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Everything posted by Hawke64

  1. Continuing Lords of the Fallen playthrough. Got lost in one of the last areas (Chamber of Lies) for 3 hours. Defeated the boss of the said area on the 2nd attempt. Edit. Completed the main story and the DLC (1). The game isn't bad, but I did not like the combination of level design (DS1-like) and combat difficulty (an average action-RPG).
  2. Playing Lords of the Fallen. The game is fun, yet it feels like simplified Dark Souls or Darksiders without platforming. Defeated 2 bosses in a row on the first try.
  3. I guess, "manslaughter" is the most fitting ("The crime of killing a human being without malice aforethought"), but "murder" would do. --- "Fading Light" by Aviators
  4. Unsure about the general consensus here yet, but Tyranny is a great RPG with high replayability, meaningful choices, good graphics and unique magic system. Haven't encountered any game-breaking (e.g. crashes or impossibility to progress) bugs in 5 PTs.
  5. I'd suggest to add buttons "Helpful", "Interesting", "Agree" and "Respectfully disagree" as it is on Paradox Plaza (the "Respectfully" part might be obvious, but, nonetheless, important).
  6. Completed Black The Fall (2.5D puzzle-platformer in an Orwellian setting). Pretty much like Limbo, but more unsettling. Graphics and soundtrack are good. Puzzles are interesting, but simple. Controls, while fairly comfortable, are not customizable and could be tighter.
  7. Something about time-travel in steampunk setting (so player's meta-knowledge would be acknowledged by the game). Or cyberpunk. Possibly, with magic and dragons (like Shadowrun). Times of huge technological, economical and social changes are always interesting.
  8. Playing Sword Coast Legends. Completed the main campaign, started Rage of Demons. SCL is a fairly good RPG (closer to Diablo, than to PoE, though), but it's focused on MP elements too much for my taste. I guess, it is unusual for an isometric party-RPG. The closing song, "The Path of Destiny", sounds somehow familiar.
  9. I guess, it is good to have the forums separated from games and platforms (such as Steam and Origin), so nothing interrupts gameplay, yet players are able to communicate with each other and the developers. Also the requirement to own a game in order to post on the forums (not the other way - creating an account to launch a game) might limit amount of trolls.
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