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Everything posted by Bos_hybrid

  1. Scribblenauts is $12.50(AUD) today on Steam.
  2. Nice, quite a bit of new info there, with a nice little demo at the end. Pity about the Q&A, even more so when you could pick CA drunk mind. Defiance Bay looked interesting with several areas. The info about the player revisiting and seeing the mark they left on Defiance Bay was interesting. All in all it looks like things are progressing smoothly in development, hopefully this continues.
  3. Do Sword of Islam or the Republic add anything to the game besides the obvious(control Islamic and merchant rulers). Like Legacy of Rome and retinues?
  4. Facts can be manipulated to suit a persons point of view. The fact is alien life can't be proven, does that mean you don't believe in extraterrestrial life? Also since religion can't be proven you must be atheist. While I don't believe all game journalist are paid by publishers(did Sony pay off everyone for Last of Us), I do believe that they can be influenced like anyone else. In the end the best person to decide if you would like a game or not is yourself, not a journalist and certainly not some random person on the internet.
  5. I wouldn't go as far as not liking it at all. But it was a determent to the game though. As for Lebron vs Jordan, your judging two different skill sets from two different times. What would Lebron do in Jordan's time and vice versa? I don't think you can make a valid comparison. In the end people will look to statistics, but they only tell part of the story.
  6. Considering the amount of new games that require multiple patches after release, MP, system firmware updates and the possibility that futures games could require cloud computing. I would rather not have a spy cam in my living room. (Strange things frequent that area) I've also yet to see a convincing argument for kinect(and Move for that matter) in regards to gaming. And finally we don't want to encourage M$ to develop it to the 9000 model.
  7. Really, I would say New Vegas was a deeper and more engaging experience than most RPGs. If bioware can't write a deep and engaging open world RPG experience, it has less to do with open world and more to do with the bioware dev team.
  8. As long as Hal 1 is watching I'm not interested.
  9. Yep, Sydney Funnel web. This is the Goliath bird eating spider. They can eat birds, and rodents.
  10. These like to crawl into your shoes in Aus. Enjoy.
  11. I'm pretty surprised by the response from people of the USA. I expected more anger about this, maybe even a riot or two. But it seems very subdued, I'm guessing most suspected as much?
  12. Without direct intervention, the conflict will be sustained and escalated, which is supposedly not what the West wants. No military aid should be sent.
  13. No I don't see this as that bad, you need to also consider another result with the West openly aiding the rebels that this becomes a classic proxy war and Iran has to pour even more money and resources into assisting Assad. This weakens Iran which is not necessarily a bad thing if you think of other tensions in the area? 1. You are assuming both Russia and China will be fine with Western troops in Syria. 2. Seeing dead Western soldiers, for the sake of the region(Israel) is not something I want to see. 3. There is a good chance that if the rebels win the war, that in 10-20 years later we will be invading Syria due to a massive terrorist presence. A presence trained by the west. What we are seeing here is not a war for democracy, but a war of Sunni vs Shiite. It's not a matter of if, but when. Hopefully I'm long dead when it comes. As for it coming from this conflict, doubtful. But why chance it.
  14. History repeating itself. The fact that the West is backing the side, which by all reports is losing ground(due to Hezbollah troops, incoming Iranian troops and incoming arms from Russia). Will most likely mean direct intervention is needed to bring down Assad.
  15. I did too. Besides anything with John Cleese in it is automatically gold.
  16. Unfortunately is seem like it's not coming any time soon. Just started playing Planetside 2, not to bad so far, however the server just went down for maintenance. Might give JA:BIA a second go, stopped playing it since my install got corrupted some how.(All description text disappeared).
  17. Games are often idealization of how someone will look. Not how they should look.
  18. I can't think of one new game announcement from E3 where I thought, 'wow I have to get that'.
  19. To be honest, it's meh towards both of them. DA3 trailer told you nothing and I'm just not interested in TW3.
  20. I feel sorry for the people whose job it is to rummage through the data. Those people are insane or soon will be.
  21. Sweet Jesus Wals has played FO:NV for over 1,000 hrs. Are you searching for a monocle in the wasteland?
  22. The raiding mechanic is interesting (although I think maybe a bit on the OP side... hahaha). Ol' Olaf has just started, and will be able to conquer all of Iceland soon enough. Need to write up an update, but have a child and some other stuff to share. It's been fun (although it slows the game down a lot! ) Nothing wrong with it being over powered when it's so fun. I've sacked Rome and Paris so much I've destroyed several of their holdings. Well on my way to creating a Norse Byzantium Empire, sad that I can't create a Norse Roman Empire due to needing to be christian(a bizarre requirement). Had to laugh when one of my heirs broke away and created their own petty kingdom by subjugating the southern steppes, then my other heir inherited the Kingdom of Bravaria(child from a kidnapped consort) and finally, the husband of my daughter(matrilineal) concurred the kingdom of Bulgaria meaning the heir will also be of my dynasty. All of this in the space of 10 yrs. Saddest part of all is that their Kingdoms are far more stable then my current controlled Kingdoms of Anatolia, Sicily and Greece(in provinces only). Now to hold all the gains.
  23. Crusader Kings 2 with old gods DLC. Decided to go with an odd start, Pagan, Norse leader replacing one of the Irish start independents, age 17 in the year 1204. Started off fine with me taking most of the northern half of independent Ireland before England did the same, then consolidating. The year is now 1211, and unfortunately England decided to send a bishop over to convert me, I decided to respond to that by throwing him in prison, which led to England declaring war quickly followed by Scotland. 6 months later and most of my cities were under siege when Norway decided to invade Scotland allowing me to make a truce with Scotland losing one county in the process. This left England however still being England rampaging across Northern Ireland, when southern Ireland decided to rebel and start attacking the English troops. England pulled out entirely for some reason(I believe France were naughty) and left Ireland completely independent at the end of 1213. Got to love rebellions.
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