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Everything posted by SonicMage117

  1. It's a great alternative to Fallout, the combat is great and everything just feels good in the game I'm quickly becoming the saddest legend of the Obsidian forums
  2. Even though I'm a 30 year old male (as of typing this), I agree that Life Is Strange had terrible animations, art style and the voice acting was either great or super terrible. I think why it became so popular is because it does one thing right, I'm not sure if I can explain this well enough for I'll try... Life Is Strange seems to deal with controversial issues that alot of people - especially young girls - experience today. Whether that would be being a victim of parental neglect, abuse, sexual assault, suicide, drug abuse, disability, death etc. Life Is Strange covers these issues no holds barred and yet still does it elegantly. I did appreciate that at the end of the game it had a message that said "If you felt anything after playing Life Is Strange, if you were a victim of any like situations, please click the link and join one of the support groups" or something similar to that affect. I know there are other games that deal with these types of issues but none of them to this extent or realism that I've seen - closest thing would be Oxenfree I'd say. The characters in Life Is Strange are surprisingly deep and relatable but maybe it depends on what generation you are from. Kate Marsh reminded me instantly of an ex-gf I had so that gave some feeling of familiarity and pity. But my wife couldn't play the game because it was too emotional for her. Which is sad because I thought it was made for her. Understandable though. Idk, I really loved the characters, Max felt genuine and Chloe was hard for me not to care for by end of game.
  3. There's always cut content restoration mods to restore all the missing things and then some http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/users/3010984/?tb=mods
  4. Transistor again... There's something about Supergiant's games... they're super short rpg's that are only like 8 hours of content but yet have as much depth as a 200 hour rpg. I find what helps with this is little tricks the developer successfully pulls off that other developers do not try or maybe everyone else is afraid to? Transistor still has one of my favorite ost's. Welcome home Red... welcome home.
  5. Sounds like you're trying to troll me. You keep commenting on something that either nobody else cared about or everyone else just ignored. Here... I'll apologize: I'm sorry and now with that maybe you can move on with your life but maybe you'll continue to try to make a fight where there is none. Otherwise you can continue to troll if you want to that's cool too.
  6. Pee odor? Most cringeworthy thing I've read in a while. Incredible.Thank you. It was just a joke but I'm glad it had the desired affect on at least one person Whatever you say, troll.How am I troll for you not being able to handle a simple joke? Let me guess, you're an sjw who gets offended at everything? What do SJWs have to do with anything?He reminded me of the group that is offended by everything, I admit the "pee-odor" may have been childish but in no means was it offensive, just meant as small joke as I was in a funny mood at the moment. As politically-incorrect as the phrase was, it was ultimately harmless. No more joking though, can't do anything fun these days Another apology on my part.
  7. Pee odor? Most cringeworthy thing I've read in a while. Incredible.Thank you. It was just a joke but I'm glad it had the desired affect on at least one person Whatever you say, troll.How am I troll for you not being able to handle a simple joke? Let me guess, you're an sjw who gets offended at everything?
  8. Impressive... almost anime-ish in some way.
  9. Pee odor? Most cringeworthy thing I've read in a while. Incredible. Thank you. It was just a joke but I'm glad it had the desired affect on at least one person
  10. My recent pickups/pee-odors are: Pyre Sundered Sonic Mania The Escapists 2 I feel like I'm missing one... but I will be playing all of them on their release dates. That's all along throughout late July and August.
  11. I love that movie!
  12. I ate my words tonight... I cancelled my pre-order on Lawbreakers - the new hero fps, and pre-purchased Sundered and Pyre with that money. Seemed like the better deal to me lol
  13. I have a well-paying job and I'm married with a daughter, meaning I have responsibilities. Do you have a wife and/or kids? It's easy to single out only one situation but I'll put it this way, the middle-class/poor-class don't fund medical sciences, research... the rich man does. While poor people will loot in a crisis, the government and the rich man sends search and rescue and rebuilds. But I digress, there's always going to be some rebuttle I guess. Competition is competition, that's different from desperation. People here do not know the value of a dollar apparently.
