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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Neketaka and Dunnage have random encounters. But that's about it.
  2. I approach from the top stairs and just aggro the first group of enemies. Run away and you can take down the panthers first because they will reach your party first. If you can charm the Drake, do it. If not focus him down because he will AoE your party with fire breath. I managed to complete the digsite on PotD multiple times. It is much easier than Gorecci street because enemies don't hit as hard and their ranged damage is much much lower. This means funneling works well.
  3. Well you don't need them. All they do is make naval combat even easier. I think I had more fun when I didn't use them.
  4. Because they want classes to be unique. I think it's good to have these abilities class specific. I would even go further and nerf multiclassing as it is completely overpowered in this game.
  5. Ever since I switched to using them I decimate enemies, sometimes even in a single round of cannon fire. They're not as efficient on a Dhow or lower because the faster jibe speed. But a Galleon or Junk can handle them really well.
  6. Yea yea we all know the sorcerer cheese with over 80 armor class or the max (18)DR build with over 70 armor class. In general though if you don't go looking for the maximum obtainable defenses then your character is very respectable and doesn't feel broken. Plus if you play tabletop you have a DM to prevent you from cheesing. Also, in PoE any class becomes broken at higher level because any class levels up with +3 to defenses. Still a monk/rogue with 14 attacks will have a decent chance of hitting even a maxed armor enemy even if his base attack bonus is too low. That 5%x14 will do the trick anyway. I'm kind of in the middle between a d100 roll and a d20 roll. In any case deflection (or armor from D&D) the roll should have bigger impact, but it doesn't because the base values are so damn high.
  7. First game of its kind I completed without trying different builds first.
  8. And this is why D&D has a dice roll of 20 with 20 being a hit no matter what your stats are. Also makes no sense, but at least it prevents people from cheesing too much.
  9. Saw some people wondering where it was. It's an easily missable piece of equipment and it looks like an ordinary sword unless you examine it at which point it becomes a unique weapon. I added some pics for people to find it.
  10. No one is going to deny that, but that doesn't imply a person is going to be 100% contradictory to their behaviour 24/7.
  11. You can use Unity Console to remove it if it is stopping you from playing. https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/2
  12. Even though all of that is true, all of that doesn't fit with his character type. He remains obnoxious regardless of what he does or thinks. He's just a walking contradiction. lol I don't think that's contradictory. You can be prideful and arrogant but also insecure or depressed, or a genuinely kind and caring person that wants to help. Tekehu isn't so self-absorbed that he can't think or care about others (that would be a disorder). That's one of the things I like about Obsidian's characters. They don't just fit one trope or mold, there's usually more to them. Or a twist on the trope/stereotype you'd expect. It's a lot more human and believable, and a lot less frustrating to read/deal with (from my perspective). In my years of experience I've never ever met a person like this unless they suffered from a mental disorder. And we already have Xoti filling that role.
  13. Base stats have a big part in this. Base deflection is 20 (unless you play barbarian) and you gain +3 per level. That's 77 free deflection at max level. Throw in some equipment and buffs and you can easily get over 100 deflection without a shield. Here's my level 17 eder without buffs. Main reason is Cadhu Scalth tower shield which provides 26 deflection
  14. Even though all of that is true, all of that doesn't fit with his character type. He remains obnoxious regardless of what he does or thinks. He's just a walking contradiction. So I wouldn't say he is well written even though I do enjoy some of his interactions with events far more than the others.
  15. I'm guessing take your ship to the far northwest right away. Go to the skull island. Take your rogue and sneak through all those people. I'm unsure on how to sneak past so many and if he is implying to pass the diplomacy ( check as well to prevent enemies to go hostile. As long as you're in battle you cannot loot a chest so....
  16. I also posted this here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/102888-lord-darryns-voulge-bug/ because I didn't know if it was a bug or not. It does seem to be. Right now this weapon will damage everyone around you friend or foe on Crit. See picture.
