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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Simply nerfing full attack abilties is probably not the way to go. I think that each weapon style should have a bonus with full attack abilities, such as 2 handed gaining either damage or penetration. They are now in favor of dual wield and that is already stronger than the others just with auto attacks. So don't nerf full attack to spite dual wielding because that sends the wrong message. Buff it for other styles that gain no benefit from it.
  2. Yea I did like Qara, but two things here are important. Clearly Qara wasn't very smart and she was even more full of herself than Sand. So if your beef with Sand is in that regard there is no reason to like Qara. That and Sand is far stronger than Qara because pure Wizard > Pure Sorcerer any day of the week.
  3. Yes and it shouldn't be buffing damage, but make the class more unique and give them "ranger" styled stats and skills. I mean right now anyone can do tracking and has survival skill and such. There is no reason or advantage to choose the ranger for being a ranger.
  4. Some things are actually easier solo. This is just an AI issue. If you want my honest opinion, I think domination or something like that on the last character standing should trigger the game over screen.
  5. I expect them to fix this and let old companions be a little more resillient when it comes to your decision making. I will edit my save game, otherwise I'll end up turning Eder in for a Skaen doll that is useless. It's not really the issue that it is in the save game as much as how little sense this turnaround makes. It's like we never met and he learned that I raped his sister or something.
  6. Difference between PotD and Veteran is this: on PotD there will be more enemies and all of them will be higher level and have improved stats. Whether you get through the Digsite/Gorecci street on PotD depends on your class. Some classes have a harder time than others. I picked a Mindstalker and it was incredibly easy because you can charm so many of them. I had a Battlemage and the sheer stats from defenses made my pc unhittable. I also had a Barbarian with something else but he just died the whole time. It was really hard for that one. Some classes need some levels and equipment to get going. Others are just OP from the start. Let's say you do gorecci street and you only have a character that can reduce his own deflection while having no CC or defenses he's going to die pretty quickly on Gorecci street vs 6-7 thugs that do 20-40 damage per hit.
  7. they are quite powerful for me. but in patch 1.1 they nerfed the accuracy ring to become +4 instead of +8. and devotion of the faithful. you can still stack them up and invest in alchemy using deadeye. make sure you have high PER.. i recommend 20 PER (which only nets you +10 ACC). if anything ranger is by far the easiest for me early game I don't get that accuracy thing. +8 ACC seems even pretty underwhelming, why nerfing it? 1 acc is a bit over 2% DPS in most cases, plus the benefits of hitting with effects, ACC is extremely good. A +6 Might ring would look pretty overpowered compared to other items, and from a DPS standpoint a +8 acc ring is as good (or possibly better if youre stacking a lot of %dmg). That statement doesn't make any sense. Accuracy works like this: You either have enough to get a hit or you don't. Having 70 accuracy and hitting an enemy is no different from having 80 and hitting. In no situation does 1 accuracy add 2% dps. The only thing that adds dps is attack speed and actual damage.
  8. Yea yea typo. Sue me grammar nazi. Can't edit title after posting. I play 1.1. But seriously though if I'm not actually torturing this idiot or sacrificing babies to Skaen he shouldn't be complaining about bs right now as if we just met.
  9. Yeah but Sand really made that I'm better-than-you Wizard thing work really well. Aloth is nothing like him. Sand isn't a wimp, Sand is actually intelligent and he doesn't doubt himself at all. In fact he knows how strong and intelligent he is and he uses it to his advantage.
  10. So their attitude is neutral at the start. Everyone starts at 0 points and no possitive or negative stance. I take Eder to the town of Port Maje and talk to some people. I think I strengthened his faith in the previous game and I went and said something about Eothas he didn't like. BOOM -1 rep with Eder and now he constantly complains going as far as saying "Not for you!" when taking orders. Seriously. You take someone halfway across the world saving countless people and helping the weak. Saving the world from total destruction while battling evil sects, demons, ogres, vampires and dragons. You'd think there'd be some bonding involved. Hell he even sat at my side during the time I was out of body traveling the in between towards Berath. Why on earth would he instantly dislike me as a person after 1 snide remark. In any normal world such a person would shrug it off accepting my statement. This whole reputation thing makes no sense. Seriously though he's starting to really really piss me off with his lame ass attitude with 0 respect for our friendship, this all reminds me my time with Anomen in BG2. I took him along with my party and when completing his personal quest (because he gets +2 wisdom after that) he becomes this obnixious selfrightious know it all. The straw there for me was that while in the underdark he started to insult and talk down to Jan. Jan of all people!! I kicked him out of the party and killed him on the spot in the mindflayer lair. F# you Anomen! And F# you Eder!
