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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Butcher on sale for $4.99 If you're a fan of 90's gaming era, you already have it.
  2. I wanted to take a minute to talk about how ridiculous the newest "Texas Chainsaw" movie was... Yes, they got a super hot girl (Alexandra Dadarrio) to play the main role but what's strange is how they made the bad guy, Leatherface, look like the good guy in the good guy in this one. Now, if this movie wasn't based off true events, then this would be okay and I wouldn't think it was weird at all but at the end, it shows Leatherface defending a girl as the girl kicks the chainsaw over to him, and shouts "Do your thing Cuz!" encouraging Leatherdace to end more lives. I just didn't think that was too cool. Then again, I'm not sure why movies about a real life killing spree is such entertainment to the American audience. It's no different than a movie about 9/11 but for whatever reason, people treat these things differently.
  3. Yeah, that is the common negative with workshop games .. "Freedom to mod" *People rejoice* *People make mods* And the mods are mostly crap, rarely is any mod good on workshop for these types of games.
  4. Are you counting the banks as part of the American populace? Everyone is equally guilty, I believe.
  5. Alternative Facts: Things that are common sense but nobody either wants to admit or care enough to acknowledge as fact. It's one of those things where you continue to live in denial until something drastic in your life opens your eyes, the edge of death is usually what it takes to see things in that different perspective. Isn't it? Of course those are not my words but it does make sense.
  6. Currently commenting on these forums on my phone, paying bills on a labtop, warming up some left-over chile and preparing to watch Master Chef's newest episode.
  7. Honestly... the best Planet Of The Apes is the one with Mark Wahlberg... and this is coming from someone who loves Carlton Heston and Audry Hepburn.
  8. Looks interesting. I just saw Walking Tall a couple days ago for the first time. I would compare it to a remake of Roadhouse but with a twist. I mean it's different but you can tell the inspiration from it right away.
  9. It's cheesy but really good It's kinda got a "Hackers" feel to it in a way.
  10. https://youtu.be/2UX1fYyT_NY
  11. Your argument for thr inverse ratio of capitalization to debt was genius... Now if we just get congress to be so shortsided. Just don't forget, that Americans populus is more of the reason for the country's debt than the actual government.
  12. I was disappointed that this Kickstarter project turned out to get so many bad reviews on release. I was really hoping it would be good. Oh well
  13. The big question is, will the 2nd one be better than thr 1st or will it be held back by the same issues?
  14. Same, I just didn't want to be the one to say it since everyone here is touchy.
  15. Well... it is the Obsidian forums where everyone feels entitled to something after all, either that or every thread has to have at least one argument. If you don't participate you are not part of the fam and that's the most important thing in life
  16. Perhaps an Avatar setting... if Ubisoft is doing it, why not Obsidian?
  17. The new SimAnt looks great
  18. Thank you.
  19. https://youtu.be/kxMzhhYPD8A
  20. How is the combat? The combat itself should probably be the most important thing of the game since you're in combat for the majority of the time. Is it good or bad?
  21. Sundered is a badass 2D rpg metroidvania based on HP Lovecraft material. It's creepily aesthetic gives off a very animated visual that's similar to Pyre but plays more like Hollow Knight. It's on sale for $17.99 from $19.99 atm. It releases July 28th.
  22. Played Fallout 4 for a few minutes tonight for the first time in a while, I have to say, I know that graphics might not be all that matters but damn... those colors pop and it's so nice to look at maxed out in 4k. While FO3/FONV have aged horribly. Last time I played it I could only max the settings in 900p lol Its worth playing now when it's so beautiful I suppose.
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