  17. Less crappy content. Let's be honest the companions are kinda dull and after one playthrough they are just there as party and not to add anything. There's no stand out character really. Sure some of their characteristics are unique, but its not really fleshed out as well as it could be. Let's look at BGII. Jan Janssen, my favorite gnome with his hilarious stories. Goofy yet serious about what he's doing. Viconica the drow hunted, hounded and looking for a place to belong. Minsc. Go for the eyes! Gotta love that guy. Dumb, but strong. Aerie, love her hate her, she's unique and lovable to me. Keldorn Firecam, the paladin with a mission. Feels much more like a paladin than any of the paladins in PoE thrown together. Pallegina? She feels like she took paladin training and was kicked out. Haer'Dalis. Well this is basically Tekehu done right. The roguish ladies man. But with actual charm. Cernd. Didn't play much with this guy. Anomen Delryn. Self righteous prick. A bit like Durance, but with more intelligence. God I hated this guy. Korgan Bloodaxe. Bloodthirsty dwarf. Keep him in the party with Aerie and you will have to choose between them. Mazzy Fentan. Fighter halfling. A stoic feel good character with lots of charm. Nalia de'Arnise. A royal rich girl fallen from grace. Gives you an interesting quest. She's actually a decent party member and has lots of charm and growth throughout the game. Valygar Corthala. Mysterious, stoic ranger with a knack for magic. Yoshimo. Well you'll have to play the game to see Jaheira. A lot of people don't like her. She's very unapproachable and the loss of her husband weighs heavy on her. Maybe not someone you bring along on every playthrough. Imoen. Happy go lucky. I dunno, I never really liked her. Xoti is worse though. Edwin Odesseiron. The typical mage. Knows everything better, looks down on you. But man, is he fun to have around. Also, strongest mage in the game. By. Far. Also all characters (or at least their romance)have their own music. I think that can be a strong addition to the game! Next to that many characters personality can be changed by doing quests for them or making dialogue choices along the way. To top it off for each class type there are two or three characters to choose from allowing you to create a different party that fits your playing style. With PoE it feels like it doesn't really matter who you bring along. Sure some may complain at litteraly random events, but meh, nothing impactful. The only time the game surprised me was when Tekehu stopped me from putting the poisoned Koiki fruit in a basket. I'm looking for more of that. For more ways for characters to express what their deal is. And for more types of characters. So far NOBODY likes slavers. Slavers bad. Killing bad. Murdering bad. Stealing bad. Ugh.
  18. The override folder worked!!! followed this instruction here: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/97998-info-how-to-structure-mods/ because I did not have an override folder and had to create it.
  19. I'm not an expert on this subject, but it is directly related to the accuracy of the enemy. You have a D100 roll and you add accuracy to that. This is countered by deflection which is static. My Thief/Fighter Eder had about 160 deflection with some buffs, but he could go higher. Vs lower level enemies they would just riposte to death. I think it is like this, deflection is enough if your enemy has about 50% chance of hitting you. The game is balanced to allow you to win this way.
  20. Don't worry there's plenty of people that dislike this one dimenstional irresponsible gooey tentacle head. He's likable perhaps, but he is also boring. He's a kid in a mans body. And to be honest his backstory is stale. Best character? Well when comparing to the other characters he's actually not that bad. But this says more about how bad the other characters are than how good he is.
  21. I changed All to Hostile and tested, but it still hits AoE vs all. Does it only work for "new" games? attacks.gamedatabundle.zip
  22. You should be able to see from the screenshot since I gain a wound and have constant recovery . It's Monk/Fighter. Thanks for that tip. I'll check it out. It should only affect hostiles, but it doesn't. I think this needs to be moved to the bug forum.
  23. So this weapon kills your own party AND yourself on crit. Is that intended? I can't find anything in the description of the weapon that tells you this... See picture.
  24. This is why you don't fight where enemies initially are, but lure them away from their starting location. If people start dropping and you run away with the remaining members the others will get up as well when enemies have moved back.
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