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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. how is it consolized? windows, A PC operating system, has list view for its folders just make both, icons and lists, so people can use whatever they prefer The list inventory was implemented in RPGs to make inventories easier to sort through on consoles. This is a PC only game so doesn't have think of their needs. I loathe the the list inventories of DA, ME and Skyrim, I would prefer not to see them here.
  2. It's a hard one for me, I like some enemies having resistances but they have to make sense to me. A dev deciding the fight needs to be harder so they'll slap some resistances on the foes, is annoying.
  3. If and that's still an if, bio gets cut, it's another strike on the RPG genre.(however loose they are within it). Leaving just Obs and CD Projekt. This will make it harder for Obs and CDP to attain a contract from publishers to get money for future RPGs, and while I love the idea of Kickstarter, we have yet to see a successful product come from it. Better to have bio flail about in it's current form. Besides it might hit a bulls eye......
  4. People still have to buy the game afterwards. And in enough number, to encourage other projects. If Wasteland and PE fail to bring in the monies, the interest in this sort of stuff will dry up pretty quickly.
  5. Herpes is a lot more common than people realise, doesn't make it good to have.
  6. I liked Crossroad Keep. And would like to see something similar again. But again it's an extra and not a necessity.
  7. MOTB was a more enjoyable experience than, most 'big' rpgs. Quality>Quantity
  8. Honestly, this should be done anyway. No need to rush it through, it's not like a publisher is breathing down Obs neck. Of course money does become a factor and profit from releasing the game might be needed sooner rather than later. No Kotor 2 though Obs.
  9. Sympathetic villains > cartoonishly evil ones. Play some Obs games, Bishop, Ammon Jerro, One of Many, Steven Heck and Henry Leland. These are good villainous characters. None of those poll archetype go anywhere near them.
  10. Failure is best when it's due to player action or inaction. When used by a writer to just encourage response, it leaves me apathetic.
  11. I don't like this poll. Every arch type is a good guy, or grey. Where are the Narcissist, Power hungry, uncaring, brutal, psychotic. I don't want a care bear party. Give me some villains.
  12. Voted Justin Bell, really enjoyed the music from the Kickstarter video, and would like to see what he could pull off for the game.
  13. I will always have a soft spot for zombies. So Obs can include them. Vampires, if used sparingly and as high level foes and aren't mindless are fine. Like everything it's how they are implemented and if they make sense in the world. If they are only as deadly as a bandit/Merc/Dire wolf something is lost IMO.
  14. So do I. Wonder if we'll see a gun orientated(ranged) class.
  15. Essentially your post was 'you don't agree with me so you are a troll'. Eloquent. And wrong.
  16. I saw it as a chance to regain the moral complexity, immersive setting and player agency of the old games that have not yet been matched in modern RPGs. Which we should get......... Which are? That is a very broad statement. An actual response and information on what you don't want to see would clarify much.
  17. The point is that the discussion is meaningless. In the end you consider them a waste I consider them good, and discussing how much work it takes to make them is meaningless because you won't want devs to spend even one man-hour of them. We should stop before we waste even more time on that discussion. Doesn't mean I'm not going to voice my opinion. The point was that Bioware also don't have to make romances. Go say that on the bio forums........... Then return to reality. Bio has to it's expected, desired, demanded, worshiped. You do realize, when counted fully, gamers don't care about romances. Bio fans are a minority, not a majority. Why is it "only I'm allowed to voice my opinion" with you romance lot. Of course, but Mac and Linux users have been budgeted into the stretch goals. Romances haven't been mentioned, and the last thing I think about when thinking BG and PS:T is romances. Therefore I assume implementing them will be a drain on resources. A drain I don't want. Disagree, I see no need for it.
  18. Number of companions is set in stone. And resources needed to make and balance another companion and class don't outweigh the resources needed to create romance sideplot. You want fancy newspaper, I want romance, why pretend that some of us is the true RPG gamer while the discussion is mostly about tastes. None of those things are objectively more important than the other. It's all about opinion. When have I said otherwise? I want one romance. Baldur's Gate had 4, MoTB had 2 and nobody was bitching about that. This is a strawman argument. Of course making numerous romances would be affect budget but that's not what either side wants. :lol: :lol: Do you know this **** storm it would create if only males had romances and there was no homosexual ones to boot? There were no romances in MDK2 or Baldur's Gate 1, your point? Well done compare Obsidians latest games to bio's first two games........... The pool results are in favor of pro-romance crowd. But probably that doesn't convince you. But from the developer's point of view it's better to include romances. There are many people who like them and would be more inclined to buy the game if they are there but to this day I've never heard about one person who decided not to buy an RPG just because romances were there. Of course not, it's like me posting this poll in the codex and bringing to you the response as proof of people not wanting romances. Anyone that doesn't make a pledge for this game because of lack of romances............. Well that's just sad.
  19. I thought the demo was actually decent, and if anything made the game look better than it turned out actually being. I was one of those that passed on the game based on the demo. Were the expansions at least any good? I seem to remember reading something about some "Assassin" thing that should be better than the original campaign. If it ever come as something similar to a Steam super sale/bundle thing (whatever EA/Origins equivalent is), I might be tempted to satisfy my curiosity. I only tried one, the Mark of the assassin, I didn't complete it. I don't think it was bad..... Just didn't hold my interest. Had I liked Hawke, the other NPCs, the art style and the combat, it might of not been bad.
  20. If you repeat it a thousand time it won't change the fact, they are. Otherwise bio would have 20 of them That's what you want, you want the risk of losing branching pathways, quests, companion, a class, just for something you want. You can claim many people, but the facts are this, you want them. I was comparing the percentages not the whole. Why do you think that romances will somehow make up more of party dialogue in a game not focused on romances and probably with loads of in-party dialogue than in a game that was focused on romances and had very little party dialogue. Mass effect was almost love boat in space by the end. The amount of romances and continuing romances it had, was quite frankly astonishing. Perhaps if they had spent more time with other areas of the game, it might of not been so..... Well you know, what we ended up with. Sure, everyone here want 18 romances, each with 10 hours worth of dubbed dialogue and 4 endings. Would not surprise me. Lets do math shall we, 1 Straight male, 1 straight female, 1 lesbian and 1 gay male. So that's four, then people will cry about lack of choice. So to be equal Obs adds another 1 of each, now we have 8 romances. 8 romances that have to be written, by a writer, 8 romances that have to implemented properly by designers, then 8 romances that need to go through QA to make sure the don't screw up the game. Obsidian makes romances. This is a fact. Obsidian can make romances, they don't have to, unlike bioware. For you, I and probably many other people would do without a newspaper telling me what I just did. You are just asking them to carter to a minority for no reason at all. Numbers people, you have proof, there are 40,000 backers. You have over 35,000 with your opinion? No, didn't think so.
  21. That was the point of this kickstarter game, yes? A hardcore rpg that has more in common with BG and PS:T, than it does with modern rpgs.
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