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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. With tactics like these I don't doubt that the console market will fail http://www.pcmag.com...,2402454,00.asp Edit:mind you that its only a rumor.
  2. Although, there's been a significant delay in next gen consoles. I don't think that Microsoft or Sony will be ready to release in 2014, so Valve is in a good position to take over the market. Their namebrand is strong enough to lend support to this idea and if the new console features Steam then I feel like that's going to give them a significant lead.
  3. Euuccchhh. Couldn't the director simply have fellated Spielberg in private and saved us the movie? I think he fellated him to make the movie.
  4. I saw it a while back but I shirked away from it thinking that it was a Online Shooter with a RPG flavor.
  5. It would have been funnier if I could actually remember "Fresh Prince of Bel-Air"
  6. Starship Troopers is awesome, I don't know why you're complaining.
  7. I only remember Jack Thompson going ape**** insane over it. Publisher reasoning: 1 upset viewer = 1 Million upset viewers.
  8. Point of clarification, "there's B-movies and then there's Quentin Tarantino does B-movies". That the game industry relies so much on cheap selling points its not a sign of maturity but of retardation. I don't mind sex and violence in my games, I do in fact tend to gravitate towards those things but at the same time I'm aware that most M rated games are nothing more than pubescent entertainment.
  9. But the games were better, old men these days have no appreciation.
  10. It's less a function of purely redistribution than it is of that higher incomes pay more tax, and per capita incomes are generally higher in the "bluer" states. Also, locations of major military installations make a big difference in terms of where money gets spent. As for the "extra economic growth" thing, well, good luck with that. Sounds like wishcasting to me. Those taxes are for redistribution though, miltiary spending aside. I'm not gowing to retread the economic growth argument, but that would be one way to find out, if historical evidence isn't enough. Beware what you wish for. I think that is a near certainty in the not too distant future. I believe it is necassary, unavoidable and undesireable. Maybe i'm too jaded from the last 3 upcoming apocalypses but i'm not buying into this whole foretelling. I mean I still have a mix CD full of songs with end of the world themes, but i'm beginning to doubt I'll ever play it.
  11. Well, aside from web based communities there's the good old word of mouth. It's not an unknown example for a mod to become popular enough to spawn its own game, or for cult classics that now have a dedicated following. Anyways, i'm holding my breath for someone that's going to create an event or series focused on games outside of the norm of the AAA. Sort of like a Sundance festival of video games.
  12. Indie games aren't likely to ever compete with AAA on terms of production values, barring a massive change in technology. But they will still find their niche and; unfortunately, if they become successful they will find their way into AAA companies. That said, there's a lot of AAA series that seem to have ran their course and are now taking a turn for the worse. What is worst, there are very few new successful IPs emerging
  13. Was he being facetious or serious, I can't tell.
  14. So even after the last E3 there's people that think that the future is AAA games? The indie market is growing and discontent for AAA game series is being voiced, even the casual audience has probably played enough clones to be sick of the generic. If Indie games can beat AAA in terms of pricing and enjoyment mid-tier producers have a shot by producing innovative games that appeal to those seeking for something other than what AAA games have become.
  15. Just finished my run of Max Payne 3 on Hardcore, i'm one golden piece away from finishing the set. Wonder what the hell I will get for those?
  16. Well, I just assumed that he was being a drama queen about giving out blood samples. Although if he did get stabbed, he would be about the umpteenth person I know with a zipper on their belly.
  17. Good God man! Are you ok? What ruffian was that dared to take a knife to you?
  18. Which would leave "real America" in the same situation Scotland would find itself: out of money. If you look at the balance of payments between each state's citizens and the federal government in aggregate, the net of federal taxes, spending, and transfers is, in effect, a whole lot of money being taken from the Northeast and the West Coast and given to the states in between. On the other hand the change on the House of Representative and Congress could work out to our favor. Although that is hoping for much.
  19. Offhand, it comes to.. hm.. : In Whiterun, she voices Adrianne Avenicci the blacksmith by the city entrance, Aela the Huntress in the companions, and Uthgerd the Unbroken in the inn.. In Riften she's the voice of the Jarl Laila Law-Giver, aand the voice of Iona, the housecarl you get when you buy a house and become Thane.. In Solitude, the Legate Rikke, and Bryling one of the Thanes, and in relation to a Solitude quest, the voice of Queen Potema.. In Dawnstar, Brina Merilis... In Markath, it happens to be Faleen the housecarl to the Jarl.. In Windhelm, Voldessa Giryon the dunmer "pirate", and Adelaisa Vendicci the Imperial soldier who can become a follower, In Falkreath, Zaria in the alchemist's shop There's Sorli the builder, oh and the ghost of Breya in some Dwemer ruin.. I don't think it's so much that they re-use her as a voice actress, it's that she's not just voicing bit players, but a chunk of "important" one's that you'll talk to repeatedly in the course of the main story and the other story-quests, not simply odd miscellaneous quests you could easily miss. Stalk her much?
  20. Same as her other movies, gotcha.
  21. You watched G.I. Joe?Why?
  22. You'd think that devs would want to unionize at the very least to protect their IP creations. But at the very least I expect that the sharp drop in retail sales will point out to publishers that they are doing something wrong, although they will probably blame it on piracy or something.
  23. It was cute in Oblivion but now it's getting old, I gots better things to do than run a guild. I kind of like the Thief Guild better because of that.
  24. So Scots are British but not English? So why did Wals call them countrymen? I'm very confused.
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