the clown level was a bit too strange for my tastes. Blood Money is also the only one that looks great by today's standards. The others haven't aged all that well. I generally look to mechanics before graphics, now the Hitman series has been pretty consistent with theirs. Basically the same inventory, similar tactics across the games, and crappy AI.
  21. If you liked Silent Assassin, you really should try Blood Money. I too loved SA but BM is the best Hitman game to date. Looking forward for Absolution, it first seemed like some shooter but that E3 walkthrough made it pretty clear it's still the Hitman I like. I like the hits from Contracts the best, the level design from SA, but Blood Money feels like the most well rounded. Although the clown level was a bit too strange for my tastes.
  22. The one that GD posted was PCP. IDK what the other was one, they say cocaine.
  23. PCP is unusual? That's news, I seem to recall a few other case as well as an episode of CSI were people became cannibals in a PCP induced daze.
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