  14. This is what happens when you don't read all of it lol There's a huge difference between "Texas Chainsaw" and "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" One makes a mockery of the tragedy while the other movie respects the real-life families or victims of the events. Regardless of if it's loosely based on the true event, one movie makes the bad guy look like the good guy. Would having a loosely based movie depicting the 9/11 or Manchester bombers as the good guys be okay too? Something tells me that in 20 years, nobody will care either way but that doesn't make it any less wrong. It should bother people but it probably won't.
  15. People will do what they have to survive, to keep a full stomach, or protect their children. That's the human nature. It's not that I want to single out the underclass for this but the rich have the money to pay while the poor peeps must scramble in desperation. The rich man is rich so no need to screw over anyone for money, instead screwing people over with what he uses the money on and whilist getting to chose who he screws over while the poor young man does not- making the rich white hair man the lesser of the two evils imo.
  16. No, it's not strange. This, my friend, is just one of the reasons why I say the lower class/poor have more power than the rich. This, in hindsight, just proved my main point. Why only call out the president? The president is just a puppet, there are bigger people over the president but people on the forums are too busy arguing on what they like and dislike about our President that they forget all the logic which they should be focusinf on but nobody ever wants to talk about that or acknowledge that the organzation is real.https://m.liveleak.com/view?i=952_1316540677 The only reason why you mock my words is because you know what I'm saying is true. No. I won't give you the names of the people who I know for a fact that are milking the system/commiting fraud for disability but it's not because I can't prove it, it's only because I wouldn't even trust anyone here enough to share my real name, let alone others on this crazy forum. 1. I can tell you right now, people don't deny that they are poor, especially ones who have mouths to feed and bills to pay. That's unrealistic, where in the world can you find these people that deny that try to trick people into being rich. Do you think people with sick children are going to stand by not asking for help? Why is GoFundMe.com filled with requests from the underclass to give them money? They will get mony anyway they can regardless of who they screw over to do it. 2. That's why it continues to happen lol I mean, it would be stopped if the goverment could do something about it right? Right but they do exist, they just are too many to record, charge, ect. It will probably end only when bigger changes are made years from now which defies how everything works today. That's not relavant to what we've been discussing. Now why other people are acting that I said the rich have it hard and the working or lower class have it easy, need to read my comments again. I stated no such things but this is a forum so..
  17. To explain further, the reason why it bothered me is because Texas Chainsaw massacre was real, it DID happen and it was already bad enough that movies abiut the true life victims were being mad for out entertainment but the last one felt like an open mockery. I don't think a 9/11 or Boston bombing movie will ever be made which makes those events into a joke (although they did make that one movie about Colombine shooting defending the shooters which was in theater) So it's strange that they would do so with an event that's just as horrible but inside the country.
  18. Are you counting the banks as part of the American populace? Everyone is equally guilty, I believe. if the common man actually had money, and if he wouldn't need to pay fortunes for such basics as decent education for his children, he'd be in a lot less debt. He isn't guilty, he was forced into his predicament.NONSENSE! There is no such thing as "rich man is power so the rich man controls all" that is just a cover-up for the blue-collarsand the low-income to feel entitled to have more of a say but all along. Listen to me brorher, the poor man is actually just as powerful if not more powerful than the rich. Times are changing and with that the voice of the people are even moreso than ever regardless of wht race, or income. And then you have those who milk the disability/social security system... the very system was doomed fot abuse the very moment it availed. If I had a nickel for every family I knew om facebook who openly admits they steal money from social security just so they could be lazy and never work honestly, I'd literally be rich. It's because of the lesser Americans making the wrong decisions that we are this way, we all suffer.... and instead of doing something about it hey repay their country with this. WITH THIS!!!
  19. I loved the ending, I just wish a sequel could have been made that took off straight from there.
  20. Strange... All I hear is people saying how every room has enemies spawned. Is it walking simulator peppered with combat?
  21. Just had left over chile. In case you didn't know, left over chile is better than fresh chile
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