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McSquirl Nugget

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Everything posted by McSquirl Nugget

  1. with the trash we get in the yard already it'd mostly likely be discarded decorations the scientist tosses out the window or drops on his way across the yard. even then depending where they fell, we might see some destruction.
  2. I'd imagine the upgrade style @Gearhart mentioned would be similar to Ark, upgrade the existing plank floor to a stem floor, or whatever we get in the future, so the structure stays intact, you wouldn't have to worry about destroying the piece and have other sections collapse.
  3. You're right. My bad, i read your previous post wrong. For some reason i was thinking you meant sub water coming up and washing out bases. Not sure where i got that from, it must be Monday... Those are some of the ideas people have mentioned in the weather posts here in the forums. I love the idea of the sprinkler turning on, that hard water spray could be quite disruptive to the world.
  4. apparently you missed my subsequent post saying i read his post wrong. All i said then is i don't think the devs would allow it as the creative mode costs no materials. and who cares what minecraft does? this clearly isn't minecraft. Mods are different story, if not supported they can bring a whole slew of issues into games, causing false bug reports wasting Dev time trying to sort those out. Mods DO affect other players if used in MP sessions. Games have to have limits and structure, all games do, just because it's a solo game doesn't mean it should be open for everything, there's no point of a progression system then, give me everything right now at the start with no limits and boundaries makes for a very short played game as they grow boring quickly.
  5. i think that's the issue also. hopefully Obsidian can fix it so the saves previous to each update don't bring in new bugs like this. Have you tried the lure trap at the entrance to the ant hill like other's have suggested? using that along with gas arrows seems to be the most effective method to get rid of the ants, eliminate the lag they cause and get eggs to spawn.
  6. fixed in the 8/26 patch - Items left in the world (not in a container, etc.) for 48-72 in-game hours will eventually despawn once out of range of all players. Items loaded from a saved game from version 0.1.x, will have all item timers start at zero to give players a chance to react to this change. That was an unexpected change i believe with the 2.0 or 2.1 patch, forget when it started happening to my game. I used to be able to cut grass and leave the stumps and it wouldn't grow back. I had a clearing of grass around my main base this way so none of the grass went into and through my walls/floors/etc. After one of these patches that grass grew back, and cutting it down to the stumps like before to stop it from regrowing doesn't work now. I think they should have a diameter around our walls where no grass can grow to prevent it growing through our walls and such. The work-around now is to build a clay or pebblet foundation to keep it from growing. i'd like to see maybe double the amount in a pallet. 40 would be good, 5 trips to fill with the ant armor, 4 with the ant armor + buff. or a bin you can build to just toss it in like you mention between the grass stalks, make it with stem walls and such to hold 120 or so stems.
  7. that's true. that's why one of my suggestions for weather was to have it be a world event type thing. announced that it was going to happen, players could prep for it, and then have fun surviving a summer storm that to us would be a natural disaster type scenario.
  8. Fist off, those aren't the syptoms of a wolf spider bite. That sounds more like a hobo or brown recluse bite, which are commonly confused with the wolf spider. In 90% of people, you'll get a little bump that itches and some redness, like a bee sting but less. In people that are sensitive or allergic they'll see a red bump that resembles shingles, possibly a red line from the bite that could indicate blood infection. In the more severe cases there may be swelling of the face around the mouth, trouble breathing or even dizziness and fainting. There has never been a recorded death (at least in the US) from a wolf spider bite. I've been bitten by them numerous times, mostly trying to catch them for my son's high school project he did on spiders and tarantulas. i didn't get more than the redness and itch. If you want to get realistic, a wolf spider's bite is a paralytic. It paralyzes it's prey. i was going to mention that but you beat me to it. there's a different "spray" so to speak they use for mating vs. the defensive stink we've all probably encountered as stink bugs pretty much cover the world. Oh FFS please no zombies!! the most overused/overplayed supernatural creature in movies and games. another tag to add #NoZombies #NoTaming
  9. Exactly that, they have the most minimalistic brain of all creatures. they can't learn, they're not capable of learning and remembering, which is what taming is - teaching and having them remember.
  10. i say no. if you start a new game you should start it with everything fresh and new, if not what's the point of starting over?
  11. i don't htink they need to take it that far. there's a few other posts with weather suggestions that go into more detail that may work better in the game.
  12. Exactly my opinion you keep forgetting the fact this is a game, NOT real life, and is more fantasy based than reality, which is how it should stay. This sums it up best.
  13. That's exactly it. they have to be attached to the ground, with enough of a foundation to support them.
  14. Nope never seen that. they spawn about every other day or so in game for me, or whatever they've always spawned in at. For a while i did see multiple spawns, like 2 spawning in where there is only supposed to be 1, but that was fixed in the last patch or 2.
  15. This is a bug they're investigating. email their support team.
  16. I have no idea what a waymaker is so I really can't say what the point of it is. I thought you were talking about putting the trail markers we have in the game on the map. But i see you're talking about marking a waypoint on the map, i like that idea also, except it could get lost in the trail marker icons that are in the HUD now. That's why i suggested being able to add the trail markers to the map, and have the ability to filter them so you only see a few at a time instead of all of them.
  17. Unless i'm totally forgetting what i learned in school decades ago (which is probably the case ), how would the square cube law have anything to do with balance, and unless i'm again mistaken uneven terrain is ideal for biking, well for us not in a city anyway, tons more fun up in the hills than just riding flat on a street. I thought about that, but it'd be too wide, wouldn't be able to go very may places with it. My idea in another thread was a sled or travois to pull behind the bike, tier 2 for that would be to add wheels and have a cart. Trying to think up ways to avoid taming and still transport.
  18. So all the knights and dark ages warriors that fought without shields couldn't block any attacks? that sure makes sense. you can block with any weapon. Blocking with a weapon is called a parry. It's as immersive as you make it. If you just want to sit and block and attack and repeat then go for it. or you can do like I like to do (and others i've played with) and dance around the bugs and dodge their attacks. I think you're making a mountain out of an anthill
  19. start the game. choose single player. you'll then see your list of save games you have to choose to start from (at least on xbox). delete from that list. they made an update to the save file capacity a couple patches ago. if you haven't uninstalled the game and reinstalled it your save file space is still limited at 256mb, it's probably full. uninstall and reinstall the game to increase your save files.
  20. sounds like your router settings or firewall. Make sure you have open NAT for multiplayer. without more info we can't do much more than guess.
  21. I wonder if it's just the OG xbox. there's another post or 2 here about similar issues with that system. if you can believe what is posted on Reddit the OG Xbox One is just barely over the required specs for the game.
  22. yep, that's annoying. Also the scaffolding, it shouldn't show through the plank floors, and items set on the plank floors shouldn't show through underneath.
  23. that's an interesting thought. Friend needs help killing his wolf spiders, join up in MP and kill with them so he gets credit. not sure how they'd keep the RS reward separate doing that though, maybe that's why they haven't done this yet?
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