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Everything posted by daven

  1. I only found out recently that Germans (and maybe others) use .'s instead of ,'s for the 000 separator. It can be jarring seeing an invoice like that.
  2. OK Mary Sue was a bit much, but she's so naive and innocent... how's she such a good ighter and not stressed/bothered by anything? I can understand Aloth/Eder/Sarafen being pretty casual because Aloth and Eder have already seen so much, and I assume Sarafen isn't arsed because he's from a pirate background. Xoti is jus really happy go lucky then whinges about the odd dream. I'm sticking with her but she annoys me.
  3. It's an issue if you really want to play with full fledged party members and not just a bunch of people that are just there. I get the feeling that Obsidian simply hates priests. In the first game we have Durance who is such a dumb and annoying character that I just kill him every time I enter the area where you can pick him up. Xoti is no exception. She's also an idiot and possibly even more annoying because not only is she incredibly stupid, she has the most obnoxious accent and is fanatically religious. There is no way to like this character if you are of average intelligence or higher. And in beast of Winter we get a guy who spearheads a bunch of lunatics and looks like he died 5 times. I'm serious it's on purpose. They're all a bunch of deranged idiots. Durance was actually my favourite character in the first game. I mean he was a bit of an imbecile but I was endeared to him somewhat.
  4. My understanding is that a large part of the CURRENT popularity of the Souls games is their infamous challenge level. The Dark Souls games are still very much known as insanely challening, mechanically demanding games, and all the Souls-Like game are billed as much the same. Completing a Souls game is an achievement by the very nature of the games. Completing Deadfire, even on TOI POTD, isn't seen as as much of an achievement, because it's a knowledge based challenge, which really isn't regarded as impressively. I'm not honestly sure there can be too much comparison. Hmmm maybe accoring to unoriginal games journalists. But lets face it Demon's Souls and Dark Souls are a league ahead of 2 and 3. Because the latter have just latched onto the difficulty bollocks, not what actually made the games good. But i digress... what were we talking about?
  5. I am trying my darndest to like Xoti. I want a priest in my party and she is one. I think my issue is that she's a tough warrior but simultaneously a naive child. I have been rewatching Firefly recently and she KIND OF reminds me of Kayleigh, and i've beeng trying to look at her that way. However Kayleigh is a good mechanic but a pathetic fighter. Xoti is a Mary Sue. THOUGHTS? Tell me i'm overthinking it and just get on with it. I dunno what it is, I like Aerie in BG2 but Xoti just irks me.
  6. Yeah i'm pretty sure I bought BG1/2, Icewind Dale and Planescape Torment for about 5 quid each (3-4 dollars? 6 euro?) not they are charging 2-3 times that. I get it they had to put time/money into making the 'EE' versions but give people the option to get the original on its own. I feel like they are trying to erase the originals from history.
  7. I think something like Dark Souls is so popular not because of one aspect, but because it is more than the sum of it's parts. I think the IE games were like that.
  8. I have been doing the one which makes it darker or something. Makes dungeons feel a lot more... hmm... can't quite think of the word. But it's a good thing. I like having some torches out and that, adds to the role playing I suppose.
  9. Yeah I think what i'm trying to get at is I don't want Beamdog anywhere near these games. If Obsidian wanted to make a patch for NWN 2 then yeah fair enough. Yes you can buy it ALONG WITH the Enhanced edition which means money goes to Beamdog. Why is the original game an added extra???
  10. For me almost everything you're asking for would just become tedious busy work you have to juggle. The combat is what a lot of people are here for, with dialog and plot being a secondary concern. All that other stuff is just annoyances I don't want in the way of what I'm playing for. Well I can't fault you for playing the game differently. So I guess we will have to agree to disagree. What a reasonable guy, usually this turns to finger pointing and 'you're wrong i'm right' sort of bollocks. But anyways, a nice balance between the 2 is best. Often in these sorts of games i'd try talk dialogue my way out of combat because it can make it more interesting. Especially in KoTOR and that.
  11. Yeah it can be a bit demotivating seeing 'No penetration' or whatever half the time.
  12. Why did you make your font so big? It's put me off reading the damn thing!
  13. As long as Beamdog have naff all to do with it. I think they have some nerve calling BG1 and 2 'Enhanced'. I'd rather play the original versions.
  14. Yeah it implies that you will encounter the Kraken at some point. I have no idea if it actually happens and don't want anyone to spoil it here! No spoilers here. I'll just say that when I started Deadfire I had that PoE1 book in mind (Monsters of the Deadfire Archipelago). The Polpovir looked particularly interesting. Yes, that was the most interesting book in the first game!
  15. Since i keep seeing it mentioned as a brilliant game, I went and bought Wizardry 8. I shall give it a go this weekend...
  16. Yep, sounds similar to traits(?) in the first Fallout. Kind of. I love things like this, I don't always want my character to be perfect at absolutely everything. Trade offs are a good thing. And flaws in general, makes you have to think a bit more about certain situations.
  17. Yeah it implies that you will encounter the Kraken at some point. I have no idea if it actually happens and don't want anyone to spoil it here!
  18. I kinda wish they scrapped the ship combat and did the sea monsters stretch goal instead. Ah well, I haven't actually gone into ship combat that much maybe i'll try it out some more give it a chance.
  19. I am sick of the Vailians. Most of them are complete morons, at least the ones in Deadfire... and PoE actually.
  20. I sometimes put on casual clothes when inside a bar or whatever. But it's just a bit of a hassle doing it for every character and taking off weapons and that.
  21. I just can't see Microsoft being arsed whatsoever doing a kickstarter or something. And yeah who would want to give money away to one of the richest companies in the world? And sorry pal, didn't meant to live so relentlessly in the real world! Sometimes it's good to dream...
  22. Or half-sword two swords. Breaks my mind trying to imagine this. Just for a reference, hope nobody minds: Yeah I mean, after watching Skalla and Schologladiatoria and that it can really put me off seeing stuff like half swording with 2 swords.
  23. Probably. But there are also people who prefer things that sell LESS as it's not as mainstream or whatever.
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