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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. I wouldn't even say it was cool then. It really didn't feel right in the game imo. But it was much more tolerable and much much less annoying than the inyourface implementations in some other games (ie: Dragon Age or The oh yea my character is a male sloot Witcher). That some have come to expect 'romance' and want them so much in their CRPG that there's as many threads in this forum about this subject.... well, to them I say go out and get a "Romance, Marriage, Pregnancy and having Children." in the real world, and perhaps you might not be clamoring so much for such things in this or any other game. There are games such as The Sims that are much better suited for folks who wish to pursue eromances and efamilies than a CRPG game, especially one that is aiming to be a really good one. dungeon troller ... go play diablo if you don't want character inteaction...good bye Typical otaku, go play Japanese VN if you want romance. Well it's not romance playing game....
  2. I bought Endless Space when it first came out, I found it enjoyable for a while but then the card game battle system began to bore me. I haven't tried the expansion though. I think I prefer Sword of Stars 2, despite it's very serious problems. Debating on whether I'm going to get Defiance. I quite enjoyed the show towards the end of the season.
  3. I also think it's got to do with the setting and feel of the game. Maybe the team decided it didn't fit with their vision of P:E? Maybe it messed with pacing? Interfered with how they did encounters? Balancing etc. There is a lot more to it than Sawyer looking at these forums, and getting scared by the response of some people. We aren't that important.
  4. I've been playing it on and off for a while now, and I think it's mostly about atmosphere. It's probably the best "survival HOrror" game in recent memory, with survival being the key. That and some pretty good characterization of Ellie and Joel. Yeah but was it horror? The only time were I was remotely tense was during the spore set pieces. As for the survival part, stealth was so powerful, that it completely nullified the limited ammunition. (Which was probably a good thing, since I can no longer aim with a controller) Also the fact that you can choke stealth infected is just so stupid. 'Oh look an infected, I will sneak behind them and choke them, even though one bite and I'm gone.' And don't get me started on the ending. That had me scratching my head too. How did they survive? If they were alive how did they stay alive without food or water? Given there main purpose was to find new hosts. My guess is the parasite somehow sustained them, with there only need being air.(Given you can choke them ) Also if the spores were air borne, how come winds didn't carry it across quarantine zones? Or why didn't the spore attach to skin or opened wounds? In the end, I came to the conclusion it's best not to think so hard about it, as thinking will bring up more questions instead of answers. (But that's the same with all zombie movies) I don't think the reviewers were getting paid for reviews, if that's what your getting at. If your saying shiny graphics distracted them, I could see that. Yeah it was. But game? Not so sure on that front. I enjoyed, just not sure if I could play it again.
  5. I'm not seeing a point to weapon degradation in PE. It makes sense in FO:NV it's a game based on survival, it adds to the atmosphere and in some cases the tension. But for PE I could see it being more of a nuisance, then adding to the game. I'm not particularly against it, I just don't currently see the use of it.
  6. Does that mean elves, dwarves and Orlans could possibly be on the menu?
  7. I backed an RPG made by Obsidian. So yes, so far it seems like I'm get what I was led to believe.
  8. Star Citizen for all it's spamming seems to be on track, but with over $10mil pledged I could see it go off track trying to please everyone. Elite for all it's early stumbles also seems to be doing well. Dead State just released a small update on current progress, thankfully everything seems on track. Wasteland 2 looks good to me, don't know about any disappointments. PE looks like it's chugging along really well. With interesting and informative updates. But I think I'll wait on saying such and such is the best managed title, till after they are all released. Development is a tricky business.
  9. You still won't see Sony titles on PC. So essentially the status quo will be the same.
  10. So I finished the Last of Us. I enjoyed it, but I don't get the adulation it is getting.
  11. I prefer shipped products over canceled ones, I can think of some products that I would rather of seen canceled, than released.
  12. Budget and project management is a problem for many game developers. Too much feature creep and sometimes too much ambition. Still better than the alternative we sometimes get.
  13. Been playing the Last of Us. Really enjoying it so far. It seems a bit short though, I've been playing for 8.5 hrs and I'm at 61% completed.
  14. I posted some stuff about the CoH: Modern Warfare mod elsewhere. USA versus China, squad-level combat. 'Tis very good. Cheers, will give this a look. I have Wargame just couldn't get into it, might give it another try. WIC was brilliant wish we saw more RTS from Massive Entertainment. However both of them are 80s(WIC late 80s), I'm talking something closer to today. Generals is about the only title I can think of. You don't want COH: Drone Warfare? Still going to give COH2 a go, normally Relic stuff is pretty good, just tired of WW2. Even if it's the relatively untouched Eastern Front.
  15. I severely underestimated this game, I ignored it and just assumed it was a flying dragon game. It's just MP atm right? No SP content?
  16. I would love to know why no dev chooses to make a modern day RTS. I've been playing Endwar, which is a take on WW3, quite enjoying it. Wish COH 2 had gone this way.
  17. Leon campaign. Too much pining over Ada. Chris campaign. Too much obsession with Ada. Jake campaign. Oh look Ada again. Ada campaign. Agent Hunt was fun though.
  18. Under other USA regimes he might not have been safe but under the Obama presidency its highly unlikely, I would say almost impossible, that the USA would send a special force raiding party into Ecuador to kidnap Snowden. That's why he will be safe as that's the only way I can think he would be forced to leave Ecuador. He will never be safe. Sure he's probably not going to die of radiation poisoning, but the US will get him. This isn't a guy with millions of dollars, or the beloved leader of a terrorist group. He's one guy, all alone. The US doesn't need a special forces raiding party. Why would an opposition be opposed to something that would benefit them if they ever retake power.
  19. I don't get why Snowden thinks he's safe in Ecuador, if the US wants him, they'll get him.
  20. So essentially you want to play a hero that makes hard decisions. That's not 'mature' it's manure. I enjoy games where the player has the option to be the villain, rather than just the hero. Good/evil metres don't interest me. Having options to be self serving, egomaniac, psychopathic, greedy, ruthless, destructive etc beside the usual selfless, kind, peaceful, humble that you always get. I want it so your choices shape what the resident of the world think of you. Rather than the static 'your the hero that saved are cats from a trees, we all love you'. Essentially I find villains far more interesting than heroes and would rather RP as one. I don't see why Obs wouldn't provide this choice, considering they have done to varying degrees in previous games. (MOTB, AP, NV).
  21. Cheers, given neither do anything for Pagans, I'll pass for now. Enjoying Vikings/Byzantium too much.
  22. I'm not Kobe biggest fan, but the man is a legend. 34 and avg 27.3ppg, absurd. IMO he has been unlucky not to have a few more MVP rings. The guy has been a force for over a decade, and looks like he could go a few more years. I also miss big C's after Shaq there really hasn't been a Centre that has owned the paint and terrified the opposition. I think Oden could of, if his knees didn't fail on him. And of course Yao, but again injuries held him back.
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