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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Never played these games, after reading what they were and the forum for the third title, it's a shame I missed them. However this new game is sounding great. Just hope the Necromancer class doesn't get cut. Civ/Elemental/Warlock fans should really keep an eye on this. http://www.ageofwonders.com/aow3live/about-the-game/
  2. Credit list also features Demiurge Studios, of ME1 PC port and, especially, Pinnacle Station fame. *shudder* Oh dear. I bet Sega wishes it had it's time again. They should of handed it over to the guys that made Binary Domain. Or you know bet on the Aliens RPG. However while I bemoan the loss of Aliens: Crucible, how different would things be today for Obs if it wasn't cancelled? We might not of got FO:NV or PE.
  3. I am hoping for some laughs with entering your own keywords.
  4. That looks better than I expected. Great video.
  5. Meh, Cyberpunk 2077 is more interesting to me. Still the fact this might be the last Geralt/Triss Witcher is good news. Sorry but I just find both these characters awful.
  6. And I'm sure at 15 you'd TOOOOOOTALLY ignore the advances of a hot person who's older than you. Tooooootally. I would of failed the check. However that doesn't change the fact that in the eyes of the law, a crime was committed. And the victim is still being victimized. If the mother can't afford to raise the child, give it to a family that can raise it. Honestly a women that is sexually interested in young boys, shouldn't be raising the child anyway. Can you imagine how society would look on a male pedophile raising the child of the victim?
  7. *cough* Dexter *cough* I was referring to just the ME franchise, not games in general. I would be surprised to see it as anything other than TPS/FPS games.
  8. Might have to give this a try eventually, people panned the RPG too, yet I really enjoyed it.
  9. Mass Effect: 50 shades of RGB? A sandbox TPS/Space Sim (aka Precursors), would be very much welcomed. But I tend to feel that style would only be explored with an MMO. A straight space sim won't ever happen even if Star Citizen sells like gangbusters.
  10. The best thing about Australia day, it's a paid holiday.
  11. The sad thing is, this just isn't true. Romance threads that are continually started. Please don't start martyring yourself. There has been no hostility in this thread. There is no but, everything in this poll/thread has been posted before. Their is nothing new or unique here, just a rehash of everything posted before. It would be redundant. Better to lock this thread and point to the older locked threads, and the other open one. 2. It's dry, it's in a continual cycle of repetitiveness. Groundhog Day, without Bill Murray. 3.Nope it's the exact same thing posted before, no new information, no new 'evidence', just a rehash. No the content in those romances are proof that they are generally bad. Yeah, it's an exact replica of a thread started several months ago. Is it broken? No. Is it a repetition of topic? Oh yes. Nope other threads have had this idea. Stop thinking this thread is some great piece of forum discussion, with an entirely new point. It's not. .................. This aspect has actually been discussed a lot already, in all the other threads. At any rate, it's more about what direction almost all previous romance threads get turned toward, rather than any original intention. That is what Lady Crimson posted. That's why this thread will get locked. Not because you being persecuted. You haven't been attacked, not one person here has insulted you. All they've done is commented that this is a rehash of everything said before. This is not attacking someone. And we are back to this.... The 'romance hater' are of the exact same mind. That's why their is no middle ground and why this thread will turn ugly. (Where's Bos_Hybrid when you need him?) Working or drunk..
  12. That is an outrage! Zombies make everything better, even strippers.
  13. 23 pages on this........ I fail to see what is wrong with bio doing an open world game?(even though they aren't) Might lead to less railroading of the plot and PC. And drop the 'cinematic experience' hard on bioware has at the moment. Instead of trying to get COD fans, get TES fans. Surely that is an improvement, no?
  14. I really enjoyed Fallen Enchantress, it's better than Warlock, but it doesn't have multiplayer if that's your thing.
  15. Origin and Steam aren't half as bad as people like to make out. Got to say though, that Uplay is damn annoying. And won't ever be.
  16. Warlock Masters of Arcane. Had this game for a few months but never bothered with it, finally decided to give it a try, and it's great.
  17. Walking Dead X-com Fallen Enchantress These three are easily interchangeable and difficult to choose between. Might put FE as #1 given it's replay ability and mod ability 4. Warlock Master of Arcane 5. Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion 6. Dragon's Dogma 7. Crusader Kings 2 8: Mass Effect 3 9. Sword of Stars 2 (Yeah released last year, but only playable this year.) 10. Game of Thrones
  18. Merry Christmas, booze for everyone. Don't get too drunk though, you'll do something stupid, assuming your like me...
  19. Sweated, and sat in front or on the air conditioner depending on the time of day.
  20. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/12/14/nine-facts-about-guns-and-mass-shootings-in-the-united-states/?tid=pm_business_pop
  21. Pine is worse, you need a strong or at least recognizable presence as a captain. Pine doesn't have this. Maybe we'll see an improvement in the sequel. Scotty and McCoy were great though.
  22. I wouldn't hold my breath. PC might get it if they decide to port the next one over.
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