I wanted to take a minute to talk about how ridiculous the newest "Texas Chainsaw" movie was... Yes, they got a super hot girl (Alexandra Dadarrio) to play the main role but what's strange is how they made the bad guy, Leatherface, look like the good guy in the good guy in this one.
Now, if this movie wasn't based off true events, then this would be okay and I wouldn't think it was weird at all but at the end, it shows Leatherface defending a girl as the girl kicks the chainsaw over to him, and shouts "Do your thing Cuz!" encouraging Leatherdace to end more lives. I just didn't think that was too cool.
Then again, I'm not sure why movies about a real life killing spree is such entertainment to the American audience. It's no different than a movie about 9/11 but for whatever reason, people treat these things differently.