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Everything posted by AeonsLegend

  1. Ugh no way. She annoyed me right from the start. Now Rabyuna however.... Anyway they are all prostitutes so why romance when you can get your fix any time you want if you have money. 300 g a pop. Cheaper than most girlfriends.
  2. min-maxing and realistic characters/role playing don't mix. A person with 6 dexterity shouldn't be able to wield any weapon effectively. And there is no morale in this game, but if there would be at such low resolve they would be terrified constantly. I think this is actually an interesting concept.
  3. She's actually one of my favorite VA's. She does a lot of roles though and some types aren't for me. I think she rocks in Saints Row. Tara Platt is my all time favorite though.
  4. They should just give the players a +x levels slider for PotD. I feel this matters more at the start of the game when there's less stats on your characters. Late game when everyone has 100+ accuracy it doesn't matter if an enemy has 80 or 100 deflection anymore. This has been brought up before in this thread, but mathematically it doesn't matter. The only thing that matters for rolls is the difference between your accuracy and deflection - the absolute values don't matter, just the difference. Each level everyone gains 3 acc/defense, so as long as enemies scale with you, everyone just stays at mathematically equivalent relative stats. But anyway, all this is a sideshow because the reason why it doesn't feel like it matters if an enemy has 80 or 100 deflection in the end-game is because most encounters aren't tuned for very high level fights. Like I said before, even if a xaurip scaled upwards indefinitely to level 20, it would still be a xaurip with lame abilities. It would not be hitting you with meteor shower or protecting itself with minoletta's sigil or cloak of death. As I said before, I continually maintain that the base difficulty in 1.1 is fine, there's just a huge dearth of encounters/quests that target level 14-20; the game is definitely weighted to levels 1-13 heavily. I mean, it makes sense, because I imagine most players will stick to the critical path and a minimal subset of the other quests; and it shows because I think we can all agree that PotD feels decent for that level range (especially on the low end at port maje and shortly after). but for us who want a hard PotD for level 14-20, there's like... some bounties, bekarna's quest, nemnok, and shimmering island and that's pretty much it before ukaizo and half of what i just named you're already over-leveled by like level 15 even if you use scaling. i'm really hoping the DLC can help out here, which it did back in poe1. i just want dedicated islands and quests that are tuned for level 14-23 (yes, 3 levels higher than the player, and i want that to mean enemies with PL10 abilities unavailable to the player even) in the same way that the base deadfire game is tuned for level 1-13. I don't know man I one shot enemies 3 levels higher than me.
  5. I liked Mirke, I didn't really have a connection with any specific companion. Eder: well I sacrificed Eder in PoE I, which made the start of the game kind of hard. Second playthrough. He's alright, but kind of boring on his own. Xoti: was an idiot living in her own bubble of nonsense. Ugh. Aloth: I don't know. I don't like him. He doesn't like me. He's a sissy and I have no clue to why he's doing all this bad ass stuff with me. His character is such that he would stay home 24/7 afraid to go out for groceries. I kept him because Wizards are kind of strong. Otherwise I'd throw him overboard and laugh while he drowns. Pallegina: She's nothing like her old character and she's even more full of herself now. Annoying. Maia: I liked her, probably one of the few actually likable characters Serafen: Incredibly one dimensional. Unfunny. A goody two shoe pirate. Makes no frikking sense to me. He should hang out with Aloth and write pirate stories that no one wants to read. Tekēhu: yeah stock character. Irresponsible lover boy. Also one dimensional. I exchanged him as soon as I got Fassina. She's 100x better than him. I really wanted the side kicks to be companions. They seemed so much more interesting. I ended the game with only Aloth in the party and the others were all sidekicks. Kind of made the ending kind of dumb.
  6. Xoti is one of those that annoy the **** out of me with her zealous fanatic "Oh mah Gawg Gaun". Piss off. I never bring her along anymore. Even though she's voiced by Laura Bailey. Berath's blessing are bonusses you can pick at your next playthrough. They range from extra starting cache, map fully explored to +2 to your core skills or +2 to all your stats.
  7. Technically a pet is equipment. Otherwise yea. I don't understand how having a pig around somehow makes me better at certain things personally.
  8. I thought Berath only sends you back to the Wheel if you ask her to? Rymrgand just goes "Lol silly Watcher why shouldn't I disintegrate you?" and does exactly that unless you beg him not to. Yea they got me both on my first PT. That's the thing. To me the Gods in PoE II are just a bunch of spoiled children. And they are way to active in this game. And they're all idiots. Don't seem like Gods at all. Welcome to the point of the story... I disagree, they could have kept the story, but made the Gods less dumb. unless of course dumb was the intention. Somehow I don't think that was the case.
  9. even if they do all of that people will still solo it At least there will be few and it will actually be a challenge. Instead of cheesing till you're overpowered. I dare anyone to play Battletech solo at highest difficulty.
  10. I'm hesitant, but I won't. Although this is a spoiler subforum. If you didn't finish the game I do wonder what you're doing here.
  11. Solo PotD still possible? Guess Obsidian needs to put in some more unavoidable fights with spell immune creatures and remove figurines and scrolls.
  12. I thought Berath only sends you back to the Wheel if you ask her to? Rymrgand just goes "Lol silly Watcher why shouldn't I disintegrate you?" and does exactly that unless you beg him not to. Yea they got me both on my first PT. That's the thing. To me the Gods in PoE II are just a bunch of spoiled children. And they are way to active in this game. And they're all idiots. Don't seem like Gods at all.
  13. Like I said in another topic. Remove figurines and scrolls. Or make scrolls cost so much money that you'd be an idiot to craft/buy them. But definitely figurines. At level 6 I had like 8 of them or something crazy like that.
  14. Yeah but grimoires are pointless. Foced upon us by a dev at Obsidian who was upset that in Pillars 1 no one used them. Now every class has magic (see that really long thread) and spells have become active abilities instead of spells wizards really are boring I still don't, well almost never. Just like in PoE.
  15. Don't forget Berath. On my first PT I never made it past the introduction.
  16. Although unlike PoE I you get per encounter casts. And I don't count the first release of PoE where casters were broken. I think this is how they balanced it. I do think you should probably get more spells per level and 1 more cast per level.
  17. After that event I was like: ok well that's interesting. Next time he asks me to do something he's not getting it either. I don't care what he takes. He got no favors left.
  18. That's a weapon you get at the end of the game when you follow the questline normally, unless you kill Aeldys before any of the quests tell you to do so. So yea it is cool and strong and you'll be using it for about an hour of gameplay.
  19. So you want a dumber AI and you mention WoW. Lol. I always play melee characters and I play the same as I did in PoE I, D&D and other similar games. Massive damage in your face. With the amount of stats your characters get I don't even care if the dragon has 5 levels on me.
  20. They should just give the players a +x levels slider for PotD. I feel this matters more at the start of the game when there's less stats on your characters. Late game when everyone has 100+ accuracy it doesn't matter if an enemy has 80 or 100 deflection anymore.
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