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Everything posted by Orogun01

  1. Please don't assume that your arbitrary notion of good is the right one ( or anyone's else for that matter) Popular doesn't translate to good, and whats good in the entertainment industry is what sells.
  2. It is the government's fault because education falls under their responsibilities and they have shirked their duty off to the democratic process instead of just putting their foot down revamp the whole system and take education back from the states governments. We test the lowest in Science because kids can simply walk away from the test, skip it or just answer randomly with no consequences. As they do with everything else school related, the system is not designed to teach kids its there to keep the fragile illusions of their parents alive. You can't teach kids without having them be accountable for their actions and that's why when they finally reach college and have to learn all the things that they were supposed to know and finally be responsible for themselves most drop out. It wouldn't be any harm except that 1-They waste federal aid money and 2-The US its becoming a more stupid country.
  3. @Cutlock: You still have Rockstar Vancouver, which is made from a lot of the ex-members from Radical Entertainment.
  4. as an american, i can safely assure you that my country is only about 18% civilized. the rest fall somewhere between animals and savages And which percent are you my friend? Anyways, they said it was a mistake. http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/06/texas_gops_2012_platform_accidentally_opposes_teaching_of_critical_thinking_skills.php
  5. I gave Rockstar my full moniez. Spec Ops? Not worth full price. It seems that this game might be more of a sleeper hit. Bit of trivia, Rockstar Vancouver was working on a Spec Ops game before the project got canned.
  6. May I recommend the Imaginator? It pretty much lets you mess with settings at your preference and it's not an ENB so you can use it with.
  7. Just finished Spec Ops: the Line; I think I might have developed fictional PTSD from playing this game. Remember all those complaints about "realistic shooters" not showing the real side of war. Well this game just delves right into it, it stands pretty well as a story but the playable sections elevate the emotion. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys third person shooters and Apocalypse Now.
  8. There's plenty of people that really liked the two Prototype games. Not to mention Huke Ultimate Destruction which started it all. They do have a following. Don't present your opinion as some fact that counts for everyone. Specially when there's people like me who looked forward to what projects they might have undertaken. Anyways, it seems studios are suffering for the poor project choices of a few executives trying to squeeze cash out of game companies. Somehow this is starting to look like Bain Capital, executives acquire a successful IP then try to clone it. If its a success they repeat the process and and take credit for its success, if it fails they still cash their checks and they just fire the developers.
  9. Mass Effect confirmed for the Melrose Place of video games.
  10. You sir, are a man of discerning taste. I tip my hat to you.
  11. All the ones I've seen do, including the recommended ones. The day settings look NEVER right. I will admit they have some nice depth of field and they can look cool in dungeons. Maybe it's another mod, I know some people who had issues using ENB along side SkyRe. Do you have other mods that affect the lighting?
  12. Right. But when is out for PC? A month after, so around the end of July.
  13. Please tell me it makes it shorter.
  14. PC Master race, no matter what the problem is it shall be fixed!
  15. I think "Frightened" has just taken over He's dressed as a powder ganger and running straigth at you. How could you not put one in his head. Didnt everyone do that. I actually shoot him afterwards. I don't know why, I guess he just rubbed me the wrong way.
  16. Thou shall not speak ill of Riddley Scott!God wills it!! Besides I don't know what you're talking about those were good movies.
  17. Great game, suffers from some annoying spawn points that makes trip mines useless. Edit: Just noticed how bad this post sounds, I really like the game.
  18. Still, I kind of like the visuals in 4.
  19. Hey, at least you have hair!
  20. Artistic integrity. It's the answer to any question you may have about Mass Effect 3. This is probably the No.1 reason I don't want games to become art, eventually everyone will start disguising their inadequacies as art. Pretty much what a lot of the Fine Arts world is now.
  21. Y'all are wrong, they just finished putting the whole color spectrum as an ending choice. Now you get a customized explosion of the color of your choice, same crappy ending though.
  22. Well think about it if they changed a minute detail they risk the wrath of a thousand fans and FFVII fans are among the worst.
  23. The one thing I took from my brief brush with discrete mathematics is that as long as the task are properly assigned, a few people can achieve results in the same amount of time than a larger group. I wouldn't count Square Enix out yet, their Luminous engine shows a lot of promise and will likely sustain their projects.
  24. Funny, because he is a painter.History of Violence is a damn good movie, No Country for Old Men sucked though. I don't know why but I lose a little respect when someone says they liked that movie or that it was genius.
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