  11. You're correct I just read that. Well that's a good change to Nature Godlike. Even if they scale with level I think the Fire Godlike is really not in Vogue with the race at all. I prefer my suggestions. DR makes no sense unless it is fire. I would expect this with a different Race. And Fire Godlike has +3 fire resist. PALE ELVES HAVE +4!!!!!!! Your MFing hair is on fire!!! how are you not immune? Why is a weak tiny elf better resistant to fire than a creature MADE FROM FIRE?? /rant
  12. Not all Godlike bonusses are equal. I feel they are quite weak for some. Fire Godlike has a +1 armor and paltry fire damage riposte when almost dead. I think the human passive is more useful AND they can use a helmet. Moon Godlike has a decent AoE heal. Very useful in certain situations, but otherwise unremarkable Death Godlike has +20% Damage against all targets that are Near Death. Good for a reliable damage buff. Nature Godlike has +2 power level when self buffing which is completely overpowered if you ask me. For Monks this means a +30% instant damage bonus. That's far more powerful than Death Godlike. I feel Fire Godlike should have either fire immunity or bonus penetration on fire or something. They are the weakest race at the moment.
  13. I never bought anything in my PTs except for the Junk. I felt there's no need to waste money on an inferior ship. when you get to Neketaka there's enough money to be made before you leave the city to buy the Junk, upgrade it and stock up your party with advanced equipment. I wanted to buy the other ones, but it just sounds so inefficient. Also, whats the point of having multiple ships? Is one ship better at something than another? Can you field more than one ship? Nope.
  14. Maybe, but you could have a Wizard instead of the Ranger with more abilities. And Wizard is stronger than Ranger. If it is on equal footing and Ranger doesn't outshine the Wizard in its own strength then there is no reason to choose Ranger over Wizard. Which was my point. Maia has unique class, that interrupt on hit, this make a sense with one hand AOE weapon, this fact make her little bit viable Their accuracy bonuses works with spells, classes that mix rangers can have over 130 - 150 acc and hit bosses with 170 fortitude You can combine blunderbuss.frostseeker with mutli shot + Storm and get around ~ 100 - 150 damage for two 2 targets Yeah, but that's abusing the broken multiclass system. Most classes gain 50% strength by multiclassing. You argument is not in favor of the Ranger class itself. There's no reason, except for stunning shots maybe, to go full Ranger.
  15. I feel that the level 8 Wizard spell Caedebald's Blackbow makes Rangers feel redundant. They have high accuracy yes, they have a pet yes, they have stunning shots and bouncing arrows. Caedebald's Blackbow is so strong that it continuously terrifies enemies that aren't immune to it and it bounces like the ranger skill. That aside I think Rangers are pretty strong. They don't have huge damage buffs like Rogue or Barbarian, but they can always hit the enemy and create synergy with their pet. I think that's where their true strength lies. I think that more afflictions would fit into their kit. Right now they feel average because other classes can do something similar and some even better individually than a Ranger. I also think that they should have more "hunter" styles skills such as damage bonusses or affliction bonusses vs certain type of enemies that they can focus on. I know this is how D&D does it, but I think there's a good thought process behind this. Rangers are used to the wilds, they hunt, they can track. All those things are not in the PoE Ranger kit and that's the most confusing part. I wouldn't call them weak though.
  16. I think it'd be cool if we had some sort of unlocking system where at the start it would be hard to get upgrade items and find high level gear and the further you get you get access to more and perhaps do some quests to save a merchant that becomes available through story progression that sells these things. It would be something to work for rather than just breaking the game by putting a Merchant in Port Maje.
