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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. Tony Hawk Pro Skater HD is on sale for $1.99 #Nostalgia
  2. I beg to differ... Rainbow Six Rogue Spear for me :D
  3. Maybe we would get to the same destination but in different way. I mean, it wouldn't be the same but maybe we would still get to the result somehow. Similar but different - like Miyagi quoted.
  4. On lunch breaks I've been delving a bit into HP Lovecraft - Sunless Sea inspires me. I find HP's mind to be... unique and interesting. He's like a schizophrenic Jules Verne in a way
  5. Hello, newbie here as well. You should have a blasts here! I have a feeling a lot of future disappointment is building up I got blocked so far by at least 3 people but it's okay lol I get blocked on Facebook all the time for saying something that people don't like. As long as I have my wife and kids by my side, nothing brings me down
  6. Since this isn't necroposting, I should be safe from the haters lol I saw this trailer and I thought this movie looks awesome. Just had to share it here: Of course it's a remake but that doesn't make it any less awesome
  7. I think the game will just be able to go by itself into your hard-drive/ssd and locate the file automatically. Maybe it won't even need your help in location.
  8. Well we've never tried democracy without a monetary system, so we don't really know. Might work better without it. As for your last point, interesting a similar argument could be laid against capitalism. You cannot not participate, as capitalism in general relies on private ownership of property - and since all property has basically been apropriated, non particupation is practically impossible. Either you're free by work and ownership - or you starve. You mean a the free trade system that pilgrims and native indians did? That could be good. It would highlight people's specialties and talents.
  9. That would be great! I haven't heard anything about it yet
  10. This is me... Edit: Nvm wouldn't load pic. I eat Carls Junior burger today
  11. I hope you like Flash and Arrow
  12. I feel like a civil war is about to break out in my country. People are always so damn touchy, can't say anything that differs from what someone else likes or you're indtantly a liberal/condervative/sjw. People always have to put titles on each other. It's pretty sickening but oh well. The country I live in just isn't great anymore unfortunately and I'm the most patriotic person you will ever meet but when the country has driven itself down to the ground and tripped over it's own pride, I can't feel so patriotic atm. And it has nothing to do with who's in office but my statement stems purely from the peoples of the country who are harming the country more than the government and those in high office.
  13. Have I posted this before? Oh well, it deserves to be posted again!
  14. I was thinking orange as well. Perhaps a lime green?
  15. Been watching a series called "Shooter" on Netflix based on the Mark Whalberg movie. It's actually pretty good!
  16. I have seen it on Showbox. It's great!
  17. Well that explains why the same 20-30 people come to the same threads I guess lol The other sections pretty much have their seperate groups of members. I regret nothin, I like it here ^__^
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