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Everything posted by bugarup

  1. DAO's sex stuff was just kind of...awkward, nothing too bizarre? Anyway, I cringed wayyyyyy worse at the singing scene in Inquisition than DAO's sex. That said, from my experience with Larian, in the bizarre & lolrandom department they easily run circles around Bioware...though waitwaitwait. Bioware allowed you to romance Iron Bull, I doubt the bear could cause worse internal damage.
  2. I keep hearing that Witcher season 3 is better than season 2 and these are comforting news as I just finished the 2 and it was bad. Like, "did they hire a video game writer for this or something" bad. I thought I had no expectations at all, but episodes 1 and 2 proved me wrong, tried to cling to little details like Yen and Cahir's cozy bickering, Dijkstra's cliche but badass entrance etc., but the last episode dragged me back down into the vortex of idiocy. I almost wish for S3 to be bad and kill my interest for good, especially with the new actor who I hear is too wooden for "Pinocchio: Origins". Oh well. I can always re-read books if I want to. And I still have two games to play, wish someone edited combat out of them already.
  3. I'm playing Saints Row 3, never played any SR games before. It's strange; the game is full of things I normally hate in games - timers, checkpoints, driving, combos - and yet here I am, 25 hours in and never noticing how it's 2 am already. Maybe because the game is so chill and unserious about anything it's hard to be annoyed at it too? I even started enjoying my abysmal driving! Also some minigames are better than others, insurance fraud is probably my favorite; also love clearing the pink fist events with a tank.
  4. Black Mirror season 5-6 mix and Bandersnatch. Latter was kinda useful as a component of Netflixverse that 'flix seems to be building, but hoo boy was it dull. And no, Netflix, just because you know it's dull too does not make it better. Season six episodes 1 and 2, Netflix is really serious about meta, isn't it? Anyway, I liked 1 and not just because some part of my brain is forever 12 and I was delighted about the church scene. Episode 2, totally called it, but otherwise forgettable. Aaron Paul episode was good but horribly depressing and I am so glad I chose to watch the Miley Cyrus one next because I really needed something positive and fluffy to counter that one. The one with gamer bros horny for each other characters was too serious for such a silly premise, the Andrew Scott one had sweet summer child energy now, when we can see an actual war on social media, and Season six's episodes 5 and 6 I think I already forgot.
  5. Same here, only swap Galaxy Quest with Sergio Leone's Westerns.
  6. Not me, but you got me interested in looking up leopard growl, and it appears that they growl just like other big cats. Although those in videos all were dry...so, uh, anyone willing to throw a bucket of water at a leopard for science?
  7. ...why such a specific description? Do wet leopards growl differently than dry leopards?
  8. Yeah, when I try to recall SW's combat the only thing I can think is "chores". I still loved the first part of the game, the one in Stephenkingland, because it was very story-rich and it was possible to run away from a lot of fighting. Then Egypt was less story, more combat and it eroded my will to play really fast.
  9. FInished Bioshock Infinite. Visually, very pretty. Thematically, incoherent mess where creators use that gimmick of theirs as banal "a wizard did it" because nobody told them that no plot twist is better than stupid plot twist. Did the DLCs too, they didn't make much sense either, also made exaggerated caricatures out of already not exactly subtle original Bioshock's characters. Were surprisingly bleak and dark though, which was nice, and second one reminded me I still have DIshonored 2 to play, which was also nice. Now off to do Minerva's Den from Bioshock 2 and I am so glad to be able to save whenever I want to and not when the bloody game allows me to.
  10. You guys obviously do a lot of research on your games, given how detailed and plausible your worlds are so that even little things stick in memory, like rings considered to be tacky to use as jewelry in Tyranny or yacht's name in Alpha Protocol being a reference to cult soviet cartoon, and it's clearly more than "lets google this sh†t", so here's my question - how do you do your research?
  11. I wonder if tater king is on that personal plane of his that suddenly and unexpectedly landed in Turkey (a member of dastardly NATO).
  12. 1917? That's a funny analogy in more than one sense, and ballsack goblin is probably only one who made it, because everywhere else I'm seeing 1922, and Italy.
  13. Well, at least they finally took a decently big city in this war.
  14. Ukraine is largely demilitarized, says Peskov -- as in, it is using fewer and fewer of its own weapons and more those new ones its got from West.
  15. And now, some news from Mordor. This is from recent "international" (LOL) economics forum of St. Peterburg or some such. Black-yellow-white is old flag of russian empire, until now used mostly by ultra-nationalist radical trash, but here it officially is, right next to the soviet empire's flag. Very symbolic and would be funny if not for deaths of hundreds of thousands Ukrainians caused by ambitions of those imbeciles dreaming of imperial glory.
  16. And you can get them all with a 60% discount for a low, low price of 101.49 euro! It's like Sims!
  17. Sigh. Trust majestic to foul the thread with unspeakable horror of dread and doom. Don't even know how to counter that. Maybe with these fun guys.
  18. Agreed, only I think it even shouldn't have any sequel. The story is complete and sequelitis of everything is endemic enough nowadays, no need to add to cesspool. (Also it's poetic in a Doom Idiot Spiral way when a game with those themes ends in a cluster**** between creatives and corporates)
  19. IStar Wars: The Old Republic Going Third-Party as BioWare Focuses on Mass Effect and Dragon Age. I'm sure that Bioware, now unburdened with backbreaking labour of updating SWTOR with 5 hours worth annual content, will instantly propel Dragon Age from concept art stage and Mass Effect from repackaging.
  20. What if I like my steak medium rare, does it make me the world's most laughable centrist? Anyway, just fought Lizzie's not-mum. Thrice. Someone was really proud with that encounter, but sniper rifle + camping next to shopkeeper automaton = cheesed it like a champ.
  21. "Russian sources blame the Ukrainian military". Translation from ruzzian, "We did it".
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