  17. Wait, Berath is spiteful for sending you on to your next life, as you were supposed to, if you don't want to help her? You're literally dead at that time, what should she do? And an Ideal taken on it's own is very much a stupid thing: you can't even call them self serving as they blindly follow the ideal they embody, which means morality as we know it is out of the picture as well. The "spoiled children" facet comes in since they can't deviate from that course, and will stomp anyone who goes against it. Ideals don't bicker like spoiled children. So there's never been conflict between equality and personal advancement, or safety and freedom, or progress and preservation? And those discussions never turn out to be ridiculous flame wars when polarized? Now imagine that, but with those personified Ideals actually bickering over which is best, each believing they're objectively correct so the other's must be either stupid or evil. The factions in PoE1 all consist out of Ideals that largely overlap. The Gods in PoE are nothing like what you're describing.
  18. Wizards are much much more powerful in D&D, hence the spell preparation and resting requirements. I think Wizards are crazy OP in deadfire as well now with infinite casts and rest anywhere without being punished mechanic. You can basically blunder your way through an area without ever getting into trouble as long as you win every fight. There is no attrition, no planning, just mindless spamming of abilities. To top things off you can even get ability uses back in Deadfire with an even more broken ability called empower.
  19. My thoughts, it has always been regarded as one of the worst kits in-game so I was pretty confused :D I never liked OP builds. I liked the kit because of the continuous interrupt on mages and spell resistance. Incredibly useful. But if you want to go braindead and use a cleric to buff yourself to infinity go right ahead. I didn't mean to sound condescending in my previous post, I'm sorry. Actually now that I look at Deadfire's mage slayer, the penalties are not that bad - I had no need to use potions and scrolls at all on my PotD run. With a party of 5 you've got so many buffs and heals available that I felt potions and scrolls and traps and food were reduntant. Like you said in your first post though, enemy mages die so quickly when focused by your ranged characters that I'm not sure if your barb will even make it in time to land a single hit. Carnage does apply spell disruption, but from my experience enemy casters rarely stay grouped. It's a subclass I'd be willing to give a shot for flavour reasons (come on - it does sound awesome, 'mage slayer'), but yeah, I don't think it's a powerhouse. It's so intriguing though that I'll definitely make a MS run one day. Who knows, maybe devs will buff it in the upcoming major patch. It feels like they copied it straight from BGII. The thing is this game doesn't have stone/ironskin and weapon invulnerablity spells to make mages Godlike. In BGII if you hit a mage with all those protections it would still disrupt him even if you're not even close to damaging him. Rendering him useless was perfect. Especially vs those liches that liked to cast time stop and all sorts of death spells to instakill your party.
  20. That's a good way to look at it, I think. It's not like it's a console command or a cheat, you do have to 'earn' them through actually playing the game (Even if some of the achievements are pretty easy to get. I'm just bummed I don't have enough to do the skill blessing AND the stat blessing. Might rush a Huana campaign or something for a few extra points and try that. If I had to choose between stat or skill blessing I would pick skill blessing. Makes the scripted interactions easier in your PT so you can focus on other things. You think so? Alright, I'll stick with that then. Note that the skill blessing also counts towards your entire party, not just the watcher. The stat boost is Watcher only.
  21. That's a good way to look at it, I think. It's not like it's a console command or a cheat, you do have to 'earn' them through actually playing the game (Even if some of the achievements are pretty easy to get. I'm just bummed I don't have enough to do the skill blessing AND the stat blessing. Might rush a Huana campaign or something for a few extra points and try that. If I had to choose between stat or skill blessing I would pick skill blessing. Makes the scripted interactions easier in your PT so you can focus on other things.
  22. Hm, I think Grieving Mother was the most powerful character (not prowess, but character) in the entire game. The only downside was her limited involvement with the party and the story.
  23. Well I didn't say it had 15, but they are similar. I think BGIi had multiple different similar areas. One where you end up in a tieflings/spirits/demons/devils area and you have to wander around making pacts with them and either kill them or let them kill eachother. I don't remember how big they were because it's been a while. There's also another area in BGII, might be ToB that had a huge statue at the end of the dungeon you had to fight.
  24. Actually, and I repeat this too often. It did crush damage and a full attack on the target in PoE. It was crazy overpowered.
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